I will be traveling to see good ol' dad this weekend. Pray, send positive thoughts, anything. I know I will need it. Debating whether to buy a refurbished Nintendo DS to take along. I'll be bringing my camera, laptop, and ipod, but you never know. Four days in the middle of nowhere without internet will be difficult, to say the least. I'll survive as long as the topic of sex isn't broached or heaven help me, he delivers one of his bitter lectures on how stupid I am for having faith in God.
Thanks to my daughter's friend, J, I have two new sources for locating music: Pandora and finetune. I get bored so quickly with music and this helps me track down exactly the type of music that I enjoy. See my Finetune Player to the right margin of my blog. What I really like about it is that it doesn't start up automatically, although code is available for that. One of my pet peeves is music that suddenly starts blaring at me from someone's blog or other place, and I'm frantically scrolling up and down for the STOP button. It's really annoying, especially if you're at work and even more so if it's music you really don't like. Actually, what's worse is someone who has TWO music players on their page that start simultaneously. Don't people visit their own page occasionally to see what's up? Sheesh.
I am really loving "I Will Possess Your Heart" by Death Cab. No doubt that song will be worn out by the time I return from Magnolia. And how is it I have never heard "Million Miles" by Fuel, or not know that the song "Psycho" was by Puddle of Mudd, and never heard Socialburn though they've been around since the turn of the century? Man, am I ever out of the loop. Well, I have a good excuse I think: I'm old. And that's okay.
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