I admit it: I'm a total geek when it comes to wildlife. My own backyard is allowing me to unabashedly get my geek on.
For most of these shots I used the manual setting on my Canon 50d. Gasp! I know!! It was the only way I could achieve the exposure I desired, and quite frankly, I was tired of all the editing I was having to do in PS. It's an enormous pain to change settings so often, but it's either do it out in the field, or correct nearly every photo in post. I must say I do enjoy having so much control over my photos, and will probably stick with it! Never thought I'd go there. Go me!
I cannot get enough of these little Chickadees. I've given up trying to tell if they're black-capped or Carolinas--even THEY can't distinguish their own kind, so if they don't care, then neither do I! Apparently the only way to really identify them is by their chirps. They're acrobatic, cute, and not afraid when I approach with my camera. They're little hams, actually. :) |
Female house finch |
More woody! A downy woodpecker, I believe. |
This blue jay posed right nicely for me. |
A new addition! Brown thrasher. First time today to spot one in the yard. |
Another female house finch--look at her chest/belly area. Is she getting plucked or is she molting? |
I am always amazed at the colors in the starling. Yes, they can be pests at the feeders and a little bossy, but they are colorful. Did you know that fans of Shakespeare are to blame for bringing them to the U.S.? A group called The American Acclimatization Society endeavored to bring every bird that was mentioned in Shakespeare's literature across the pond. Boo to that! But they probably would have found their way here eventually, anyway. |
Great blue heron at Tickfaw River |
A green anole which hangs out frequently on our patio. One day we found him reclining in our lawn chair. |
Lots and lots of dragonflies buzzing about. This one seemed to smile for me. :) |
I believe this is a snout nose butterfly. Don't quote me though! |
I think I'll end with this sea of pink petunias which flourishes along our fence line. |
On Monday we're returning to Cypress Island. Hoping to spot more gators and that elusive roseate spoonbill!
holy smokes! these are flat-out gorgeous!!! :)
These are wonderful, Gail!
wow, youve been having a lot of fun with your camera. what great photos!
You are so talented! These are all absolutely wonderful!
These are wonderful Gail, and changing those settings will become second nature once you are used to it.
Happy Sunday to you!!
Gail, these are wonderful. I just hope the little reptile is a little fellow. Would hate to find the one pictured above setting up housekeeping in my chair!
One thing I'm working on w/my camera is not changing the exposure w/each shot in same light.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day my fff!
So many wonderful photos.. You go girl. I go back and forth with my camera setting also.
Thanks so much for making me smile this morning..
Photo enchantment, stunning subjects.
Thank you, this was great fun.
Stunning clics!!!
Looking at your photos are like going on a hike! When I don't have time for that, I can still enjoy a wonderful moment in nature!
Loving your geek-i-ness, Gail. You just keep shooting in manual, girl -- you are doing fabulous! :)
Holy Geekdom what great shots! Love them all Gail! Well done.
You are a wonderful geek! Thank you for sharing all of these wonderful photos and info on what they are. I am with Hootnanny, I wonder what size that lizard is?
Hope you had a wonderful Mothers' Day!
These are excellent images.. each and every one of them but I especially love how you captured all those beautiful colours of the starling. Wonderful!
Oh, what a fabulous series of wildlife images, Gail! I love that the chickadee is on that "spinner"....I have two of those but don't have them where the birds gather. And the anole....I am one lizard woman, and I LOVE the idea of having those wonderful reptiles in my yard!
What a great bunch of photos! That one of the brown thrasher is gorgeous. I love the way it's composed and the colors. I'm terrible about shooting in manual. It takes me forever to figure things out.
Wow wow wow! Amazing shots.
Wow, wow and wow! I'm not sure which one is my favorite. Your feeder reminds me of my parents'. I could (and do) sit there for hours watching it with my camera! Can't wait to see your pics from Cypress Island, and GO YOU! for going manual! I've actually backtracked and keep it on Aperture Priority most of the time. Not quite so many adjustments to make with every pic.
Gorgeous photos! And that thrasher is awesome. Haven't had one in my backyard. sigh!
And how the heck do you capture those dragonflies who are always moving about! Just awesome!
I came straight from Hilary POTW Congratulations, such stunning captures :-)
Your backyard must be a little paradise for the birds and then you in turn too.
LOVE the photo of the Brown Thrasher and the starling! The eye on the anole is sensational. We don't have anoles here.
just a touch back from my blog.
we were in Alabama on Mother's day. we were in the French Quarter yesterday. saw no big man in fishnet and a bra. did see a mime man painted in silver and posed like the "the thinker" statue.
it was so hot but we walked all over and I took pics. we ate muffaletta's, beignets and iced coffee, and wished it were cooler. it is always a fun time for me to be in the French Quarter and wander the streets.
your photography is over the top gorgeous...
happy everything.
feel free to get your GEEK on anytime....we love it when you do !!
Congrats on the POTW! Well-deserved!!
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