Studied and stalked these cute little Carpenter Bees and some other kind of bee. I realize your definition of 'cute' may be different from mine. *smile* I was thrilled to get some freeze-action airborne shots.
Thank you, Jesus for all this pollen! |
My cheering section. Or so it seems. |
I've been working this week and will work three days next week, so blogging has taken a hit once again. At this point, I need to stop apologizing. There are going to be times when blogging takes a back seat. I know it will mean less visitors, but it can't be helped. I need to earn as much money as I can between now and next September for my daughter's wedding. Plus, when family gets sick, that is a major priority. My dad's wife has been released from the hospital, but is still going through more tests. I don't think the doctors around here are at the same caliber as the ones in Dallas. But at least we haven't seen Ebola here. Yet, anyway. Very scary. God bless all those infected and the medical teams taking care of them.
Gail, my hubby says carpenter bees are eating up our cabin. He is confused as to whether they have both fuzzy tail ends or shiny. He kills the shiny ones with spray and thinks fuzzy tail one is a bumble bee and the other a boring bee. Maybe one is a boy and one is a girl? He doesn't want to kill bumble bees. Maybe one of your followers knows the difference.
Oh, I think he is cute. I love the one with his little hands up in the air. Gorgeous! Take care and do what you gotta do!
Bees are the bomb (I know one generation or another used that as a complement...don't know which)
Love those shots
Oh quit apologizing I have slowed down too LIFE gets in the way sometimes and we all understand that. AWESOME shots. Thinking of your Dads wife. Hug. B
Whoa! Terrific!
I hope to capture something like this :)
I love these beautiful pictures.
Picture 2,4 and 5 are my favorite.
Have a wonderful weekend, Gail.
It does not really look like a bee in that view in the first picture.
happy little bee butts are ALWAYS cute! :) these are great shots.
glad your step-mother is home!
Wow, very cool shots! I've stalked bees with my camera before, and I know it can be exhausting! Congrats on your daughter's engagement too! Very exciting!
Never apologize for your lack of's supposed to be fun AND I would be willing to wait to see a bumble bee in flight like this...just wonderful!
Awesome photos! I love how you capture their lively action! Neat to see the bee "praying."
All the best to your daughter and family in the upcoming wedding! Must be so exciting!
Bees are always a favorite! My mom's afraid of them (they sting her) but I love trying to capture them (on film of course!) These captures are fabulous, Gail! Glad to hear you're dad's wife is home. I hope things continue to improve. I miss having lunch with you every day, but completely understand, and your posts are always worth the wait! Take care, my friend!
Fabulous photography Gail!
Ha.. I love the cheering section and the bee shots are just amazing. You capture every detail so beautifully.
You go do what you need to do. Blogging won't suffer if you put it on hold. Those of us who love your photos will be back as soon as you are. And that's everyone.
Hugs to you.
Very beautiful photos.
I wish you a nice weekend.
What fabulous photos! No apologies necessary for taking a blog break, because I've been less than faithful about it lately. Too much going on. And I'm not going to apologize.
Spectacular shots, Gail!! I always marvel at people who are able to capture insects in flight and somehow manage perfect focus. Seems like it would be nearly impossible :-)
Nice captures of these "cute" little bees.
Can anybody say "GREAT Photography?"
Gracious girl...these are absolutely fantastic! It almost looks dimensional. Your patience and love for photography is amazing!!
Airborne-relieved to find you are referring to the bees! They are great shots, Gail.
Prayers for your stepmother.
These are the best pictures ever.
These are so sharp and clear and gorgeous Gail. I love to enlarge and see all the detail. Fascinating to see. Happy to hear your Dad's wife is out of hospital. Being back at home has to help her spirits, and I hope it won't be long before they can figure out what is wrong so that she can get back on track. Please don't worry about visiting. You have an awful lot on your plate right now.
Wonderful series, Gail. I know from own experience how difficult it is to photograph a flying bee. I don't know if we have those bees in the Netherlands. I read in your last post about your family. So great that everything is going well with them. It is always hard to see your loved ones suffer. I hope you have a nice weekend. Take care of yourself despite everything you have to do. Greetings from the Netherlands, Joke
What did you do Gail???? You must have put a Gocam on and you're buzzing behind that carpenter bee!! I usually get really ticked at carpenter bees as they buzzzzz around my wooden eaves and drill holes in all my over-hangs. But since this guy is in your neck-of-the-woods --- he's adorable!! You can even see his eyeball in one shot!! ALSO, he is a pollinator!! Gotta love em!! Lovely purple flower too!!
Hope that they find out how to help your Step Mom!!
How exciting --- Your Daughter's wedding!!
Gail, these images of the bee midflight are amazing.. Lovely captures.. I can understand your family is most important, take care of them and you.. We will be here, waiting.. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post today. Have a happy weekend!
Oh Sweet Gail!
Your life does sound busy and blogging will take a hit for sure, trust me on that one.
I'll pray for you to be strong and wise in your efforts.
Thanks for your nice comment on my post. I want some long beige fishnets but in the meanwhile I'll wear the little dainty ones.
Just 4 more rad doses for me, Done on Thursday. Yesterdays got postponed cuz the system was down. That was more good-news than bad cuz my chest was on fire all week. I got a break in chemo and now I caught another break in rad, just when I needed it. awh. ~
Love to you sweetheart gal,
♥, Renae
Awesome photos of the cute bees! I like them a lot.
PERFECT shots of this bee!
Wow, simply amazing, Gail! Your photos are perfect :)
Hugs to you!
Beeeeeee-utiful!! Work, what a pain, sure does get in the way of having fun!! Enjoy your Sunday!!
They are cute, and your photos are amazing. It is tough finding enough time to blog when you're working. I don't post nearly as often as I used to. It's no good when it becomes a chore that you feel you must do, though, so please don't worry about it too much.
Beautiful photos. And yes my dear you do need to stop apologizing. I don't work or do much of anything and yet as you know I still get behind on posting and especially on visiting).
But even for me (and especially for you) blogging isn't supposed to be be a JOB! It's a hobby isn't it? (And if we , oh say, made quilts or embroidered samplers, we wouldn't feel guilty if we set our projects aside during busy times. Would we? (Well, those of us with guilt complexes probably would, but we certainly shouldn't!(
That said, we will all be here waiting when you have time to blog again -- we will not forget you....don't worry.
And at least you are working toward a goal that is full of joy! A wedding for your dear daughter. How wonderful.
Great shots! Wow! Wonderful photography! Don't apologize for being gone a lot. It has to happen sometimes.
Amazing shots and I think they are cute too. - Don't worry if you can't blog as often. We'll still be here (I know I will) whenever you post.
Wow - can't believe how awesome these action shots are! Superb photos.
Your shots are just great! I love the details that you captured.
These shots of the bees are amazing. Have a good week.
Great shots - just coming up to bee time here - out with the macro lens!
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
The bees in mid-flight are wonderfully photographed, I especially like the carpenter bees, the one holding up her front feet, great caption, and the one after that with her gleaming eyes and fuzzy legs.
I agree...don't apologize for taking care of your life and family...we will still visit when you get a chance to blog...I am amazed at how incredibly you capture bees.
Carpenter bees put the BUZZ in Buzz. Love them and your 'still life' shots.
Living in a log home, we aren't big fans of carpenter bees. My husband likes to kill them with tennis rackets. Your pictures are beautiful though!
This post made me smile. Awesome shots! I love the 'thank you, Jesus' one best, and that last one does look like a cheering section! I don't think I knew your daughter was getting married! Congratulations!! I'm glad your dad's wife has been released. Prayers for a complete recovery!
Until I start interested in critters for blog,I wouldn't have interest in bees p;)
Great airborne shots of them (I'm so happy that you reminded me of the airborne,haha) I love them with purple color flowers♪
I DO understand about family matter; hope your step-mother's condition gets better soon. Exciting for your daughter's wedding♡♡♡
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
I understand the blog taking the back seat. Mine has been the last couple of weeks. I'm trying to play catch up, but it's hard when you work full time. Love the stop action shots!
Those airborne captures are absolutely fantastic!!!
GREAT shots pf the carpenter bees, Gail. I'm thinking you must be a very patient photographer!
oh hi Sweetie!
Ya I am at about 90% these days. Radiation for a few more days and then follow-up appointments. I head to the Huntsman on Friday for more Herceptin and an exam by my wonderful oncologist. Then I will have all my own time to myself and my hubby in keeping healthy during the winter.
We both have our flu shots and we are praying for a mild but wet winter. We need the snow but we sometimes get an inversion, where the cold air gets trapped in the valleys and it is horrid. It lasts for weeks until a big wind comes and blows it out.
Anyway, you aren't interested in my silly Utah weather.
I am still so grateful for the care package / box of sunshine / surprise gifts you sent me. Wow! So sweet of you, so sweet!!!
I pray you are holding up with all of your caring and efforts you are doing for your loved ones. (hug) ♥, Renae
Wonderful to see long and not easy to photograph! Flying bees The first picture I find the most beautiful but also picture 5 is very beautiful. Well done:-)
Wow! A fantastic series of photos! Absolutely amazing!
The little bodies hanging in mid-air look so funny sometimes, the worshipper made me laugh. How believable! :)
I guess we all need to keep adjusting our blogging to the circumstances of our lives and to accept the consequences which may be quite unwelcome but that's how it is. It is important to be able to set priorities. Less frequent posts may mean less frequent comments, that's surely true. On the positive side, you have a lot to offer anyway and for some of your readers it may be easier to follow the less frequent posts.
Bees are great photo subjects as you have shown us, Gail. Inenjoy photographing them as well, but admit to getting nervous when they buzz in my direction.
Glad to have read of the success of your aunt's recent surgery and hope all goes well for your dad's wife as well.
Yes, blog potsting and reading does take a back seat to life priorities and that's how it should be, so you don't need to apologize for living yiur life...ok.
Yes, no apologies necessary, Gail - that's what I need to tell myself, too ;-) Sometimes we simply have no choice and have to handle priorities. But we will all be here, whenever you find to time to come back here again - promise!
And I LOVE your photos - so gorgeous!
Fabulous frozen motion shots. take a break. Family first. We'll still be here when you return.
I've been wondering where you are?--------hope you're okay and just too busy for blogging. You're missed.
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