Last Friday, a friend (Annette), from the Spring birding class, invited our entire class to her home to see her hummingbirds. It was so fun and I am so thankful for the experience. Annette let me hold a feeder and as I stood very still a bodacious hummer came and drank from it. He did not perch on my finger, but I could feel the cool air from his wings and I was super close, able to make out every tiny detail. I was in awe, as you can imagine. It was also nice to photograph them drinking from her plants in addition to the numerous feeders she has placed around her magical yard. They seemed really smitten with the Firebush plant. Annette let me come back again later that evening for round 2. Thank you, Annette!
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Cat's Whiskers |
ouch on the feet! :)
loved these little beauties!
Again, excellent, sharp shots of these speedy little creatures. So sorry about Double D. I hope he gets well soon.
Awesome! I've seen photos of people holding hummers. That would be too cool.
What a great opportunity to see hummingbirds! We have ruby-thoated ones only so I envy you! So sorry your husband burned his feet. EW!
The hummers captures are beautiful! And I love the pretty flowers. So sorry your hubby is feeling pain..
Have a happy new week!
Hi, my dear Gail! I think I could spend hours upon hours looking at your photos - they are gorgeous! The hummingbird with the orange neck is quite the beauty! The orange almost looks like glitter.
Have fun fishing with your dad! Hugs to you!
What wonderful shots of these amazing little birds.
Oh have fun fishing with your Dad there is nothing I remember that makes me smile more then fishing with my Dad. Five pounds good job I am sure it is beautiful. Hug B
I love these! The second is my favorite.
I can feel the joy of the bird.
And so is yours.
These are just fantastic! Love seeing all of their details and those sweet feet!
Amazing pictures. To be so close to the Hummers is a special treat indeed.
Oh poor feet, poor DoubleD. Sunburn hurts!
But how wonderful to visit your friend's magical yard. Your pictures are just amazing. I can't imagine how wonderful it would be to feel that hummingbirds wings and see them up so close. Love it.
(Say hi to that big old fish!)
Poor feet! Love hummers and these are all amazing shots!
Wow.. what a kick. It must have been so nice for you to be among so many hummers. They sure cooperated with you.. these are fabulous photos. I hope Double D's feet heal (heel?) ;) quickly.
Brilliant captures of the hummers, Gail. They're so much fun to watch! The firebush is absolutely their favorite here. Hope you enjoy your fishing trip in Mississippi.
Sorry about the feet- that has got to hurt! These are all awesome shots Gail- super photography!
Those are amazing photographs. Hope DoubleD feels better soon.
Awesome shots on the hummingbirds! You captured the beautiful birds with amazing clarity!
Wow - amazing and gorgeous shots of the hummers.
Such wonderful hummingbirds! This is what we absolutely NOT have here in good old Germany in the wild. I'm jealous! ;-)
I need to get one of those firebush plants. I don't keep a hummer feeder because I always forget to change the water, and I'm afraid I'll make them sick!
Fabulous photos Gail!:)They are amazing little birds with so much energy. I saw a TV programme about them yesterday and learnt that they go into a kind of hibernation mode every night to recouperate their strength.It was so interesting, but to actually see Hummers, and be so close as to feel the cool air created by their wings, must be a truely magical experience.
I hope your husband's feet are better soon.
Warm Regards.
Brilliant photos of the Hummingbirds Gail and what a delight to be able to witness them so close at hand too.
killer shots!
Hi Gail,
What a great pictures of the hummingbird.
We have these not in the Netherlands, this is only seen in the zoo.
I wish you much fun with your father when you go fishing.
Those are great shots! So now Double D has to learn about hotfooting it on the beach! Sorry for him!
Stunning shots! Hummingbirds are so fascinating, I could watch them for hours.
I hope Hubby's feet are doing better.
dat lijkt mij heel erg moeilijk om z,on vliegensvlugge vogel te pakken te krijgen.
oh you are a "real" fisher-woman!! having fun is way more important then blogging about having fun!!!
oh and beautiful captures!!!!
AMAZING captures of these beautiful birds in flight!! Wow.
How exciting for you to be that close to these winged beauties. One word comes to mind when I look at these incredible photos, enchanting! Burned feet due to hot sand? Yikes! Hope they feel better soon.
I know the feeling and it's hard to jump back in. But these are spectacular and so clear. I have a hummer coming to my feeder but he sits as it's a perch feeder so no in flight photos (yet). I have a hard time getting him at all after he hears the first click.
Perfection! Well done! Love when a photographer can get those perfect shots of a hummer feeding from flowers! Congrats!
Beautiful photos, just admire again.
Do you have and you'll have a lot of other experiences.
Pure magic, Gail! Really. Love the one where her wings are forward, reminds me of a swimmer, lol. I need to plant more hummer/butterfly enticing bushes and plants :)
Sorry to hear about Double D's feet. I burned mine once and it is definitely NO FUN! Have a blessed week!
Gorgeous shots Gail, I love hummingbirds.
The hummers started leaving New England the first week of September, now it seems there are only a few females still at our feeders and they'll be on their way South soon. Oh how I will miss them !
Wow, das sind aber prächtige Aufnahmen. So nah, als würde man davorsehen. Faszinierend.
Viele Grüße
von der Waldameise
gosh, i have not been fishing in years. sounds fun.
i've been traveling. no where close to a computer, i have missed your posts. have a great week. i love hummingbirds. ( :
Just being around hummers is wonderful, photos or no photos. The sight of my first hummer just about had me in tears.
What an amazing experience you had. Your photos are breathtaking. So sorry to hear that your hubby burnt his feet at the beach, that does not sound fun at all.
Our hummers are taking their last long drinks at the are becoming scarce. Glad I can see them here on you blog for awhile. The detail in your shots blow me away.
Oh My, I DO hope your husband's sunburn on his feet get better soon.
How awesome your pictures of the hummingbirds♡♡♡ I WISH I could see them or capture birds like you; only if dream come true:-)
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
So hard to capture these little birds. I love the soft background but my favourite is the bird with the orangy neckband
Stunningly beautiful captures Gail, wow!
INCREDIBLE photos of the hummingbirds!! I am literally speechless
Lovely pics. So well taken each of them. Even the last flower pic is too good.
What terrific photos!
I wish firebush could grow up north...
OHHHHHHHHHHHH ..... here I am really jealous though. Beautifully these pictures of the hummingbird bird. So beautiful that you photographed and what is still a great beautiful bird with beautiful colors. My compliments.
PS I was on holiday so could not respond sooner.
SUPERB images!
Still catching up- Gail!! Your humming bird pictures are fantastic!! You really do need to get with National Geographic and be a photographer for them!! You are right there with their best!!
Gail I have finally caught up with this capture wildlife like no one else and these shots of the hummers are just magnificent...
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