Last week, my dad and I made spur-of-the-moment plans to fish at a private pond near his house. I drove up the day before and spent the night. We arose early the next morning and headed out. The day was PERFECT! Low humidity, mild temps (for the end of July), and a gorgeous setting. We were blessed. The sunburn I got wasn't a blessing, but a lesson learned for next time.
My dad setting up shop. |
An Eastern Kingbird. |
Daddy's first catch: a pretty bream (or perch...same thing). |
Finally I caught one, too! |
Side view of my prize. I was able to reuse the worm for another fish! |
An Eastern Amberwing kept trying to perch on my line. I'm probably the only fisherwoman with
a huge camera and lens on her lap. The owner drove by in his four-wheeler and admired my gear.
He was so nice and I thanked him repeatedly for letting us come onto his property and fish. |
My first bass!! Daddy said I was lucky to get it because the hook was meant for the smaller bream.
I told him I had just been standing there thanking God for the beautiful day when this fish tugged on my line.
He doesn't believe such things, but I felt compelled to share it with him anyway. |
A pair of Eastern Amberwings hovering. |
All totaled we caught twelve bream and one bass. Daddy caught most of the bream, but I had the grand prize and bragging rights of the bass. Next time we're going to fish with artificial lures. Worms and crickets are too messy and make me queasy. Daddy didn't seem to mind hooking them for me, but I felt bad that he did all the dirty work.
Before leaving we stopped at the pottery shop that the couple owns. We wanted to buy something to show our appreciation. I chose a beautiful round plate in green with a leaf embossed in the center. Daddy bought it for me which was very nice. He made me feel very loved on this visit, telling me how proud he was of my catches and my photography and how much he loves me. I'm very grateful to have these nice new memories to replace some of the old, unpleasant ones. My younger years were wrought with pain after my sister's death at age 3, and my dad didn't really enter my life until I was in my late teens. He paid child support, but I guess because he worked odd hours as a policeman, I didn't see him much. Anyway, it's never too late. One just needs an open mind and forgiving heart. God has graciously given me that.
Thanks, Anni!

Thanks Tex!
LOVE the shot of the Eastern Amberwings in flight, and also the perching Kingbird :)
I love it that you two can spend this time together.
Beautiful photography, as usual, but even more beautiful was your last paragraph. I wish all children from broken homes could have a happy ending.
Those deleted comments are mine. Having issues with my computer! I don't think you need that many of one comment. lol
The Eastern Amberwings are stunning!
een leuke dag en een goede vangst wat moet een mens nog meer.
I can't imagine anything different from you as a forgiving heart and a loving spirit.... Glad you had this opportunity to spend precious time with your dad. Looks like the two of you know how to speak fish language. Good catch!! These photos are amazing!!
have a Blessed day..
I'm SO happy for you and your father's great time. Before I read your writing, I showed my husband your pictures. Amazed by your post and said "I knew names of the fishes, let me know what the butterfly is" p:)
Eastern Amberwings looks SO cute and we thought it looked as if it were a toy♪
Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
You have many blessings.
so glad you're linking to good fences! loved that kingbird shot! loved the curious cattle. some GREAT bream! the ones in our pond are much smaller - of course, no one fishes except the herons and egrets. :)
really great you had a heartfull time with your father. i know how much it means to you.
A great day all the way around. Happy for you to have a good relationship with your father. Great photos too. Love the bug on your fishing line. And the cows. Always love seeing cows.
Now I know for sure why I check in here every day. You are a beautiful person and both your photography and captions are the proof. Happy for you and your Dad. (We have the amberwing swarms visit the lake and the fish jump for them, in competition with the swallows sweeping but not scooping them up! They look a bit like the mayflies.)
After showing my Mister your pictures he told me that a perch is not a bream. He says that sunfish and bluegills are breams and yours are bluegill sunnies. I, of course, don't know anything about this because I don't fish. Now I have to do some research! OK! you are both correct! Yea!
Beautiful pics from a beautiful day with your daddy.
Wish my daddy was around to fish with. He always made us bait our own hook and scale the fish we caught, but he'd clean them.
Beautiful pictures of the day with your dad.
My parents are both deceased.
Beautiful fish are caught.
Bummer on the sunburn, but it sounds like a fun day, and you got some gorgeous shots!
How wonderful to have this time with your Dad. He is trying to recapture moments lost I am sure, and that is so sweet. It is a blessing that you have him now! Great photos. Glad you guys made some catches!
God bless you and your dad; I'm so happy for you both now. So very, very sorry to learn you lost your little sister. :(
Your photo's are always so beautiful. And, such a delight to have caught so many bream and the bass. My mom and brothers were the fisher people in our family, but I sure did love eating those fried bream. :)
Wow Gail, the photo of the Eastern Amberwing on your fishing line is incredible! I thoroughly enjoyed your photos and what a blessing to be able to spend time with your dad :)
Hugs to you!
You are blessed. My Dad and I were estranged at the end of his life. Many times I would like to go back and share moments like yours. I caught my first bass alongside my dad when I was 15. Don't fish these days, but my oldest son was quite the fisherman for a while. I taught him how to fish. A gift passed on. Thanks for sharing this.
You caught some great photos along with the fish. Now I know why they call them "large mouth" bass! Connection at any age is a blessing.
ok, i am crying - that is beautiful. i am totally glad that you had the chance to built a greatest happier relationship with your DAD. i love my Dad beyond means. he had taught me so much. i have watched his love for teaching. he was a middle/high school teacher. he has a very kind heart, patient & knows tons. or at least in my eyes he does. a perfect man in my eyes. i have to remind myself that i can't hold my hubby to those standards - they are too totally separate MEN ... but when one walks on water - it is hard to understand why the other will never reach to his limits. i am totally daddy's girl. ( :
... i think often - i don't know how i will ever bear it without him or my Mom here on earth. knock on some wood. God will truly have to lift me up ... some one will have too. it will be a tough time. we have to remember the good times. they will always outweigh the bad ones. they have to.
What a beautiful perch! and a nice time spent with your dad. Isn't it amazing how God can heal even the deepest hurts. His mercies are new each morning.
The photos are beautiful, Geil. What a wonderful time spent with your dad.
Oh, Gail, I'm so thankful you have this time with your Dad and that the Lord has helped to open and heal your heart in this matter. My own dad is 83 and although caring for an elderly parent has its challenges, I'm very thankful to have him in my life.
Your photos are amazing, as always! Loved the blonde cow and in flight amberwings! And that shot of your prize is magical! Have a blessed week!
What a great story of how you and your dad have found so much joy in being together!
Sounds like an awesome time with your dad.. I love this post, the story, the kingbird, the cows and the awesome shots of the Amberwing.. Have a great evening..
Brilliant captures of the dragons in flight!
I was here yesterday, but for some reason Blogger didn't cooperate in my leaving a comment.
Love the bird on the fence Gail!! Thanks for sharing the link this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'....
...and the fish caught was a good yield. But I think spending time with your daddy was most important!!!
Lovely shots - especially that elegant one of the Kingbird.
what a wonderful, wonderful story gail, i enjoyed it so much. i am not a fisher woman but i think i would like to be!!
LOVE the kingbird and the wandering cattle....they are beautiful!!!
It looks like you had a great day. Did good at catching fish too
Wow, what a day out! You are blessed in so many ways and such beautiful captures of it all too!
PS...Gail, I had to come back and mention this to you. Hope you'll get a kick out of it....
In your comment to me today, regarding the white morph reddish egret..."yellow" feet. Well, when I first started birding and getting ID's straight in my head, I did it this way..."don't eat YELLOW snow"...snowy egret [yellow feet]
OMyGosh! Those fish are amazing photos my friend! I wonder if someone would notice that little grin. Perceptive focusing Gail, that's who! LOL
Here are some spectacular photos! I love the Amberwings, how wonderful they are! The Eastern Kingbird is beautiful! Look, how sweet the cows are - what a delightful post!
Hi Gail, what a lovely day and you know your photos always leave me in awe, they are always gorgeous. But most of all I am so happy you and your Dad have these wonderful times together. So special, so important, especially from what you said in this post. Precious these times with our Dads. My Dad has been gone for over 20 years, and those moments spent together often make me smile this big smile, so when I read this post, well I just thought this fishing trip for you and your Dad was awesome.
wow! This post has everything. Wonderful flight shots of the Amberwings. great reflections, fences and other critters.
Awesome with the bass catching. Congrats. I am sure your dad will schedule a rematch soon enough.
The small fish look like the "sunnies" we catch up here. A farmer friend has a stock pond, and the kids enjoy going there. I don't think you can toss a fishing line in that pond and not get a bite in 120 seconds or so. It does make regular fishing (away from the stock pond) a different experience for kids expecting instant action.
What a lovely post -- I was loving it even before I read about the past problems and I am so glad you and your dad have been given this chance to reconnect.
Love all the shots! A lovely post you wrote. It touched my heart deeply. My dad was a fisherman, he is gone now for a long time. Treasure your father even at this late time in life. Happy for you.
Beautiful images to help you remember the special day with your Dad. It's been YEARS since I've gone fishing but I enjoyed many moments fishing with my Dad when I was growing up. The Amberwings are pretty, I don't recall ever seeing one. Have a great weekend, Gail.
Beautiful photos.
It is good that you are taking the time together with dad.
I'm glad that you have made a connection with your Dad!! Now that will be some good eating!! NOTHING is better than fresh fried bream, catfish and crappy!! That one shot with the red bobber brought back memories!! I would fish with my granddad. Actually, that was my first counting lesson - having to count to three after the bobber went down, and before pulling the pole up.
You certainly caught more than fish! Those amber wings are gorgeous!
Beautiful pictures and flying dragonflies are really beautifully made!
So for you now anyway sunscreen-)
Hi Babe,
I love what you said in your profile. The photos are magnificent, as always. And I love the rich comments from your blogging friends. They truly see your God-given talent and your award-winning personality. I knew God blessed me with you 24 years ago, but now I know just how richly He blessed us. I love you, Babe! this brought back memories of fishing with my dad. long have I been away from the blog world? I've got a LOT of catching up to do.
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