Friday, February 21, 2014


What do you think? Thought I'd try something different. Image processed in Lightroom 2 using a preset called Solarize. Hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm ready for rest after a week of WORK! This ol' gal is not used to this. 
St. Joseph Cathedral
Downtown Baton Rouge
Linking to Skywatch Friday. Thanks, hosts!

The day we find the perfect church, it becomes imperfect the moment we join it.
Charles Spurgeon


Buttons Thoughts said...

WOW oh WOW hug B

Elizabeth Edwards said...

is it going to storm? did you get more that church? i would so so love to see it??! hint hint. ( :

Bas. said...

de bewerking is prachtig het kruis in de dreigende wolken.

Anvilcloud said...

I like it well enough for the church and trees.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

makes for a cool sky :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh wow those are some beautifully ominous skies.

Kittie Howard said...

wow, Wow, WOW! St. Joe's spire and the sky are too gorgeous for words. Can you return and capture more of the cathedral, including the inside? It's truly lovely! Have a great weekend! (And thanks for your fab email . . . LOVED your info . . . will share more soonest . . . catching breath after first load of stuff went to NC. I'm ripped!)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow- that is awesome, Gail!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Very impressive...and dramatic! Have a great weekend and rest up from the week's work.

EG CameraGirl said...

This worked well. I don't usually like solarized photos but this photo may make me change my mind.

Unknown said...

Whoa, this is so cool. I super love the drama here and the church is gorgeous! Happy Weekending

Karen said...

Oh yes, I like it a lot!

Jenny said...

Fabulous! Laissez les bons temps rouler ma cher!

Kim Stevens said...

Yes, very dramatic and what a beautiful little church!

Anita Johnson said...

I mess around with presets too...this one I like. I usually end up going back to more of the original...I guess the altered landscape isn't what I saw when I took the picture. I also want to learn more about textures...I apply them and then almost erase all of it...I need to watch a few more tutorials!

hootnonny said...

When I saw the image in my feed, I thought it was a jet shooting up through the sky! Very cool image!

DeniseinVA said...

That is a very cool effect Gail. Great job! And have a great weekend :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I LOVE it. So cool!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Cool effects! It gives it a mysterious look.

Indrani said...

That is a dramatic set up!

Anonymous said...


sunshine said...

Stunning, it looks like a infrared photography.

Willow said...

Wow , I love what it did with this picture !
psst ~ like the quite too .lol

Joyful said...

I think it's stunning! Happy SWF.

barbara l. hale said...

Cool effect!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful church spire!

Debbie said...

a very cool treatment and an awesome image!!

i laughed at the quote ;)

eileeninmd said...

I love this shot and the dramatic sky! Awesome image!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I like it!!! Solarize works well on this shot... gives it a very dramatic feel.

rainfield61 said...

That's good.

maryaustria said...

Very dramatic! A great shot!

Brian King said...

Fantastic! I love moody, dramatic photos. Nicely done!

Light and Voices said...

Time well spent on this photograph. Clap. Clapping. Still clapping.
JM Illinois

Shug said...

impressive and powerful....A unique image that details the church. Great job with this work Gail...Now get some rest..

renae said...

Whoa! This tremendous! I love the light versus dark. Very good.

Thank you so much for your sweet prayers and well wishes. I completely appreciate your sweetness. I wonder IF I will lose my hair or not. Only time will tell. ♥

Anonymous said...

I love it! I'd like to see the original to compare it, though.

Hootin Anni said...

Wow...eerie, yet incredibly beautiful.

Nancy's Notes said...

Just stunning!

cath carbone said...

C'est fantastique cette photo! Très bon week-end à toi !

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You are an artist with the camera.

Evelyn S. said...

Wow!!! I love what you've done here! (I'm in a funk...Elements 8 totally crashed two days ago; I installed PSE 11, which I've had for awhile, spent a long time learning the new format, and it stopped working this morning! Now I've installed PSE 10, which I also had for awhile, but I can't face installing all the Topaz and RAdLab plug-ins again!)

Irma said...

I love this beautiful little church and the dramatic sky!
Happy Sunday, Irma

Michelle said...


Suzan said...

Interesting view of the church!!
Drove in and out of NO for the cruise only. No sightseeing. Danny and I will be back for spring break and look forward to getting up close and personal then.

Starla said...

I like the "artsy" processing of this!! Sometimes it is good to step out of our comfort zones!! (wink)

Hilary said...

Wow.. I love what you did with this image. It sure is dramatic.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Truly dramatic! Love?

Unknown said...

What an awesome shot.


Stephanie said...

WOW! This photos is AMAZING! Well done- dear Gail :) Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

WWWWWOOOOOOWWWWW!!! You did a great job with the edits of this photo! Absolutely stunning!!!

Helma said...

I also have lightroom but can not handle it so.
Truly a beautiful picture of this church!
So, enjoy cruising the weekend Gail. I work weekends.