Smith Rock was my favorite destination in Oregon on this particular trip. That day I took about 200 photos with the DSLR and less than 50 with the iPhone 5. It's hard to believe I didn't take more shots. I think I was in awe and simply forgot to shoot! Plus, I was trying not to fall into the canyon. When the weather is cooperating, Oregon is absolutely breathtaking.
I whittled the total number of photos down from 900+ to less than 500, so you will be seeing the Pacific Northwest for some time to come. Without further delay, here is a sampling from
Smith Rock. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for humoring me. :)
Edited to add: this is my beautiful daughter, Autumn, with my granddog, Callie :) |
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Fantastic! Are you also claying up on the mountain?
This is really a beautiful nature. I would really visit a place like this.
And a very nice picture of you and your dog:)
Great picture!
Fantastic shots from your trip, Gail. Beautiful country. It will be a pleasure to see it for a long time to come. Beautiful daughter and granddog(?).
Mercy, look what the Lord created and you to capture with your talented eye and then to share with us. What a way to start out the morning; first with prayer and then to feel the urge get on the computer and WHAM! your post comes up and takes my breath away. The 7th picture is my favorite one, looks like a water color painting.
Such beautiful countryside! I can't wait to see more...
Fantastic shots,Gail! Beautiful pic of the lovely Autumn and her hiking companion.
Your photos are wonderful. Love them all. :)
I just love seeing a picture of you and your dog - love to see who I am writing too - you're very pretty. I love all the photos and the 3rd picture takes my breathe away!
This is a place I've never seen, but your pictures make me want to. It looks as if you did some serious hiking to get up high enough to shoot down at the river. I love that 7th shot. It shows the curve of the river and the massive height of the surrounding rock. Lovely photo of your daughter and her dog, too.
Well now I can see why you took so many Gail I would not have been able to pull myself away I am going to love seeing more. Incredible shots.
Is that you in the bottom pic? You are beautiful. B
it's magnificent! and looks like you had the PERFECT day! your daughter and her pup are sweet!
Oh, what a terrific area to hike and take heaps of photos! Looking forward to more photos! Your daughter is lovely!
It must have seemed surreal to stand before all that beauty!
Breathtaking scenery!
I for one will welcome seeing all you post! You really captured the beauty. Even that dried teasel is gorgeous.
I think I would have been holding my breath at the climber. :)
Wow! What beautiful scenic shots! It is part of Oregon that hubby and I missed. I think we will need to go back! Your daughter is pretty, love the shot with the dog!
I'm blown away by the beauty that surrounded you in your impressive photos Gail.
Thanks for sharing a place I would not see otherwise.
Is this your daughter or you? Lovely face. OMyGosh! I don't know where to start on these; they are all magnificent. I'm glad you didn't fall in to the canyon! I'm glad you are safely back at home. You have a tremendous week, too!
Super landscapes and a charming portrait Gail. Are you sure that isn't Smith "mountain" in the background?
I love how you have the ability to see the beauty in up-close details, and far-off majesty. A wonderful tour of the Smith Rock area. Glad to see that you found some rock climbers to watch. My daughter used to do that when she was in high school & college. (But I never once watched!) Speaking of daughters, that's a great portrait of your daughter & her doggie:)
A beautiful place, guessing the last shot is of your daughter and her dog, lovely.
Well....I must know.....did you try your hand at climbing the rock?? Looks fun! If I were younger, I know that I would be an adventurous person.
I'b be there trying to climb!
so much beauty in Oregon and I know that it would have to be a photographers dream trip. Your daughter is very pretty...and I do love her name..
hugs gurl.
I haven't seen Smith Rock this way, Gail! What wonderful images! They would be so perfect for a tourist brochure. ;-) I really love the image of the river...
What gorgeous landscapes - I can see why you love to visit!
OH MY!! Oregon is a place I MUST go visit someday soon!! Wonderful pictures!!
Spectacular photos. Well, that guy clinging to the sheer face of the cliff,let me just say I don't think that's too smart. My own opinion of course.
Just seeing your photos have me excited. I will be headed to Oregon next month.. I love the shot of the guy rock climbing. Sure does look beautiful my friend.
So beautiful, every single one, and especially your daughter and grandpuppy. What is that unusual burr-type plant with the curlicews? So cool!
Beautiful shot of your daughter and her dog!
And such magnificent scenery!
I think I can cope with the Pacific NW - we went around the Olympic Peninsula on our USA road trip on the way to Australia - splendid place.
I feel I bit stupid for putting the "have a look at my other blog" stuff up - but I'm leaving it there to remind me not to do it again!
Stewart M - Melbourne
I'm in awe at how you captured both the height and the depth! Great job! (My pics from Oregon show half a rock, LOL!)
And, strangely, I'd wondered if Autumn were still in Oregon as I remember when she went there. She looks great and I'm happy all's going well.
I have never been to Oregon but your photos make me want to go there. :)
I like how you composed the shots!
This looks like a magnificent place;
your photos are gorgeous
(love your close-ups!).
You have a beautiful daughter and granddog :)
You know that, after reading your descriptions and seeing the photos, Smith Rock hopped right onto my travel wish list! :-)
Such fantastic vistas!
Have a wonderful week, Gail!
Breathtaking pictures!
Your daughter looks just like you! So scenic and your photos show it off fabulously!
wow, really great landscape...those rocks and valley's - really beautiful as is your daughter and grand-dog!! Looking forward to seeing more of your always fantastic shots!
I haven't yet made it to the northwest and your outstanding photography underscores it's something I must do.
Very nice series!
Thank you so much for sharing!!
First off....that's your daughter?!!! You dear one don't look old enough to have a daughter any older than a toddler!! Seriously. That was a shocker ending for me. Your Oregon shots you've shared this time around are fabulous. That one in particular, the rock climber, blew me away. The guy's got balls. What beauty you've brought to our world this morning. [no, not the balls, the scenery!!!]
I've always wanted to go to Washington State and Oregon!! Beautiful pictures and lovely daughter!! Callie is a cutie too!
Such a beautiful trip!
I have never been to Oregon but have it on my short list...this will be one place to visit.
these are such amazing photos! Your daughter looks just like you! That is such an awesome shot!
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