We are now hosting our very own Rufous Hummingbird. This little guy seems to have displaced Pierre, our beloved Ruby-throat, taking residence in the large crepe myrtle tree. Rufous hummers only winter in these parts, so hopefully Pierre will return when Ruffles migrates farther south. He's quite a character and we are enjoying his company however long it may be.
This is Ruffie's tongue. He may have been trying to catch an insect. |
Showing off his green head. |
Flashing his gorget. |
some great captures here...but I do hope your little Pierre does return..he was part of your family!!
What lovely photos! The first one with Ruffles tongue sticking out is amazing :) You are so talented with your pictures and it's always a pleasure seeing what you take.
Hugs to you,
Super shots of the rufous hummingbird! I have never seen one except in photos. I especially LOVE the first photo. It made me smile.
No doubt Pierre will be back. In the mean time this little one is precious. Have a wonder filled week, Gail
Fantastic photography of one of nature's delights!
Carol of (A Creative Harbor) on blogger ^_^
cute little mite! can't imagine having hummers winter over. :)
I bet that tougue was for you and that camera to amscray and leave him be. YOU do capture GOD's creatuers in a delightful way that lifts my soul. I have not heard of this type of hummer, sure is pretty. We only have the ruby throated ones here.
That would be such a treat to have a hummer over the winter time. What a cutie!
Well, I like Rufous, but not if he's driving Pierre away. These are great photos. Capturing that tongue was quite an accomplishment.
Ruffie is certainly VERY photogenic!! If he only knew that lots of people would be admiring his tongue and him fluffing out!!
He may be passing through,but it's a good chance ego get these lovely pictures.
A very handsome little guy and beautiful photos!
Fabulous birds.
He's a cutie, but that Pierre was dazzling! I hope he returns! (Great captures!)
A lovely set of bird shots!
What a wonderful bird - I'd take a 1 minute view if at all possible -let alone have a resident bird!
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
Hi Gail, it is always exciting to have a rare bird show up. And what a cutie! I love the hummers. Great shots!
You KNOW how I love birds and bird photography. These are absolutely marvelous Gail. The lighting in each photo is perfection.
What a handsome fellow; marvelous captures!
He's so cute. I love hummingbirds.
It's amazing how you capture these pictures...wow
Oh my Gail you know I love birds too! This little guy is just wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing him with us!
Happy day! :-)
You hit the jackpot with the first photo! I wonder if that tongue curls up in the throat.
Just love to see these guys in trees. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Gorgeous and informative photos as usual Gail! Always a joy to visit with you!
He a beaut!
I've decided that you must have the patience of a Saint in order to capture such incredible photos!
Looks at that amazingly long beak!
What a cutie! I can't wait for the hummers to return this spring.
Those are some great shots. What a cute bird!
What a little charmer!
so lovely a little fellow is he... ;-) xoxo
Hi Gail!
Such amazing photos.
I have honestly never gotten a good shot of our hummers and you just take winners all the time. I'm very impressed, as I think I say every time I see yours. :)
Our hummers stay all year and they are such a joy.
Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!
Too cool. The RTH should be heading back soon through here, but I haven't seen and of these. Lovely
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