The rain has been relentless, so although I'm feeling better, Bertha and I can't go on our outings. I remembered that I hadn't posted my pics of the
hunting lodge in Mississippi my dad took me to in October of last year. Bertha was still new to me at the time, so these aren't the best. And I'm still not a fan of hunting lodges, but this one is 12,000 acres and absolutely beautiful. I reasoned that the deer have a wonderful life for the time they are there, with plenty of space to roam and trees to hide in. Each hunt is supervised, so you can't go out and shoot whatever you want. Young deer are off-limits for instance. Be prepared and ask before you shoot because some of these animals will put an enormous dent in your wallet. You could purchase a nice automobile for what it costs to bag some of these deer. :/
This is what I saw driving in. If you look through the trees on the left, you can spot a couple of deer already. |
This is the tree stand that I took most of the deer shots from. It was full of spiders and webs. *shivers* |
ah, i gotcha. lots of exotics there. beautiful animals.
Gorgeous critters, Gail. I'm glad you're more inclined to shoot them this way.
Beautiful photos, Gail. I agree, happy you shot them this way. We really enjoyed our long rides through Mississippi. The rolling hills are gorgeous. Hope you're back to your ole self soonest. (The rain you had is here now. Dank and dreary.)
It is a beautiful place. At least no harm came to the animals you shot.
Glad you are feeling better, Gail.
your rain and our cold....sheesh, I'm hating how weather is keeping us away from our cameras and our passions !!!
BUT these photos....swoon. i love animals, but i have to say, the old truck stole my heart. i know. i'm weird like that :)
I love that deer in photo #8. Such a striking facial marking he has. I'm you think that the guy who bagged the truck could have bought a deer for what it cost? :)
Lots of rainy, yucky weather here too. I think you put the deer hide to much better use than the alternative. Nice photos.
gorgeous photos!!!
i have always wondered how someone could shoot one of these animals..if one looked at me i couldn't!!
but,then again...i eat beef.....and i couldn't kill on to eat it!!!..and someone had to kill it for me to eat,i'm in no position to judge "venison gatherers"!!!
such a beautiful place!!!
Nice shots from Big Bertha! That's one ugly deer with a blue eye!
It's rainy and dreary here, too. Am longing for sunshine.
Your longing for the rain to stop, I am yearning for snow...but it does give us time to dig out some old photos and I am sure glad you did. Those shots of the deer are incredible. I like your shooting better than the other kind.
Beautiful racks on those deer!! Too bad they don't rub their antlers off in front of you!! these deer do loose their antlers yearly don't they? Interesting that some have spots and I know he isn't a fawn. How long were you up in the deer stand?
I can see why it would cost so much for one of these deer with racks like that!
Beautiful! You always inspire me with your outings. I see you've upgraded your camera; its awesome how experienced and confident you are as a photographer. I'm still not sure of all of my basic rebel's settings or photoshop- sigh.
What a beautiful place, but the only kind of shooting I'd want to do is the same as you. Beautiful shots!
hi Gail! My goodness those trees are lavender, aren't they? Those deer photos are priceless. My goodness, you are soooo talented!!!!
Oh what FUN!! I love how that deer seems to be sticking his tongue out at you! I cannot wait for this rain to be over with and OMG it is too cold for us warm weathered LA folks! xoxo
A gorgeous property and great photos of the animals! It appears to be an exotic game ranch. The only I saw that's native to the US was the whitetail buck. That also explains the big money. Exotics can be very expensive.
more cameras, less guns
that's what I say
beautiful photos!!
Love these pics. The rain has been relentless here too.
Love all of the animals you caught! And that old car is pretty funny.
I can see so many beautiful deer my dear.
Great shots! Those are the only kind of shots I would be taking as I'd never be able to point a rifle let alone pull the trigger at those lovely animals.
I love how you threw the photo of the old truck in there. It made me smile... love it!
What a beautiful place and gorgeous animals Gail. I don't see why anyone would want to kill a beautiful animal like that. I also don't think you can call that hunting if you're shooting from a building above your prey. I say, if they want to go out and kill something for food, give them a Bowie knife and a loin cloth and may the best animal win!
Gail these are beautiful photos. Time with Dad is always the best. B
Such beautiful, exotic-looking animals!
Absolutely beautiful pics!! What were those deer with the spots on them?? They look like reindeer lol
Gorgeous photos!
I grew up in Wyo and hunting was a large part of the lifestyle. I have never personally hunted (would rather "shoot" with my camera) but did grow up eating what Dad brought home (he quit hunting when I was young and now is vegan, LOL!!)
Maybe I need to grab my camera since paper/metal crafting is off the radar for a bit!! Hmmmm.....
Hmmm. A hunting lodge with manicured forest floors, potted plants in bloom, and exotic European deer. So you get charged by the game you bring in? Must require a pretty big deposit.
Lovely shot of the deer, so special! And the scenery is really gorgeous, too.
Love that rusty old truck, Gail!
The deer are all so unique! Love the your photo's!! I am about having a conniption over that truck! It's awesome!
John & I were in Germany a couple of years ago & we saw a deer park kind of like this that used to be the hunting grounds of the emperor. It didn't seem fair he would have somebody scare the animals out into the open where he shot them by the dozen.
It's interesting/crazy to see so many varieties of ungulates in this lodge in Mississippi. wow.
Wow - you got up real close! Beautiful shots.
Love this place -- what wonderful pictures.
They're exotics? So, they come from other countries? Someone travels to other countries & ships them here... to this property... to be hunted... & shot... for sport? I didn't know that happened & was even legal. =0
ps i'm with Deanna, i like your shooting much better =)
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