Purchased just last Friday, a gush of love quickly developed as I stroked the face of the Touch, taking me completely by surprise. It reminded me of the early stages in a relationship. I don't want to go anywhere without it, and I think about it night and day. I need to touch it all the time. I wake up excited because I get to be with it. What beautiful music will you tickle my ears with, and what amazing videos will you play to dazzle my eyes? This thing gives, gives, gives, and I just take, take, take -- without any of the guilt.
My friend, Mickey, has the iPhone, and has always spoken very highly of it. Both of my bosses have an iPhone. I didn't really understand the draw until now. I concede: You are all right, and if I wasn't under contract with Verizon, I would buy the iPhone in a heartbeat. My patience will have to be tested a little longer. Until then, the iTouch is a more than adequate substitute. I'm pretty sure it does everything the iPhone does except make phone calls.
Did y'all know this thing plays music? I jest. Playing music is just one thing among many that the iTouch does and does well. It can act as a PDA which speaks sweet nothings to the anal organizer living inside me. I can download music and games directly to the unit, then later when I sync it to iTunes, it will download my purchases automatically. It has wifi, a Sarari web browser, clock, calendar, notepad, and calculator. The home page has shortcuts for Youtube, iTunes, Google Maps, Music, Videos, Photos, and Stocks. I try to stay away from the Stocks shortcut because it's always red and angry looking, but I digress...
There are over 1000 games -- many of them free. I've downloaded seven free different apps so far. The race car game was frustrating because I kept slamming into concrete walls. Besides, the dogs were a little frightened as I sat on the edge of the couch making circles in the air and shouting. I'm sure a more experienced gamer would have no trouble. Flixster is a cool app that plays movie clips, and will look up theaters near your current location. I can send and receive email. I can check Facebook and Twitter.
I could go on and on, but I'm missing my gadget with all this babbling, so I will go reunite with my new love and check in another time.