One day back in June when the weather was tolerable, I was dicing strawberries trying to think of a way to photograph them. My white angel statue in the backyard came to mind, and voila! my plan was born.
Little did I know the complications this would pose for our chihuahua. Turns out, Miss Izzy, now known as Tooty Fruity, has quite the fondness for strawberries. As with any human food, I quickly looked online to make sure they're not toxic for dogs. Luckily, they're not, but grapes and raisins are, so don't offer your dog any!
Miss Angel, may I please have one of your delectable berries? |
Mom, is it okay? |
Well, no one seems to be stopping me. |
 | mouth is watering. |
Oh, what the heck! I don't care how undignified I look! |
Nom nom nom nom nom. |
Mmmm...I snagged a big one! This one's going to take some work. |
Forget common courtesy! I'm gonna do a grab and run! |
Grab, stab and run again! |
There are starving dogs all over the world so I don't want to waste a drop! |
For several days every time Izzy went outside she ran up to the statue to check for strawberries. I felt kinda bad that an innocent photography exercise caused her hopes to be raised then dashed. She finally got over it, but every now and then she'll trot over to the angel for a quick inspection.
She's since discovered watermelons, and drools incessantly until I share. Which I do with every single bite. Who do you think rules the roost at my house? Puppy dog eyes are a weakness of mine, what can I say?
LOL! this was too cute!
I would've never thought a dog would think strawberries are such a tasty treat. I think it's cute how she'd have to go inspect the angel afterward...just in case :)
My sister had a little Cocker Spaniel years ago that ate peas as fast as we shelled them. This series of photos is precious. ;-)
You lost your strawberries but gained some great photos!! One very interesting photo shoot!
You are bad but pictures are SO funny:)
I am just not a dog sort of person but this is the second blog I have read this morning, where I have actually seen dogs with such cute personalities.
that is so funny!
Just found your blog. Lol at your post. Great pictures. Your wee dog obviously loves strawberries.
Those puppy dog eyes would soften me too! Great photograph series, Gail. I love the idea of placing those beautifully red strawberries in the arms of that lovely statue.
Nicely captured shots!
This cracked me up! I love the pops of red in the pics from the strawberry and Izzy's tongue! What a great idea you had!
Miss Izzy is absolutely adorable. I love the third shot here, and I have never seen a dog east a strawberry!! LOVE it!!
Hope you are having a good weekend Gail!
so cute....and isn't it funny how dogs never forget !!
Great Pix! Loved the whole story they told!
You do need to put a treat there in every now and then. Stickhorse Cowgirl C
A healthy dog with good eating habits! Wonderful story board. Great shots, Gail!
Lol...I love this post! I can just picture Izzy running to the statue to check for more treats. :)
Waht a cutie. I love the face in each picture. Simply adorable...
That's just adorable. Benny loves watermelon too.. I don't think he's shown an interest in berries though. Izzy is hilarious.
So precious! I love the photos (what a great idea!) and I had no idea raisins and grapes were toxic to pets!!
This was so cute! Izzy was so funny and still going to check it out, just in case!
Gail, it's almost midnight, I'm up to my gills in work and emails and here I am laughing so hard at these photos. They are priceless! Can't wait to show D in the morning. Thank you! xo – g
My dogs won't touch anything homegrown. Izzy is such a cutie and a wonderful subject to photo. :)
LOL - this is really a gorgeous post, Gail, and wonderful photos! Thanks so much for making me smile! :-) Have a great day!
This is my first "visit" to your blog, luv your amazing shots!
bARb in Texas
these are such great shots, so well captured, they tell a great tale.
These are wonderful photos!
You have a great model to photograph.
White Spray Paint
Oh my goodness I laughed out loud when i read this., I love all of the photos too. Stopping by to leave some ♥ on your blog and to tell you that we are voting for the new book club book today!
Big Hugs!
Too, too cute!
So cute! My dog used to go crazy for apples and cantaloupe!
My Lucy is napping on the couch next to me as I surf blogs... no doubt our dogs are the best beggars.. I like your blog!
AWWWWWWW, that's so cute!!! I swear, I could just reach through this computer and give Princess Izzy a squeeze!!
Both Chewy & Lilibell love anything fruit...apples, watermelons, canteloup, strawberries, mangos, peaches, you name it, they love it (with the exception of grapes, of course)!
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