Okay, one more post about the weather and I'll quit. Maybe. Hee. According to an article by the
AP "Since January, Texas has only gotten about 6 inches of rain, compared to a norm of about 13 inches, making it the most severe one-year drought on record." It goes on to state that this will harm a multitude of wildlife, which makes this nature-loving girl very sad.
Last night I went to my favorite nature area, Nob Hill, and witnessed shocking conditions. I was completely gobsmacked. I mean I know we haven't had any rain, but still...
Although low, on July 17 there was water. |
A dried up dust bowl. All of what you see here is dirt. Not a drop of water. |
I didn't realize until I uploaded the photos that a lonely turtle was stranded on the embankment. Poor fella! He looks parched. |
The wicked sun fried some of the weeds and wildflowers. Hope no one drops a match or
a lit cigarette butt. :/ |
These sunflowers act as though nothing is amiss.
"Drought? What drought? We're doing great! No worries here." |
With this photo I was trying to capture the zig-zagging of dragonflies but I didn't do a very good job. There were thousands, okay maybe hundreds of them, flying every which way. Normally they sit still and pose for me, but not this day. Little stinkers. |
Finally, off to the eastern edge of the preserve, a small body of water. Perhaps this GBH has a fighting chance. He sure is a trouper to stay here and put up with these conditions. I wonder why he doesn't fly off to greener pastures...or bluer waters, I guess I should say. |
Three more days and we will break a record for the most ever consecutive days for triple digit temperatures. Between the stock market, the heat, riots in London, violent flash mobs here, a dysfunctional government, and crumbling economy, it appears as though the world is spinning out of control. Seems the more intellectual knowledge we gain, the less wisdom and compassion we possess. I believe the world's moral compass is more broken than ever, which makes everything else off kilter. Lord have mercy on us all. This Bible verse comes to my mind frequently, and I know it well because I prayed it many times for myself:
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and heal their land.
Wow, what a difference in three weeks, it certainly is dry in your neck of the woods. It was very dry here too and all the lawns were turning brown but now we've had all kinds of rain and it's super green here again. I love that verse from 2 Chronicles too, one of my favourites and so fitting for our time.
Take care,
Too bad it's so hot and dry there. Your images are an eye opener!
We're had our share of deep heat but are getting showers now and then. I agree with your observations and solution.
oh, ain't that the truth...
wonderful post, and I agree that the world seems off-balance. love that quote. it's so sad seeing everything so dry - i took some shots of the dried up mexican hats this morning :( just empty stems. our great blue is long gone.
Oh dear nature is all topsy turvey.
It's really amazing what the heat can do. Wonderful photos nevertheless! And now go for that record!! :-)
I feel for you guys and for the stranded and parched turtle.
I was just in Texas on a media tour and it was 108 for a few of the days...only cooled to 100 at night. YIKES. Now I am in Maine and wearing a wool turtleneck. Wish I could share some of the gentle rains with you all.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
And while you dry up in Texas, the rain won't stop in Germany! Fascinating capture of the effects of the drought. I know it doesn't affect the weather, but many other events seem to involve self-absorbed human beings. An Old Testament verse for chaotic times---so appropriate.
That is remarkable it has all dried up! Where is the end???
All photos are great, the top one is my favorite. It is sad to the water dried up.
I do hope rain comes soon.
Hopefully the heat and drought will break very soon Gail.......without floods. We tend to be disconnected a little from the land and animals when cocooned inside with air-con.
The weather seems crazy across the country but those triple digit temps are brutal. Hang in there.
That is one serve drought which is an understatement.
Very thoughtful verse at the end.
oops, typo.."severe"
This is awful Gail, and truly so sad. sometimes you just gotta wonder what's going on. :-(
Very powerful post Gail! Does really make one ponder as to what is going on!
Gail, that is so sad for the wild life. But you are right in your assessment; Is God trying to get our attention? I would say so! The Chronicles verse sums up the right solution.
And did you mention the abortions that are being performed? The world is truly a mess.
There is life no matter what. I like firs picture. The blue bird is amaizing.
Grretings from Romania
Terrible things happening all over the world. So sad, especially for the animals. Hope you get some rain soon.
On a lighter note your sunflowers are just beautiful, love the hairy stems. The light catches them beautifully.
Thank you for visiting me @ Chasing Rainbows and your lovely comment. I found manual really easy to get once I understood metering, check out that book I mentioned, before that it seemed ridiculously hard.
Hoping you get some rain soon!!
What a BEAUTIFUL pictures!! And that a bird. AMAZING....
Yes, I'm praying for our nation daily, love that scripture.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Oh wow. My sister lives in Texas, and she has said things are dire, but your photos really capture the severity of the situation. I feel for the wild creatures. They have no way to fight when nature doesn't survive.
The verse is very appropriate!
You have no water and we've got too much (flood.) Maybe we should send some your way. :)
Yeah i know watching the news lately has not been very good. I really liked the verse though but i am not sure what is going to happen...
Just take it one day at a time...
Hope you have a great weekend
Gail, that's a wonderful verse from Scripture. I love the phrase: "Heal their land." So needed and many souls need such healing too.
The pictures are wonderful once again.
I pray for rain to relieve your beautiful state. That is way too long a stretch to go without the live giving gift of rain.
I thought we were suffering here with temps in the mid to upper 90's since June, but Those triple digits you're going through, plus the drought, must sap all your energy. I feel for the suffering plants and animals also. Our weather has changed for the better - maybe it's a pattern and yours will too.
Holy geeez I can't believe it dried right up like that either! That's awful! poor little turtle dude :(
I agree with your observations on our moral compass. Sad times, indeed.
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