More of the ibises spotted at Highland Road Park. A foot of water on the soccer fields proved irresistible to these birds. The white ones are the adults and the colored ones are juveniles. They eat mostly aquatic prey such as small fish and insects, preferring crawfish. During breeding season they gather in large colonies. Pairs are mostly monogamous, and both male and female care for their young. The chemical methylmercury has impacted the behavior of the white ibis, with reproduction and mating behavior significantly affected. The chemical has also increased the male-male pairing behaviors by 55%. Hmmmm...fascinating. Source:
This one seems to be saying TIME OUT! |
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Spectacular, Gail!
Oh a girl after my own heart...I'm a Texas gulf coast girl, (Galveston area) and have been enjoying them here as well. Fabulous, wonderful, photos!! Thanks for sharing...
Awesome! I love the water droplet bokeh.
these are so great! love all the water splashes and reflections. :)
The splashing water and the reflections are fantastic! Awesome shots! This is a species we don't get to see.
Wow wow wow - you're very talented! Love the first and last shots most.
These photographs are so perfect and real, I could reach out and touch them.
The one with it's wings in an inverted heart, outstanding capture.
I love all of these pics! They are such beautiful birds.
You must have been in heaven surrounded by all this beauty. Great captures!!
I've never seen so many Ibises congregated in one location. That's fantastic! As are your photos!
The 'time out' one is adorable!
I adore the second photo, its like he was saying, "dats-it', keep moving and if all of a sudden you go under, I will know you feel off an under water cliff".
HA!!! soccer field under a foot of water. my hubby was a national soccer ref, they have played some of those situations. The only time they call a halt to the game if there is lightening.
LOVE your photos!!!
geeee... ther is fell and not feel... I am going to go soak my head.
Drats.... that is "That" not Ther... NO brain left to soak.
Wow, amazing shots of the Ibis! Cool sighting of the large flock too. Great post!
If we get to pick a favorite, mine is the time-out guy. All your shots today are beautiful, Gail
I love these birds .... your flight shot, with the lacy shadow patterns on their wings, is absolutely incredible. Just breathtaking.
We have the same bird here in Florida. (I hate to post any of my pictures, because your photos are soooo much better.) But they are wonderful to watch and fun to try (in my case) to photograph.
What fabulous shots of these gorgeous birds!!! wow!!
They really are so beautiful, Gail.
Love, love, love, "Time Out!"
Perfect timing on that one.
You win! Again!
Those awesome gorgeous beautiful birds in flight - I love them.
Now, that IS very interesting! If they've studied that to come up w/ the actual fact itself, I wonder what they plan to do about it... that info needs to be published on a larger scale!
LOVE the 'TIME OUT', made me laugh out loud!
These are all just so beautiful, Gail!
Thank you enormously for joining =)))
wow! love them all, but the first one is just outstanding!
Ha! I love the time out shot. The black tip on their wings is such a nice decorative touch from their Creator. The spashing droplets of water and the reflections add to the overall beauty of the pictures.
Absolutely stunning Gail, and some interesting photos as well!
seriously, has national geographic magazine not contacted you yet for your photos ?
and that time out it !!!
Incredible as always! You see time out...I turn him upside down & see a heart! LOL how funny...these images are all so amazing. Love & Hugs, xoxo
My dear Gail, it always a joy looking at your delightful pictures - they are so incredible and beautiful!
Hugs to you,
These pictures are fantastic. I like those blue eyes.
Fantastic shots! I really love the one of them taking flight. Beautiful!
Wow Gail, you have some gorgeous shots here! Too many to chose a favourite. Must be fascinating to watch them a while.
They are ALL absolutly beautiful!! You really do need to contact National Geographic!! Equivalent-- if not better!
beautiful birds!!!
i can't believe how BLUE their eyes are!!!!!
your photos are gorgeous!!
I'm speechless! These are incredible!
Good heavens, look at them all! I really love the shot that's third from the bottom with all the water droplets.
These are fantastic, Gail! I'm thinking National Geographic...
I love the time out shot
and I love how you captured drops of water as though they were diamonds
so beautiful
Awesome shots Gail!
It's amazing how you are able to capture such beauty with a camera lense.
Gail...these belong in a book! Again,you've captured that terrific light and water droplets, birds in reflection, birds flying....just fabulous!
GAIL!!!! MAGNIFICENT photos!!!!!!
That 'time out' one is very wonderful. My goodness gracious!!!
I love hearing about everyone's shoes. That is so fun. Thank you for your nice words regarding my shoe talents and wants. You are great fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
What beautiful birds! Your captures are wonderful!
So many spectacular captures! They do make great for photos!
How cool to see the ibises! Can you tell I'm jealous?! ( I am, big time@)
Love the time out bird! You have so many pretty reflections going on too!
Wow Gail, each of your shots are so breathtaking.
You captured some amazing in flight and action here.
Nicely done!
Awesome photos Gail! Love Mr. Time Out and also the Pointer Sisters! An old time Florida cracker told me that they call them Swamp Chicken and he and his dad use to hunt and eat them! Guess what they taste like chicken!!!
Lovely captures, Gail! I especially like the reflections shots, but they're all wonderful! I can just imagine the joy you must have felt capturing these beautiful, somewhat comical birds!
The "Time Out" photo made me laugh!
Oh my stars. What fabulous photos my friend. I just love the clarity of you photos.
Thanks so much for looking up that Hummingbird for me. You are the sweetest.. I really do appreciate it.
Fabulous ibis shots, Gail - I love the red beaks!
Nice job gail in capturing both the birds and the water splashes and droplets like that.
I am surprised that National Geographic has not discovered you yet! These are magnificent!
And very interesting fact about the methylmercury possibly causing male-male pairing. right.
I love the "time out".
It shouldn't mean to me!
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