Sometimes when life throws you curve ball after curve ball...well, in my case, let's just say I felt overwhelmed. Enormously overwhelmed. I was hypersensitive to every little slight (real or imagined); stopped calling people I love and avoided their calls; sat on the couch for hours on end, unable to move. And the panic attacks continued to plague me. Poor Double D; the man is a saint.
Last year's events finally caught up to me, I guess. Within the first quarter of 2012, I had moved in with my mother, buried her shortly thereafter, sold our house in Texas, moved to Louisiana, dealt with a troubled adult son in L.A., and for the first time in 28 years I did not have a job. As you know, if one is exposed to even one huge life change (like a death) it can cause severe adverse effects on the mind as well as the body. My own personal train wreck of 2012 (AKA: The Year of Pain) wreaked havoc on this ol' gal nine ways to Sunday! But I'm praying a lot, seeing a grief counselor, and taking anti-anxiety medication. Boy, do I feel a lot better! My therapist said to think of an electrical panel; if circuits become overloaded, the whole thing shuts down. That was me, lights out; however, now I feel like joining the living again. I'm back on Facebook, though I don't plan to post much and will not put the FB app on my phone or ipad, and I'm back on my blog!
Anywaaaayyyy, part of my therapy (suggested by my counselor though I was already doing it) is still photography. Below is a new butterfly discovered with my new 100mm Canon macro lens. If anyone is thinking of getting a dedicated macro lens, I'd highly recommend it.
![]() |
Red-banded Hairstreak |
I have other macro shots better than these, but I had to share because this is a new, beautifully marked spotting.
In other news, one of my photos may be picked up by a national chain as a canvas print, but I won't know for sure until the end of the month. They ordered a sample a couple of weeks ago. Wish me luck! It would be a 7% royalty on 2,000-4,000 pieces. Other good news to follow in another post. Don't want to bombard y'all on the first day back!
yay!!! first, glad you still remembered your google account password. ha ha! :) second, so glad you are feeling better!!! you were, indeed, hit with so many things at once, and i am glad you are getting help with grieving and anxiety.
really hope your photo gets picked up!!! that would be awesome!!! i love this hairstreak, and am looking forward to more of your good things to come!
p.s. speaking of feedly, i normally 'clean house' and remove any blogs that don't post in a month or two, but i held onto your url with the hope you'd be back. :)
It must be ESP.. I was just on your blog before you posted and was disappointed that you had not returned yet. Then n much to my delight you commented on my blog:)
So glad your feeling better n back blogging again. Life has a way of taking us on journeys we did not expect to take.
Love your stunning macros n looking forward to more of your awesomeness!
Be well n be happy Gail.. missed u, hugs n smiles :)
Oh Gail,
I am so glad to see you back again! I have missed you so much and your beautiful photos! So glad that you have an opportunity to make some money with your creations.
Hi Gail, I am so glad to see you back and to hear that you are doing better. I can relate, somewhat. Don't you just LOVE your lens!? Congrats on getting it. I'm looking forward to seeing lots of new shots. And, congrats also on the use of one of your photos!
Oh boy, am I glad to see you. I am so glad you got some professional help, Sometimes life and all it brings is just too overwhelming, but there is a means to bring back some normality in life after the enormous losses and grief you had last year. You are welcomed with open arms.
Gail Gail Gail GAIL GAIL!!! You are not going to believe this but I thought of you last night. I did. Just as I was getting ready to turn ofF the lights and head to bed and I thought, "man, I need to find Gaikl on Twitter or see if she has posted at all and check into where she is." I did. and you ARE!
Oh you sweet soul. I have had years like that (1986 and 1991) Years of my divorce and widowhood. Oh my gosh, I didn't realize you were dealing with all that change and emotion.
Oh I am so excited that you are BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
Hello Gail! I am so happy you are back and feeling better. I missed seeing your beautiful photos. Your Hairstreak is gorgeous. It is amazing you can focus on this tiny beauty! Congrats on your photos, that is great news. Have a great evening and a happy weekend!
Oh dear Gail, you have been GREATLY missed! It is soooo good to have you back on your blog. I have not only missed you, sweet friend, but also your beautiful photos :)
I am so sorry for all that you have been going through. If there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask.
Much love!
It is so good to see you here. I was so bummed when you took your break. I understand why you took it. But I have to say I just LOVE your photos and missed them so much.
Wishing you all the best my friend.
Lovely to hear from you again Gail and what better way to start blogging again than some gorgeous macro photography. A new butterfly is definitely worth celebrating, and also the beginnings of a fresh start personally.
Welcome back, Gail! You've certainly been through a rough patch... but I'm happy to hear you are on your way back to good health. I have to agree about the photography - it's great medicine! I'm looking forward to see lots more of your work.
soooooooo goooooooood to have YOU back !!
i can't wait to hear more !!!
I've already told you how glad I am that you're back....and I'm especially happy that you're feeling so much better. I'd like a macro lens....I get the best macro images with an Olympus ultra-zoom (can't recall the real name)....still disappointed in the focus of my Canon T3i kit lenses. Go figure! Again...welcome back, Gail!
I am soooo excited, first of all for seeing your post on here...second, for leaving me a comment, third because of your awesome work (I told you that your work was publishing quality, and fourth....because you are feeling better. !!!! Oh girl, I've walked in similar shoes and it can be overwhelming to the point of having anxiety attacks. So happy that you are back! I've missed you!!
Okay, here's what you do.
Go bird watching.
Eat crawdads with lots of hot sauce.
This won't cure anything at all but it sure will make your day better!
Happy to see an entry here (see, we've ALL been checking).
That's a beautiful butterfly!
-Wally From The Other Swamp
I visited you only yesterday evening my time to see how you were and nearly left you a message. And voila - you left me one and now you're back!
So very happy to hear that you've fought through your dark patch...
These photos are lovely!
Welcome back! I have missed you! I am so happy you are posting again. You are an awesome photographer!
Welcome back, Gail! Glad you are well... I've missed your photography!
So glad to see you back Gail! It's good to see that you're taking care of you, AND that you're still busy with your photography.
Best of luck with having the photo picked up and sending huge hugs!
Hey, welcome back! I was hoping you'd start posting again! It sounds like you've turned a corner and that's good.
That lens does a fantastic job! The detail is wonderful! Congratulations on your print! I hope they run with it!
Nice to see you back!
The tangled forest that dwells between our ears needs tender care - not something that life crisis and death is good at doing. I really started blogging as a part of a plan to find my way out of my own tangled forest!
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne!
PS: if this is all to cryptic, drop me a line and I will explain!
Delighted to see you back . . .
You've been missed. I was elated to see on my blog list on my sidebar your blog had a new entry.
I wish you all the luck in the world for your chance to be chosen for the photo print!!! How wonderful!! I know your work, and I can say in all honesty, your work is some of the best I've ever seen.
As for the hard/difficult year, we've all experienced them at one time or another and the only thing to do is be strong, hope for the best and work things out. By what I've read're on your way!!!
Welcome back to blogging.
Oh my dear Gail I am so happy you found your way back I think everyone of us here have things in their lives that take you to a place it is very hard to make your way back from and you have certainly had your share. I am so sorry about your Mom that is hard enough without the rest. You made it girls and I am so happy. You were very wise to seek help.
Your photography will always be the part of you that will get you through you are truly a natural photographer. I am so so happy you are back. Congrats on the photo HUGS hugs and lots more hugs. Yeah your back. B
I checked your blog last week, looking to see if you were back. SO glad you posted to let us know what is going on with you.
Bless your heart, you have had some challenges, I will add you to my prayer list. Can’t say I know what you have been through but can understand when life changes abruptly we do tend to take a step back and want to be alone. Sometimes that is not so good but then other times it is good for us to get quiet and listen to what GOD has to say. I too have been listening in quiet, not answering the phone and taking it easy, all of my changes landed me in the hospital not long ago, it all caught up with me. Sometimes "We All" need to slow down.
SO glad to see your photography, I have missed your creative eye. LOVE this little guy and what you can do with your new macro lens. Photography is good therapy and to see things in detail reminds us GOD is quite the artist and created all this beauty for us.
GOD keep you safe and welcome back!
Oh hi again *smiling*! This time of year the temps for everyone are all over the place. But in LA, I'm sure you are not liking those temps. It is nice here in September but we can range from the mid 80s to some times snow. Ya I has snowed on Labor Day here before. Crazy weather. Glad you liked the Peace sign scarf. I LOVE IT. Take care my friend!!!
It made my day to see this post. I've missed you! So sorry you've had such struggles. I hope things get easier for you.
Yeahhhh Gail! You made my day! I would drop in every once in awhile to see if you had come back!! God Bless you!! Sometimes life can be challenging and difficult - but you have survived a huge bump in the road!! Not everyone makes it and everyone has to deal with it in their own way!! Things are crazy in my life and I'm lucky if I post once a week. And now only read others on the weekend. Loving your butterfly!! Nice how the butterfly matches the seed pod it's sitting on!! Welcome back!! And just take one day at a time!! God Bless!!!
so glad to see you back.
these photos are just gorgeous!!
thrilled to hear the news about your print!!!!! i will wish you luck...but,i think the national chain is the one who will be lucky...lucky to have your art.
i feel your pain..i have been in your shoes. it is just like an electrical overload. i am so glad you are feeling nice to "feel the sun on your face and the breeze in your hair" after being in a "deep,dank hole" !!! may the sun continue to shine in your face,and the breeze play in your hair!!
It's good to see you back in action! This is a beautiful shot of this teeny-tiny butterfly!
Well, I've been away from internet service this week, so I'm late seeing this post. As you can see from all these comments, you've been MISSED, girl! I'm so glad you're back. I knew some of the stuff that had hit you but certainly not all of it. No wonder you were struggling.
Your macros of this butterfly are wonderful! What a gorgeous little creature it is.
You're back, you're back, I'm so glad you're back! YAY Gail!!!
How lucky are we that photography is part of your therapy ad your love ...thank you for sharing it.
The butterfly is gorgeous, you are talented, and we all missed you buckets!!!!!
I'm so glad you're back and feeling better. And congrats on the photography triumph! Well-deserved! Keep us posted!
Gail it is so good to see you back...the healing takes time and you have given yourself the break you needed...and look at the abundance coming back to you!! Well deserved...congrats on all the good news and what a fabulous capture of this little the colors and velvety looking texture.
So glad you shared these...they are just glorious! Wishing that your pro op will become a reality!
So sorry - deleted due to typos... here I go again... ;-)
Gail, I''m so glad, you're back! I really missed you! I had thought about emailing you, but then decided that might be a bit obtrusive... So I had hoped you would come back here one day (never put you off my blogroll)... Yay!!! :-) And I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! Welcome back!!!
Well add me to the list of those so glad to see you back....Welcome home......
You really have had a very hard year and it's certainly understandable that there would be some adverse reactions but thank goodness you have gotten the help you needed and are back to beautify our worlds with your images and words....and most of all your heart....
Hugs to you my friend.....
I guess you noticed that your friends missed you a great deal.
Dark places are lonely places even when you're surrounded by loved ones.
I'm pleased to read you are receiving the care you need and have a loving and supportive family.
Macro photography has it own unique challenges and rewards. Bravo!
Wow! You have quite a following! I'm so happy for you and happy to hear you've reached out for professional help cause Lord knows I certainly favor the mental health community. As you know, I too have had a really rough year and therapy has done wonders for getting past, well my past. I'm bookmarking your blog and am excited to see what else you have to say in the future. Keep it up!
Lots of love,
So glad to see you back, Gail. And especially happy to know that you're feeling much better. Lovely photo of this sweet little moth. That lens is a wonder, isn't it? I have the same one.
I've missed seeing your beautiful photos and now that you're back, I'm off on a hiatus. But I'll try to stop by periodically for a refreshing look at a real photographer!
it has been so long since I logged into Blogger that I completely didn't realize you were back to blogging. Which, let me just say, I am extremely tickled pink about. I completely understand your need for a hiatus...multiple life changes are enough to make anyone go a little into seclusion and I have been feeling that tug myself lately. Thinking about starting a blog on blogger...just so that I can keep up with those I follow here...been feeling so disconnected with the world. As always, the images are spectacular! Big hugs to you...WELCOME BACK!
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