I found myself once again at LSU Lakes yesterday. Good thing, because today we're getting a good soak, keeping me homebound, which I hate. Although yesterday's temps were a tad chilly, I enjoyed a pleasant afternoon speaking with other photographers, and taking shots of pelicans, cormorants, Canadian geese, and egrets. As I walked back to the car a blob of green appeared in my peripheral vision. Stopping dead in my tracks I found myself no more than 10 feet away from a green heron perched perfectly in a bald cypress tree right at eye level! Miraculously, I managed to contain the gasp that threatened to escape from my throat. Being as quiet and still as a church mouse I brought Bertha and the big lens cautiously up to my eye, trying not to scare the heron away. I took three shots and got the dreaded "Card Full" message. DRATS! Bringing Bertha slowly down again, I went back to some earlier shots and began deleting as many photos as possible. In record time I deleted 90 photos and began the stealth maneuvers all over again. To my surprise another green heron flew to a nearby branch and also posed. These birds are normally so far away that I'd given up ever getting a decent shot.
Green herons lure fish by dropping food, bread, insects, etc. as bait into the water. They are known as one of the world's most intelligent birds. |
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." What a wise guy! |
I just love the diamond pattern and deep green of the back feathers. |
God is good and I thank him for small blessings that brighten my day. This weekend promises nice weather, so guess where I'll be?
Oh, Gail, what a catch! I'm so glad God gave you this, because you are so generous to share it with us! Is this a photographer group you go with? How fun! P.S. Go get another card!
Oh wow, these are absolutely stunning. So clear and vibrant. A good day for you, even with a full memory card. I hope your Christmas was filled with all good things and a New Year will bring you all kinds of miracles!!
love that you got his crest up! i love that diamond pattern, too. when i drew one a few months ago, it seemed almost cartoonish. :)
and i like barbara's advice. :)
Wow, Gail! These shots are spectacular. Such gorgeous colors and feather patterns on this bird. I'd say this was a pretty big blessing from the Lord. And I, too, agree with Barbara's advice. :)
Stunning shots! congratulations on capturing all these - even after dealing with a full card! :)
Gail, these photographs are just beautiful, and the detail you have captured in those gorgeous feathers are just amazing. Beautifully done!!
Wonderful shots! Are the shots all of the same bird? That one w/spiked hair is my fav!
How sweet!, These shots are amazing and the green is absolutely gorgeous. I see a good photography job coming your way in the future,,,, you are good my friend!
Oh you got some wonderful shots. I love green herons and you're right.. they're difficult to capture photographically. Barbara's advice is sound. A backup card is as essential as a backup battery.
WOW!!! These are amazing shots. God had you be there at just the right moment.
Was home for Christmas and my sister's children arrived the day after from LSU! Oldest just graduated from the Law College and the 2nd daughter is in her Jr. year at LSU. For some reason, they are always wearing purple :-}} My Ga. Bull dawg daughters tease them about wearing purple as mine wear red and black-
Your green heron is beautiful. Especially with his crown up!! Very nice --- you're learning your camera well!
These are breathtaking shots. So crisp and clear. I love them..
These are wonderful captures; simply stunning!
Stay warm and dry today. =)
Fabulous shots, Gail. We have a green heron down at our pond but I only have a 300 mm lens and I can't get close enough to do the bird justice.
Congratulations Gail! These are wonderful shots.
Fantastic shots! Green Herons are not easy to photograph. Nice job, Gail!
A green heron????? How awesome! You got great shots! I had no idea they dropped food in the water to lure fish. Brilliant!! So happy you found this, what an amazing experience!
Truly beautiful photography of nature's gems ~ Wow! again!
Happy New Year to You ~ (A Creative Harbor aka ArtMuse Dog and Carol )
wow wow wow.....what a spectacular bird and what great photos you took...all while holding your breath, I'm sure !!!
i've had those moments....moving slowly and almost idiotically just to get a shot of what we normally don't have in front of us....and when it's all said in done, just like you said...."a gift from god" to brighten our day!!
I love visiting your blog and seeing pictures of creation I never knew even existed!
Hi Gail, what gorgeous images, how clever of you to quickly delete and snap more images too! I've never heard of a green heron, thank you for sharing him :) wishing you a creative, happy 2013 x
Wow, I especially like that fourth shot - it is stunning in its clarity and composition! I don't know if you ever join memes, but I've been hosting 'Weekly Top Shot' now for 63 weeks. If you'd like to share one of these splendid shots, I'd be so pleased. (http://www.theviewfromrighthere.com/blog/?p=9011)
Wow, what a stunning and unusual bird. I also lot those diamond outlined green feathers. Seems Bertha did you proud on this occasion - what a God-given opportunity.
I love the little house finch in your last post too - another i have never seen. Maybe 2013 will see those miracles you are waiting for.....
These are great photos, Gail! The feather detail is incredible... quick thinking freeing up space on your card! Happy new year.
Wow- fantastic shots!
Absolutely beautiful!! Looks like you and Bertha are coming to great terms!!
What a beauty - well done, Gail, and happy New Year!!!
Not sure I would have been able to contain that gasp! What a beautiful bird & I, too, love the diamond pattern, esp how they're outlined by white... not to mention those head feathers ruffled like that, looks like he was raisin some cane! LoL!
I just love the brightness of your pics... they're never dark & never too bright! So cool =)
These are wonderful. I have no words -- just awe!
I have had the great pleasure of seeing these guys bring their fledglings to feed but they are very shy...I have also seen them use a stick as bait for the fish..amazing.. Michelle
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