Where flowers bloom so does hope. ~Lady Bird Johnson
You'd think it's springtime around these parts. I keep envying the fall foliage I'm seeing posted everywhere, but then I realized after uploading these pics I had taken recently that we have color, too. Maybe not the way I prefer, but color nonetheless. As the song goes, you may not get what you want, but you get what you need.
Our satsumas are finally starting to ripen. Tiny green fruit resembling small limes began showing up in May. I counted almost 20 satsumas hanging from the branches. Finally, after months of waiting, they are ready to eat, and they are delicious! |
I am deeply grateful for all the emails and prayers for my son and me. He has been MIA for 2 weeks, so I have filed a missing person's report with the LAPD. That's the very abbreviated version. I will give an update whenever I know more. Blogging, visiting other blogs, and commenting, along with praying, is keeping me sane for the time being.
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I'm so sorry to hear about your son. I hope he is just fine. Hugs to you.
I love your butterflies. So beautiful!
Oh my, Gail. I didn't know what we were praying for initially, but I'll be taking another request to our Heavenly Father today.
These macros are breathtaking, especially those first two. I've never heard of that fruit, but the image of it is wonderful.
A stunningly beautiful collection of images! I hope you have good news about your son soon...
I wasn't aware your son is missing! I can't imagine how difficult that would be. I certainly hope things turn out well!
Your photos are gorgeous! Love the vibrant colors and the detail is awesome!
Dear Gail, I'll be praying for your son, for care and protection, and that he'd be found soon, and for you!
"Keep me as the apple of the eye, Hide me in the shadow of your wings" Ps. 17:8
You're pictures are incredibly sharp, lively and beautiful - thank you for sharing the beauty with us!
Your selection of photos is definitely happy and colourful, bright and sunny. Your first moth/butterfly photo is my favourite, love the colours of the eyes on the wings and all the pretty patterns.
Hoping and praying for some good news for you....
More virtual hugs and real good thoughts coming your way. And more virtual gasps as always for your remarkable pictures.
This will make you smile a little maybe. That same ladies room where I took the picture of the mirror in my yesterday's post also had a framed greeting card with Lady Bird's quote on it. I took the picture thinking maybe I'd use the quote someday. But I'm glad you beat me to it. Because your pictures are more beautiful and inspire more hope. But we both feel the same way about the quote!
Will keep yall in my prayers, Gail. I know what it's like to have no contact with a son.
Loving your macros. Hope you get some fall color soon.
gail, i'm so sorry! gosh, no wonder you've needed a laugh now and then! i do hope all will be okay...
thanks for the bright colors, today.
Gail....You are now definitely in my thoughts and prayers. I am so saddened that you are living out every mom's worst fear. I hope you will hear something soon and you will have him home. We are all thinking of you. Your pictures are cheery and colorful even if you are not feeling that way. These macro shot are awesome and I love the ones of the donkeys. Thanks for the help with my developing. I am going to write it down in my book. I am also going to try the tutorial with the masking that you mentioned in an earlier post. Remember, you are not alone. We all have our arms stretched out to hug you and give you hope. genie
I am so sorry to read this Gail; you are all in my heart and prayers, and I'm sending you warm and gentle hugs.
The flowers and butterflies are so lovely, and wonderful symbols of hope and transformation. Beautifully done.
I thought about you earlier today and said a quick prayer not realizing at the time how awful this must be for you, not knowing where your son is. Oh Lord, I do pray for safety and that soon you will find peace. I cannot imagine the fear in your heart. Stay strong and prayers are with you.
Oh dear Gail. Please know my thoughts and good wishes go to you and your family. Chances are overwhelmingly good that your son will re-surface & the future will be positive, prayers answered.
Your pics are gorgeous. Is that a butterfly or a moth in the 2nd photo? His/her eye spots are fantastic.
Beautiful close-ups! I will keep you in my prayers.
You should be famous, I think you will. Make a book, people will want to keep it forever.
The bee is my favorite, his little snapping eyes, and lace like wings.....so beautiful.
You and your son continue to be in my prayers and thoughts.
I have a grandson in LA for about 4 years. I understand we have needed prayers many times.
Oh Gail, I'm so sorry to hear this about your son. I will keep him and you in my very best thoughts. Please do keep us posted. Hugs to you.
The colours in these photos are luscious. Beautiful pics.
The details are great in your post pics. Hey, is that a new pic with pup. Cute.
Your pictures have such great detail. Hey...is that a new photo..with dog?
Magnificent photos Gail. Truly beautiful.
I hope you locate your son soon - Dave
I know the sinking feeling in your heart right now...I went through this when my kids were much younger and there is nothing more frightening. Keeping your family in my prayers and hoping you will hear his voice soon. Lovely images, and you are right, it still looks like spring here in our part of the world. Love & Hugs to you sweet Gail...xoxo
Excellent macro photography ~ Wow! The butterfly is so beautiful ~ healing hugs to you and your son ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^
Thanks for sharing these beautiful and colorful images, Gail.
I hope you hear from your son soon. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
How magnificent that the flowers and butterflies are still so lovely there! AH!!
omg....did i miss a blog post regarding your son? if i did, i'm so sorry.
he's missing? and has been for two weeks? gail my heart is just breaking for you right now. i can't imagine how you're feeling or dealing with this....
here are the biggest ((((hugs)))) and prayers i can give you.....xoxoox
You have got what you want.
I think the color of spring is what your hearts needs now. Bright, bold and full of life.
You must have the patience of a saint to wait for such incredible shots!
Keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers.
Your photo's are exquisite. Surprised National Geographic hasn't hired you!
Prayers will continue for your son. xo
I also didn't know your son was missing. I'm praying to hear good news soon. Take care, Gail.
As you enjoy our fall, we enjoy your summery images too, wishing it was like that here! Beautiful macros and warm colours...actual sunlight woohoo!
Praying for you and your family, Gail.
WOW simply WOW.
Oh Gail I am praying for you. Keep blogging and praying both seem to help, support is all around you I hope you know that. HUGS B
Nobody does butterflies better than you, Gail! Beautiful! I wish we still had flowers here in Oregon. The leaves are pretty but i get sad watching all my flowers die....it seems so long until spring! Best wishes for your son....
Gail! hi!
i was almost done blogging for the day and it came to me that i had not thanked you for your kind words.
YOU need kind words. I do pray your son is found and is safe. You are stoic and brave, my friend. I would be a blethering idiot!!!! that is for sure.
YOUR photography is super-dee-dooper wonderful! Cherish your warm climate and summer colors.
take care and you aren't weird for not liking chocolate. i have a 10 year old cub scout i teach that won't eat our chocolate reward treats. See there are two of you. LOL
Brilliant colors- nice shots! I am so sorry to hear about your son- I hope he comes home soon.
I love seeing my beloved mosquitohawks through your eyes, Gail!
oh sweetie, you've been a sweetheart to me while you must be so worried. you're now in my heart and prayers. I believe in guardian Angels, so I'll send you and your son Angels light.
your photos are exquisite. just the Spring ;) I needed to brighten up my day.
I am so sorry that your son is still missing. Big hugs go out to you my friend. I will keep you both in my prayers.
Beautiful photos - it does look like springtime!! Continuing prayers for your son, Gail!!
Breathtaking images! Prayers continue for your son!
Oh Gail -
The pain you're feeling - the fear - there is nothing I can say to ease it!! But my prayers are with you and hope that your son is found and is safe. You are so strong - I'm not sure if I could get out of bed if something like this would happen in my life. Your photos are lovely. Love that dragon fly!! Such comical characters. God Bless you Gail - thoughts and prayers your way.
Oh dear still no news, my heart goes out to you and my thoughts.
I am amazed that you can concentrate on anything let alone blogging. Your photos are stunning and I would love to eat a Satsuma straight from my own tree. Stay strong my friend.
I have not been a follower of your blog, but must say I am so sorry to find what is happening in your life. That last photo of the orange is most luminescent.
you're flowers are absolutely beautiful, straight out of a card, or a beautiful untouched field. Makes me want to go to the flower district los angeles to get some of my own to brighten my house up.
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