Oh, yes I had a plan; however, as with most of my plans, it went horribly awry. My idea was to take Christmas pictures of the dogs. I had the props, a fully charged camera battery, the Christmas tree decorated, and a fire blazing. Have you ever tried to pose three dogs at once? I'd get one situated and the other two would wander off. Reminded me of my three toddlers from long ago. So I got the bright idea to lure them with treats. Lawdy, lawdy, Miss Claudy! All they were interested in was my hand and pocket. I tried outside shots and inside shots. Outdoors I was rewarded with muddy knees and shoes and nothing to show for it. Inside I was clean, but just as frazzled. Well, see for yourself how all this played out.
Daddy tried to help, but he only has two hands. Okay, two will do. He got the squirmy worms posed as best he could and I metered the shot all wrong. I had to rescue in Lightroom which caused major grain, so I imported to PS and added this lovely texture by Kim Klassen called Word. |
Now Chance decides to enter the frame, but the settings are still all wrong. Then I got the giggles because nothing was going right which resulted in camera shake. You see? I cannot shoot indoors. I hate it. I suck. |
Let's try outside! Light is too bright, creating harsh shadows. No matter, my precious babies are not cooperating anyway. |
I gave up on the chihuahuas (temporarily) and decided to work on Chance. "See boy? I have a treat!" He only looked at my hand from there on out. :/ |
Finally! A pose. But the sky is blown. Jeepers, what's a mother to do? |
Okay, let's return to the chi chis and try the patio chair. Where's Izzy? Oh, never mind, I can at least get one dog to pose, right? Sigh. I guess not. |
I know! I'll lure Sparky with the treat by putting it in the angel statue. Chance, unfortunately for Sparky, figured this out much quicker. And he's much taller. :/ |
"PLEASE MAKE HER STOP. I BEG OF YOU." IZZY!!!! Where'd Izzy go? Oh, there she is, hiding in the monkey grass, hoping I won't find her. Ever. I think she's pretending to be a lawn ornament. |
Oops, Chance discovered her hiding place, too. |
Back in the house we go! Let's try a more controlled setting. "Nah, ma, I don't feel like cooperating. If you don't give up that treat, I'm going postal on you. Doggie style!" |
I just want one shot with your face and the antlers in focus! Just one, dadgummit! |
Aaaaaannnddd! That's a wrap. This is good as it's gonna get. Notice that I did not put my watermark on a single one of these. Heh. |
Okay, I need a nap now. I think reliving it added to my exhaustion. Hope y'all had a more productive afternoon than I. Or is it me? My English Major daughter will know. I'm off to make dinner, so I'll be back later to catch up.
Has anyone else had trouble with my blog pics downloading? Only one person has mentioned it so far, so I don't know if it was just her or if everyone is having that issue. Thanks!
this is hilarious! i was snickering all the way through! your commentary was spot on. the 'lawn ornament' impression cracked me up!!! herding cats! herding dogs! same thing! :)
i've not had any trouble w/ blog pics.
I'm sorry for all the troubles you went through but just reading it was hilarious! Sorry, I just can't help but giggling. Love the tongues sticking out. I guess they're telling you how they really feel about all this posing nonsense, hahaha! Sit down tonight and put your feet up... you've had a rough day!
oh my...thanks so much for the goooood laugh...tooooo darn cute!! They are soooo cute!!
The fotos stalled at the beginning but then all loaded ...
Canines - whatch gonna do! Maybe not the perfect pics you planned, but adorable just the same!
These are just too cute, and the commentary made me feel like I was seeing the action in person. These may not be perfect from a photographic standpoint, but they're adorable. What a hoot!
That is too funny! Thank you so much for sharing these, they are all so adorable...your Izzy is sooo small! I have trouble posing my one Izzy, so you have my sympathies! You got some great shots though, just love Chance in his hat!
You certainly made my day!! LOL!!! At least I'm not the only one who has problems with dogs and a camera!! I now pull the camera out and dog heads all turn left or right!! You'd think they know what to do by now!! You had a couple of good shots!! Chance is a lovely pup!! Don't think the little ones care much for those antlers :-}}
Ohhh no, Gail, I'm so sorry you didn't get pics! You made me laugh out loud, tho... what a hoot, but I can see where it would have been very frustrating!
Take a rest, now... LoL! =)
LMAO! Clearly, they were not on board with the plan or hadn't been properly briefed. If I was wearing antlers, I probably wouldn't cooperate, either. haha!
Precious and funny and real. Fur babies are a hoot.
Oh these are funny...and you really thought you could get all 3 dogs posed long enough for a shot?? Good luck!!
These pictures made me so, so happy. Those little doggy tongue pictures are the BEST! Love it!
I had to imagine some of the antics because I'm one of those having problems with getting all your pics. I kept refreshing the page and upon last attempt, I was missing nine! I just thought it was my darned satellite internet. And it probably is! But I do have problems getting them when you have multiple photos in one post. Go figure!
Gail! way cool! hi, that made me crack up. So funny. I don't do dog clothes but perhaps a head gear would be permissible with my schnocker Duchess. Do you know my doggie? She is a mixed = mom is a mini-schnauzer and dad is a cocker spaniel and she is a official mixed and accepted bread of SCHNOCKER! haaaaaa, really. LOL
I don't know what it is about her tongue, but i love it!!! Your photos were GREAT.
Too funny. What an ordeal.. but great blog fodder it is. All of these pics loaded just fine. It was just that one post that I had trouble with and still do.. I just rechecked. I'm pretty sure it's just Frank's computer.
Too funny, Gail! There's some good shots in there, but I really enjoyed the story line and problem shots the most! Animals are really hard to shoot.
Never work with small children or dogs - and never, ever work with small dogs!
Funny post.
Stewart M - Melbourne
Would rehearsals before hand help? No, probably not.... :-) - Dave
I guess its that old saying "Don't work with kids and animals". I've tried the doggy shots and it never works, they are far too clever to cooperate, especially if there's food about. Anyway your results are pretty good Gail and your commentary always amusing. I look forward to the next series though.
Awww, they're so cute and squirmy. Much like my 3 boys - our Christmas pictures shots were much the same!
Kudos to you for even trying!! I gave up a long time ago getting a posed pic of my pups. Good save on that first one. Makes me really want to learn layers! The pics downloaded but were a little slower than normal.
What a great start to my morning! The fur babies are cute no matter that they didn't cooperate.
This is so funny and cute! Hey, I think you're doing great just to get them to wear those antlers!
Photography is great and I am just smiling and giggling with you ~ Beautiful dogs ad handsome hubby and you worked so hard ~ got great photos ~ maybe the single one of your big dog? for xmas? ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^
I have some issues at other blogs, never yours
I love all these candid shots
and the story is priceless!!
this would make a wonderful, funny, sweet book of how delightful an imperfect Christmas can be :)
Seriously...this was hysterical...I had so much fun laughing at their antics/their faces/and your interpretations!!! These were the best ever.....my favorite was the look on Chance's face as he came into the frame...next would be the tongue.....you did good!!!
Great sense of humor, Gail. Your photos kinda make me wish I had a puppy. Hey, your Dad's looking healthy and fit.
Hope the Arnica works. There are different strengths. It took hub about a year to get his problem under control as the nerve endings had to heal. If you don't see any progress by January, let me know and I'll mail you one of the salves we brought back from Europe. There are no restrictions on the stuff as it's just a flower that works. However, stuff has to have a bit of filler to hold it together and so on. Don't forget, okay?
They are all so cute. Funny action shots. The look on the dog on the right in the 2nd picture is so funny. He's like "What are you doing?"
Just too funny! It's very much like photographing a bunch of kids....very much like it!
You had me laughing all the way through! I'm exhausted just imagining.
I'm rolling over here, giggling! Since all of my photos of late consist of trying to capture kids running up and down a basketball court, I can somewhat relate! I keep thinking about trying to get some action shots of Rusty (my own pooch) but now....giggle...I'm not so sure I'm up for that!
Gail! LOL! you make me giggle. YOYO vs YOLO hahahaha.
what is it about doggies and their tongues? i love them!!!!!!! thanks and have a super dooper weekend.
I love how Izzy seems to always be sticking out her tongue!!! That is priceless! Such wonderful photos of your exhausting photo shoot! I need to do this with Gracie! Big hugs, xoxo
Haha! How cute!!! They look so sweet all dolled up for Christmas!
Oh I am cracking up! I spent yesterday doing the same thing with my dog to get a photo for my 365 project. I couldn't get my dog to look at the camera because I was doing a self portrait and no one was at the camera to get his attention. haha It was fun and exhausting! You took some great pics though!
Nailing jello to a tree, huh. I can just picture all of this. Too funny. :)
Oh my gosh.. What a funny post. I am still laughing. I only have the one really old cat. I don't think I will be getting any Christmas photo of her this year.
I was smiling all the way through - and I felt a bit exhausted myself when it was over :)
this is hilarious :) I even called my mother, they're so cute. she suggested making this session with cats (not). xxo
Oh you have me laughing so hard. Too bad Daddy does not have three arms. This looks like it was incredibly fun. Love the pics. B
Gail to freakin funny! You are a hoot and I think your dogs know how to play you! One again hilarious!
Herding dogs and children is so hard. You have great looking dogs. Sorry you're exhausted.
Hee hee, made me giggle! And reminds me of two Christmas's ago when I tried the same thing, shot about 50 pictures and only one came out halfway decent, and that's only because Steve had to stick his arm underneath the tree skirt to hold Miss Lilibell in place, lol!!
Oh well, at least I got to see those 3 cuties!!
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