Monday, August 11, 2014

Bayou Brothers

These are my sweet second cousins. Brody is almost 6 and Eric is 16. We spent over 2 hours on the party barge and had a blast, zipping all over Lake Des Allemands. The boys know when I'm around that a camera will be pointed at them, but they didn't seem to mind. Well, maybe a little. I took 207 photos of these hams; it was difficult choosing a handful to show. Hope you enjoy!

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Our World Tuesday


  1. Sweet....the 2nd one from the top is my favorite. Very handsome boys. And looks to be a fun filled day.

  2. Great photographs, Gail.
    Always good to have a great photographer in the background - later the boys will be happy to have all the great shots about a part of their life.
    Regards from Germany,

  3. Only 207 you are slacking:):) Great shots of happy boys. Hug B

  4. I am sure that both they and their parents love these shots. I really like the ones that include water spray.

  5. Looks like they had a blast! Great photos and cute kids!

  6. Terrific fun captures. They sure are enjoying a lot. :)

  7. Cooling off in the water can be such fun!

  8. oh, such great brothers!!! well, i'm assuming they're brothers and not cousins. :)

  9. Good morning, Gail..
    You really did an awesome job in capturing some priceless moments of these two. They both are such handsome guys and it sure looks like they were enjoying not only the water and the ride, but having their aunt Gail snapping shots of them. These are wonderful memories and you have the photos to prove it. You captured excitement, love, adventure, and much more in these pictures!!
    Hope you have a terrific day.

  10. Handsome lads, and great shots! Good to see the older one looking out for the little guy!

  11. What great action shots! Looks like a fun time, especially if it was still so hot there.

  12. Fun! FUN! What a great time everyone was having. These are ALL "keepers."

  13. Darling boys...hope the are always cooperative in the future.

  14. Wow, very nice photos.
    Boys are in great fun.

  15. Fun shots, Gail! They seem like very sweet boys. You've captured more here than just some excellent images, you can really see the love & care between the brothers and that is something very special indeed!

  16. I bet you had a super time shooting these memorial times. They can look back on these photos later in life and remember you cared enough to document their youth.

  17. Handsome boys your second cousins Gail and what a great gift these photos will be, treasured more and more as they grow. Spectacular action shots, so sharp and clear!

  18. These shots are so awesome. They look so happy!

  19. PS...I'm back to only thank you for visiting/viewing my bird photos on my birding blog....your comments are always appreciated Gail.

  20. Look as though they are having fun out there.

  21. You did your cute cousins proud!

    Talked to Charlotte (Butterbean Row) today. Said she broken her foot in June. Evidently she sent you and me an email, but I didn't get it.

    BTW, I thought your daughter's wedding was to be in August.?

  22. Two lovely boys and they look so Nice on the photo,s

  23. Fun photos of 2 handsome dudes enjoying the summer for OWT ~ great shots!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  24. They are handsome young boys! Looks like they had a fun time! Great shots!

  25. Looks like they were having a great time! Nice shots of the action.

  26. These are so wonderful, Gail! I can really appreciate them because I have similar opportunities but don't end up with such amazing up-close shots!

  27. Cool fun in the sun!! Handsome boys!!

  28. These are all great; I'm sure it really was difficult to choose the ones you wanted to use. Nice looking kids having a wonderful time. :)

  29. What fun, terrific captures and of handsome boys having a ball!! I love them! Thanks so much for sharing the fun!!

  30. Beautiful pictures Gail.
    These guys are enjoying the water and the beautiful weather.

  31. So cute! And it looks like great fun! Your pictures bring back memories of when my family and I would head off to Lake Powell and rent a houseboat and play in the water all day. . .sweet times :)

  32. The boys are having a blast! Wish my grandson could have joined them! :-) The older boy is very attentive to the younger one, and that is so nice. Great shots!

  33. Looks like the guys had way too much fun!! Your camera takes wonderful action shots as well as your awesome macros!!

  34. they look like they were having a blast! love how the older brother was taking care of his little brother. : )

  35. So sweet! These are great shots. I just spent a few minutes getting caught up. Your photos are always a treat! Congrats on your bass!

  36. Great photos of them, their expressions and the water, oh my wordy girl. I love your photos!!!!

  37. Add my comment to those already posted on how great these action shots are to see, Gail. It's far easier to take photos of people doing something fun and the results show their joy.

  38. Oh these are awesome! I love the 2nd one!

  39. Delicious sporty cousins ​​have them and you have a lot of fun in the picture put:-) Nice and bright colors too.


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