Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Missing My Blind

I miss using my chair blind. Even though it hasn't been a bad summer as far as heat and humidity goes, the idea of sitting in an enclosed structure right now is not appealing at all. When fall comes I'm going to be sittin' pretty in my blind.

These shots were from May 8th. For a large bird the Blue Jay sure is a scaredy cat. This one knew something wasn't quite right. Every click of the camera made him turn his head this way and that. Finally, he had enough of my shenanigans and flew off.

Although quite common in these parts, I find the Blue Jay a very beautiful bird and never tire of taking their portraits. Due to their skittish nature they are not easy to photograph, making them somewhat of a challenge. The thrill of the chase is part of the reason I love bird photography so much.

Please visit links of other
birds around the world!
Mucho thanks to gracious
host, Anni.


  1. One of my favourite birds. They are the guardians that sound an alarm call when hawks or other dangers are near. They save the day for smaller birds that recognize this call and hide themselves. Just saying.

  2. Those are some incredible shots of the blue jay's face Gail. Great job!

  3. How I wish to see this beautiful blue Jay and hear its song♡♡♡ Lovely head shaking, aren't they♪♪♪

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  4. Hello Gail!:) Got my new specs this morning, so now I can actually see your beautiful photographs. I think it's a stunning bird, and I would take lots of photos too if only we had the Blue Jay here.

  5. ...that 2nd one just blew [for should I say 'blue'?] me away!!!!

    Thanks for linking to the Bird D'Pot this week Gail

    [even tho right now I'm on Hootin' Anni's admin]

  6. I like them too. However, my mother, who is an avid bird feeder, literally hates them and shoos them away anytime they get near. I guess they can be bullies to other birds.

  7. The bluest blue is the blue of the bluejay. You have done a wonderful job of getting his color and his intelligence. I love your photography efforts.

  8. Oh, my heart...amazing images of one of my favorites. I adore them. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day, Gail ;)

  9. I like the way blue jays pose for the camera. For sure some jays are more comfortable with cameras than others! Nice shots!

  10. Hi Gail,
    Great photos of the Blue Jay.
    Picture 2 and 4 are my favorite.
    Very well photographed, my compliments.
    Best regards, Irma

  11. really, really cute shots. i marvel at their beauty, too.

  12. they look so curious. what cute close-up's!! so fun! ( :

  13. Only who love photography share the same language.

    And the excitement.

  14. They are beautiful birds, but what characters!

  15. Fabulous pics! National Audubon, here you come!

  16. I love seeing them and their beautiful feathers of blue. Although they can appear to be mean at times, I still enjoy watching them. These are some really great photos! Hoping you have a fabulous time today...can't wait to see tomorrows pictures...

  17. Wow, look at his whiskers! We used to see blue jays all the time in Michigan, but I don't remember them having whiskers like that.

  18. I was surprised when I discovered the Blue Jay was a member of the crow family. A very pretty crow indeed.

  19. Great shots! They don't stick around here long. They grab as much as they fit in their beak and they're gone.

  20. Awesome closeups of the Blue Jay! He is pretty!

  21. Great portraits -- you captured the personality. I guess I like the thrill of the chase too (but all photo-hunters can't be as successful as you are). Thanks for sharing your 'trophies'.

  22. Very rarely do I see a blue jay and I think they are a stunning bird, thanks for sharing your images!!

  23. I LOVE them, they just don't get the credit they deserve!! These close ups are simply stunning!!

    Our summer here has been on the cooler side as well but still to hot for me. I am looking forward to fall. I always do!!

  24. He may have flown away,but not before you got some amazing pictures. I love the Blue Jays as well.I find that offering them peanuts in the shell will help to get them closer.

  25. He is gorgeous, great capture Gail. Love the detail in his eye too.

  26. I've always loved blue jays, too. We had them at our house in Lago Vista, but for some reason, we have zero out here in the Hollow, just a few miles away. Weird! Instead, we have those Mexican Jays. I wonder if it's a territory thing?

  27. Fabulous shots, Gail. The jays are indeed beautiful, intelligent and bossy! I've caught up with your last few posts. I especially enjoyed reading about you and your dad out fishing. Lovely day.

  28. I can imagine how hot it would be to be copped up inside a blind in a Louisiana summer.

  29. These are wonderful close captures, never seen so much details.

  30. Let me count the shades of blue. . . just beautiful, Gail! Bluejays are one of my favorites, too! Guess I should go buy some peanuts :)

  31. Great captures of this handsome Blue Jay. I love them too and were one of the first birds I could identify by their call. Thanks for your sweet comments on my post about father-in-law Gail. Happy weekend to you :)

    p.s. I can understand why you want to get back to your bird blind. I'm seriously thinking of getting one also, especially after I saw all these amazing photos you take.

  32. I totally agree! You sure can capture some great shots too! I rather favor a Blue Jay too! After all blue is my favorite color!

  33. Fantastic shots! What a beautiful bird. I'm glad he didn't immediately fly away!


    You provided and view I have never been able to have of a Blue Jay. My criminy! LOVE IT!!!!!!

    Yes, I am feeling better and my post tomorrow explains a bunch. I am grateful for your friendship and your great attitude toward my life lately. Hugs back to you!!!! ♥

  35. It looks like you are totally in his face!! Couldn't get much closer!! Awesome shots!

  36. What gorgeous bird shots! I can see why you wouldn't feel like sitting in a blind this time of year. Fall will come eventually :-)

  37. Very nice shots of the blue jay! I really enjoyed how you even captured the expressions on his face!

  38. What gorgeous shots! Such pretty birds.

  39. Gail, I agree with your comments that the blue jay is a beautiful bird and one of my favorites as well. The cardinal is my first favorite and also the VA state bird.

  40. Fantastic shots! What a beauty! And this look ... gorgeous!

  41. We have a few of them in our yard from time to time. They tend to be a bit of a scaredy cat! I have yet to be able to capture them.

  42. A gorgeous bird and for me the most beautiful picture 2 and 4.
    What a beautiful color these birds. Really great!

  43. These are stunning images, Gail! What a color on these birds. I agree, the jays are so gorgeous, one can put up with their shenanigans. We have Stellar jays here – very beautiful and total bad boys. They make noise and fight with the squirrels over the hazel nuts but we put up with it.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend, my friend. x

  44. I've just been thinking I need to build me a "blind" of some sort to try for more shots of my scaredy birds .... that does it....I'm going to buy me some camp fabric ...hahahhahah

  45. I've just been thinking I need to build me a "blind" of some sort to try for more shots of my scaredy birds .... that does it....I'm going to buy me some camp fabric ...hahahhahah

  46. I've just been thinking I need to build me a "blind" of some sort to try for more shots of my scaredy birds .... that does it....I'm going to buy me some camp fabric ...hahahhahah

  47. I've just been thinking I need to build me a "blind" of some sort to try for more shots of my scaredy birds .... that does it....I'm going to buy me some camp fabric ...hahahhahah


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