Friday, August 8, 2014

Blooms, Birds and More!

I've been meaning to post these since the end of April. So, without further delay, here we go!
Can anyone help ID this flower?

I think this is a Cosmos.

Walking trail at Bluebonnet Swamp.

Indigo Bunting

Juvenile or female Indigo Bunting.
Spring is such a confusing time for identification.

Leucy the leucistic Cardinal.
On a completely different note, do any of you like jigsaw puzzles? If so, there's an app for that! It's called...can you guess? Jigsaw Puzzle! They offer a free puzzle of the day and several other free ones to choose from. You can select the number of pieces from 4 to 400, background color, the ability to scatter pieces, show only the edges, etc. Oh, you can even choose one of your own photos. I have lost countless hours and a few bucks buying new collections. It's totally addictive! Don't hate me. You have been warned. :)

Enjoy your weekend!! See y'all on Monday.

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Thanks, Eileen!


  1. Pretty photos, Gail. The cardinal is unique, love the splashes of white on its red. The Indigo Bunting is beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Gail it was worth the wait for these photos. They are excellent.

  3. I really like the first and last photos, but I will pass on the jigsaw app ... because I don't have any hair left to pull out.

  4. Oh I LOVE the cardinal well I LOVE all your photos and thanks for the puzzle tip I will not be looking:) Hug B

  5. PRETTY Birds!!!!! And the unidentified flower is one gorgeous photo. [I wouldn't get anything done anywhere/anytime if I were to get that puzzle app. Nope, nope, not gonna do it. lol]

  6. Schöne Bilder von den kleinen Fliegern.


  7. No jigsaw puzzle apps, I'd never get anything else done! I Love Leucy btw...and all your other photos. =)

    Oh, the first flower may be soapwort aka bouncing bet aka saponaria officinalis. I think.

  8. if you are picking a puzzle from these views. usually puzzles are tough or very difficult. my 1st thought - the hike twisty turny view. but if you want something tough. i would then say.... you need to keep looking. we have a Coke puzzle you need to try. it is a real toughy. the hubby had this canister - that just sat there for years & finally i said after dusting one day, i am going to built this puzzle. it was a very tough one indeed ... i have never struggled so much. as a kid i would work puzzles with a lady neighbor (she was on oxygen & could not get around much) so it was a real blast for us. so fun!! we would spend hours working on them.

    have a great weekend!! ( :

  9. I have never gotten that close to an indigo bunting! How special!

  10. Interesting App. I do like putting puzzles together and I think my mind benefits greatly when I do so. so enjoying your photos today...I love how you take the simplest thing and make such a lovely photo out of it!
    Have a Blessed's gonna be a warm one!!

  11. those are some great photos.

    I want to grow up and take shots like you. sigh

  12. Great pics! Had to look up "leucistic." I learned something today. Thanks!

  13. Sorry, I can't help with the flower ID. Such a beautiful photo though!!!

  14. Beautiful series of pictures which I really find the birds totally awesome.

  15. i love picture puzzles, but i like the feel of pieces in my hand and the cardboard dust all over my table. :)

    loved leucy! so cool!

  16. The name of this flower is


  17. What other beauties might be hiding in that computer of yours!?

    That first one is my fav...but then flowers are my thang.

  18. Oh gee thanks, just what I need another hobby, i.e. addiction. Yes I like puzzles.

  19. Gorgeous photos! I wish I knew the name of your unidentified flower but can't, sorry! Love your bird photos, your leucistic Cardinal is a real beauty!

  20. Beautiful images.Bluebonnet Swamp looks like a place I would enjoy being. I do like jigsaw puzzles,but only online. I will check out the app.If you don't see any further posts from,come rescue me from my addiction. LOL

  21. I'm not up on my wildflowers, but I am envious of your DOF. You've got it down pat. I'm caught in the rut of dialing that aperture too wide open and don't get enough in focus. I need to work on increasing the ISO more. All super great shots.

  22. Excellent and beautiful fotly.
    I wish you a nice weekend.

  23. oh my gosh, your images are stunning ...

  24. I'm very sure that your first pink flower is a cowcockle. (Vaccaria hispanica). It is also known as Cow Soapwort, Cowherb. It has an affinity to open fields and waste areas. It grows in pastures, and reportedly was used as fodder, giving the cow reference both in the common name, and in the genus name - vacca being Latin for cow. I had to research this last info. but it fits the bill!
    Your photo shows its delicate design. NICE!

  25. Gorgeous flowers and awesome shots of the birds. The indigo bunting is gorgeous.. Happy weekend!

  26. I just love your bird photos - they are incredible. The cardinal is wonderful!

  27. oh sweety, re read my post! Big change happened.

  28. Another great series of shots, Gail! That first one of the unknown flower really drew me in. I like the soft background/bokeh.

  29. These are such delightful shots. I admire the focus you get all the time: sharp and crisp.

  30. Oh, MAGNIFICENT pictures of birds and flowers, Gail♡♡♡ And really love the unidentified pink flower.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  31. Our birds are now molting, but Leucy seems to be in fine feather! Most of the cardinals have lost their crests. Nice assortment of images!

  32. Gorgeous "bird and blooms" and I loved your fishing story and to read of a new relationship with your dad. How nice....;)

  33. The unidentified flowers are beautiful, as are the birds! I like puzzles, but think I'll pass on the app. I can already find way too much to do to avoid my chores. :)

  34. Looks like a lovely swamp walk! Awesome close up of the bunting!!! And the pretty hot pink cosmos!! Now that would make a challenging puzzle - with 400 pieces!!

  35. Beautiful images Gail! Love the flowers and jigsaw puzzles. Thanks for the tip. Happy weekending

  36. What a gorgeous group of images Gail!! I am a puzzle lover.....we put a huge one together during super storm sandy, when we had no power for 8 days!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!

  37. Love all your photos! I'm not sure what that first flower photo is, but I do know that the other is a cosmo. I'll have to check out that app. I've been play 2048 a little obsessively lately and need something new :)

  38. Beautiful photos. Whatever it is, the delicate pink flower is really beautiful.

  39. I haven't been on the computer much lately and have soo missed your photos! My sense of peace is once again restored, LOL!

  40. I do love Cosmos blossoms! I bought a pink plant....I'm so hopeful that it will drop seeds so I'll have some plants again next year! I also have a Chocolate Cosmos---a funny LONG stem with a tiny chocolate colored flower. Again, I'm so impressed with the tight focus. I'm not doing well in that department.

  41. Love the flowers and the bird. All so beautiful! :)

  42. Your first photograph is awesome, Gail! And I always like your birdies! ;-)
    Enjoy a great Sunday, I just returned from the German and Danish North Sea coast - approx. 500 miles by car! ;-)

  43. Hello Gail, thanks so much for linking up your post with Saturday's Critters.. Enjoy your Sunday!

  44. Your bird photos always amaze me! Will suggest the puzzle app to my mom!

  45. I don't suppose calling the unidentified flower "pretty" is the help you were looking for. No wonder I am just the muscle here in terms of lawn duties while the Mrs. has the functional brain.

    Neat with the jigsaw puzzle app. I'll have to take a look.

  46. Such a wonderful series of photos! The indigo bunting is so beautiful! All are amazing!

  47. Really beautiful pictures and your birds are really fantasist sich. The beautiful soft pink bl; oemen in your first picture, I think Vaccaria hispanica Rose Koekruid. A gorgeous photo.
    My compliments to your lovely blog.

  48. Awesome photos of the beautiful birds!

  49. Girl, these are outstanding and that flower.... I want some of those but its that walking trail..... boy, that would be a perfect place for a wedding or engagement shoot.

  50. Great shots! Loving the cardinal a lot. Sorry I can't help with the flower name.

  51. Each one is truly gorgeous, my friend! You always put a smile on my face with your pretty pictures - thank you!

    Hugs to you!

  52. Your photos are wonderful, Gail! That male indigo bunting is gorgeous! Love the flowers too. What a lovely place!

  53. Wonderful photos as ever -- glad you saved and showed them. Love the indigo bunting -- will never forget the first time I ever saw them (I may have told you that story, so I won't again). Anyway, one of my favorite sightings ever.

    Not a jigsaw fan, so you didn't tempt me. I tried doing crossword puzzles on an app, but went back to paper and pen (and not nearlly as often as I used to, before I started blogging).

  54. The Blue Bonnet Swamp would freak me out. The pink flowers at the top are not wild geraniums? no? I'm not up on my wild flowers (like 30 years, not up)!

    But guess what, I have been wearing your nail polish since I got it. I love it. I take it off once a week and put it right back on. And, you should hear the compliments I get from the doctors and nurses. They all love it. I think too, it could be that there is not a speck of color on my face or head so they can't help but see my fingers and I think, breathe breathe, that I love the flecks of color to keep me happy. THANKS SO MUCH ♥

  55. oh Gail, you always have the sharpest images. We have the same camera, but mine never come out so clear as yours do. What am I doing wrong?


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