Noticed this "fence" as we were leaving Jefferson Island. I'm calling it a fence because it has posts and a wire strung between them. Not sure if the moss ended up there naturally or someone thought to put it there. Both images were snapped with the iPhone.
Here are some other shots with moss in them.
Breeding great egret, Lake Martin, 3/22/14 |
Rose-breasted grosbeak, my backyard, 4/26/14 (moss on far right) |
Barbara the barred owl, Bluebonnet Swamp, 3/16/14 (moss also on right side) |
Back in February I told you about the barred owl pair, Barbara & Barry, who
made a nest close to the boardwalk at Bluebonnet Swamp. The chicks were scheduled to appear the second week in April. Weeks went by without any sightings of the parents, much less the owlets. Finally, Barbara appeared a couple weeks ago preening on a boardwalk railing; another day she was spotted bathing in dirt. Some days later, Barry made his presence known. The chicks were never seen, so we don't know if the harsh winter did them in, or if a predator got them. We were so disappointed. But at least the parents are okay and we know they will try again next year.
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