Against my better judgment, I hiked in the woods behind my house today. Confession: before planning any type of outing, I first think of the worst thing that could happen. Scenario 1: A serial killer follows me into the brush where I meet my demise and won't be found for days, or years. 2: I fall down and break my leg and can't get home. There are more scenarios, but you get the idea. My mother taught me this destructive way of thinking back when I was an impressionable young child, so it keeps me from doing fun things sometimes. But today I had a strong urge to get out with my camera, and thought if I took Chance, my dog, I'd be okay—he'd be my protector. Chance and I are extremely close. I often refer to him as my soul mate. Shadow would have been a perfect name for him. Or Velcro. We are like peas and carrots.
Our three dogs are like our children, really, so I think I'm going to start talking about them more on here. And they're getting older, another good reason to document their antics. Our chihuahuas have their own blog,
Dos Chihuahuas Caliente, but I haven't updated it in over a year. Guess I'm a one-blog woman.
As Chance and I hiked today, I noticed the look of sheer glee on his face, being off-leash, free as a bird, and it occurred to me that Chance would make a wonderful photographic subject. So here is Chance in all his glory. He was difficult to photograph because he was in a state of perpetual motion, but these are good enough.
Coming out of the thicket. Wish the branch hadn't obscured his eyes. |
Hey, Ma! Look at me! I'm freeeeeeee! |
My boy finally starting to show fatigue |
Ma, c'mon! Let's go home. |
These are the fields directly behind my house. As you can see, not a hint of fall anywhere. :(
Happy Friday to everyone!
What a great place to hike and let him run! I have one of those perpetual motion dogs, too. You did a great job catching him! And my mom trained me the same way. All of those thoughts crossed my mind the first time I took a walk alone through Long Hollow!!
i love these! i love his beautiful russet color! glad you both had a great time. :)
Chance is such a handsome fellow! Dogs really know how to have fun - and they show it!
Chance sure looks like a playful part of the family. He was having himself a wonderful time on this hike the tow of you ventured out on.
You certainly were brave...I too get to imagining all kinds of things happening. Looks like a great, clean place to go and have a little fun.
Have a wonderful weekend.
That is one happy fella! He's beautiful.
Your scenery looks the scenery around here... Just as green as can be, but pretty nonetheless!
Oh happy, happy dog. Toby is so happy when he is off-leash and running free. Glad you decided it would be safe and that no serial killer would get is good.
What a wonderful place for Chance to be free! You have a WOW!! back yard!! Such a great place to throw the ball and play chase!! You probably won't see fall color leaves until the end of Dec. or Jan. with all that neat spanish moss hanging! I look forward to hearing more about your "kids!!"
I agree, you should totally write more about Chance! Love, love, LOVE this post!!! What a handsome boy he is! So glad you got out and took Chance with you. Big hugs, xoxo Mitzi
Chance is a beautiful dog, and you captures some great photos of him. They show some of his personality, as well as his handsomeness. Is he a mixed breed? He looks a little like a cross between a Chow and a Golden Retriever.
Chance is a handsome redhead. So happy he was able to run free.
Molly rarely has that chance.
What a great backyard. So glad you took a chance and Chance!
You had a great sunny day for your hike Gail, without any mishaps either. Do it more often and then write it up in your humerous style.
Such a great place to live, and Chance is adorable! I think Izzy would love him :)
That is one happy 'kid' ;)...we have two dogs and they are like our kids...since our 'real' kid is almost 18 and is pretty independent of us now. I absolutely need my 'kids' for my sanity. Glad you are sharing this wonderful side of your life.
Yep, that's Louisiana for ya - no signs of fall till January - LOL!
I am glad you find a lovely hiking partner.
No more serial killers.
I don't worry about a serial killer when I go into the many woods right here on our place or just on either side of the road. But I do worry about feral hogs, rattlesnakes, and sometimes hunters. During deer season (which starts in about a month) I don't go into the woods at all and always wear a brightly colored shirt and stick to the road when walking.
Your dog certainly had a fun time on this outing. He will get spoiled and want to go more often, I'm sure, but that should be good for both of you.
Cool topic and cool pics of the doggie with a long tongue. hahahaha. I just had to share my mountains with ya'll.
Gail, Chance is beautiful!!!
I am so glad you decided to go on your hike, and it sure looks like he was too!
Ha ha! Taking a chance with Chance. I pray a lot--hoping I don't see the ground moving (snake) or that I DO see it moving so I won't step on it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Ha ha! Taking a chance with Chance. I pray a lot--hoping I don't see the ground moving (snake) or that I DO see it moving so I won't step on it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Ha ha! Taking a chance with Chance. I pray a lot--hoping I don't see the ground moving (snake) or that I DO see it moving so I won't step on it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I hope you do post more of Chance, he's wonderful!!
I love his tail in the first shot and his long tired tongue later down
beautiful sky shots too :)
Gail you just always crack me up! I think we may have had the same parents! Great photos and wonderful hike!
Great big beauty of a dog.
There is nothing better than the pure joy seen on a dog's face when they are having fun!
Hi dear :) thank you for commenting Nancy's post on my blog 'wonderland'. I'm your new follower :) xxo
Wow, Chance is a beauty (handsome I guess would be better)...and was he ever having fun. I'm glad you went out --I do some of that worst case stuff too sometimes...those old patterns die hard! Not a lot of Fall around here either.
chance is a handsome dog. How wonderful that you can let him romp around without a leash. I am so scared that mine would run away or bite someone at the park.
I am reading a book called Merle, about a dog that someone found in the wild west. It is part story, part history of dogs.
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