Still trying to recuperate from the LSU tailgate party yesterday. I managed to make it to noon mass at St. Joseph's, but that was about all. Partying is no longer in the cards for me, I guess. My mind wants to have fun and be a social butterfly, but my body won't let me. I WILL be posting about it soon, though!
Posting these random images because I really didn't know what else to do with them.
Observed this at my dad's football game. A little girl under the age of two sat in a stroller right beside this mother who not only wore dangerous jewelry, but also sported psychedelic shoes with 6" heels, and shorts so short and tight she made Pamela Anderson look like Mother Teresa. Every time the child fussed, she stuffed Cheetos in the child's mouth or just ignored the poor girl. I bit a hole in my tongue to keep silent, and felt helpless and angry the whole game. I envisioned a big confrontation, but I also envisioned having my eyes poked out. Gosh, what does one do in a situation like this? I'm sure I could've devoted an entire post to this, discussing the social ramifications of this mother's behavior, but what good would it do? |
Playing with Izzy and the iPhone in July while Daddy's out of town. |
Our beloved State Capital building, June, 2012. The tallest capitol building in the U.S. |
Gecko cutie pie. |
BBQ shrimp and grits. YUM! I did not know grits could be fried. Another iPhone shot. |
Just playing. |
First time ever seeing a wren's tongue. |
My new reading chair for the master bedroom. Ordered it from I escape to this whenever my husband is on a sports-watching-binge. Which is frequently. |
LOVE this shirt, but had to return it for a larger size. Unfortunately, this was the last one. If anyone sees this shirt anywhere, please direct me! From the fleur-de-lis--to the faded Saints lettering--to the Football script font: this has ME written all over it! |
Spotted this dinner napkin at Hobby Lobby. The translator obviously had a problem with the word BLESSINGS! LOL |
Hope your week is bleesed!
the last one made me bust out laughing. :) thanks for that!
the capitol building is gorgeous! the brown gecko is cool! you had some fun with some of these, for sure. good luck finding that shirt again.
love a good photo dump. :)
Your random made my weekend. How sad is that? Bleesed be you too.
Some people are not meant to have children! I'll be on the lookout for a Saints shirt for you and that napkin...well, obviously Hobby Lobby needs to work on their quality control! :-)
Delightful randomness!
Gail- you were certainly in a difficult situattion having to watch the mom with the 2 yr. old! When is it our place to repremand a parent? I would have been like you and sat there and boiled. If this is a person you will see repeatedly- I would watch carefully and keep the defacs number close. If she's like this out - just think what goes on behind closed doors.
Love your red chair! now you need a red stool!
Hope you are recovering from your tailgating and have a great week.
hello random, hello fun!
i've been wanting an iphone, but i love the keyboard on my LG. Texting for my children you know.
wishing you a fun week and happiness.
take care of you.
I sooo wish we had a Hobby Lobby here in Small Town Missouri!
Gorg chair & love the angel...
I wonder what we're suppose to do when we encounter a horrible person like that? Esp knowing that if it's that bad in public, what happens in their home? I guess all we can do is pray, cuz I sure wouldn't have said anything, either. Very sad & I feel sorry for the baby!
About your comment, I didn't post it, but, so sorry to say this, I already have a few of those 'problems' myself, sometimes. =0
Nice set of pictures - I dont think I seen a wrens tongue before!
Cheers - Stewart M - Australia
Enjoyed your random images. I often end up with a bunch of randoms and never know what to do with them - maybe I should just share them anyway. Gives an interesting peak into your day to day life.
I understand where you are coming from about that mother Gail. Not much you can do though. Enjoyed your photos - specially the clouds over your State Capital Building and your red rose in an otherwise black and white photo. Nice.
I struggle to know if I should keep my mouth shut in a situation like that. I pray for the child and the young mother.
Love your Gecko! looks like it would like to take a bite of the grits and shrimp.
Your chair looks cozy and a great place to get away. I will have to check out
HOPE your week is blessed.
Lol...about the last one. I hope have a "bleesed" day, too. :)
just loved these random shots!! I have difficulty when I see pregnant women smoking or having a cocktail at a restaurant....especially since I lecture about these toxins in my class and know the long term effects for the child to be and society. I would absolutely love to try fried grits!!!
Oh thanks for the bleesings...we could all use a little more (hee hee). Love your collection of photos. I am afraid I would have to get up at leave watching that Mother and her treatment of the child...that would crawl on me into I would be so frustrated I would be forced to say something which in turn would not be wise. Your chair looks so comfy, what a nice spot to escape to. The sky is gorgeous in your capital I seem to be rambling. See ya!!
Great random shots. I would have had a very hard time watching the parent/child situation. Spay and neuter for some people, I say. So funny is the Hobby Lobby thing.
Oh that napkin is just hilarious! I'm not too sure about those fried grits!
Love the random shots, especially the b/w with the pop of the red rose! That is TOTALLY my style!
Autumn Bleesings to you, too! lol I hope they had it on the clearance rack! Love all of these, and oh, that mom would have had me raging, too. I'll keep an eye out for that shirt!
Glad you did not get your eye poked out! And Autumn Bleesings to you!
difficult word there...BLESSINGS!
I wonder how many people would have caught that? Can't wait to see the tailgate party pics! I know you had lots of good food! Louisiana folks know how to bring out some good eats.
I'm gonna be passing through your state tomorrow...Of course I'll be in the Northern part, but hoping to come back home on I 10. We are heading to Florida.
Hoping your week is filled with JOY.
:-) :-) Tailgate parties can be tough!
Okay, that ring is just plain creepy. Would not want to get her angry at me.
Oooooooh grits. Growing up, I had a best friend whose parents were raised in Alabama and Mississippi. They introduced me to grits (and REAL Southern Fried Chicken). I LOVE them!
Hope you "recover" quickly, my friend. :-)
That mother, from the way you described her, would have poked your eyes out in a second. Another mystery; why God would give her a child and not to someone more deserving.
Love your random shots and new chair.
There is just no accounting for some people's taste or actions.
I really enjoyed see all your random photos.
That is a tough one. You were probably right in not saying anything. You just never know what people will do now days..
That napkin made me laugh!
Love the shot of the rose with the collective colour selection. And you and your dog looks sweet together!
Wonderful randomness, Gail! That clarity of that first! Love the detail of the wren's tongue....interested somewhat about fried grits, but I guess they fry ice cream, so why not grits??? I would LOVE to have the gecko as my own.
Random they might be but each and every photograph works so well, helped by your words. Gail, you have a real talent for spotting a photo opportunity. Save me a plate of those grits please.
If my hubby had seen this woman and child -- he would have said something, I know it -- as unproductive as it may have been.
Love the shirt -- hope you find another. :)
How sad that mom wasn't more attentive.
I want to try fried grits!
Loved that shot of the Capitol building. Very dramatic. The Hobby Lobby napkin reminded me of a site I haven't visited for awhile: It features, among other things, decorated cakes gone wrong.
Oh Gail, I would so have run with the story of the mom who was so far out of should do that. :-) As always your images are absolutely fantastic! I just love visiting your site... Izzy is precious! Sending you hugs from Jennings, La....xoxo Mitzi
Oh I like that reading chair! I could use one of those. I hate when I see parents ignore their kids. It is a sad thing to witness. And what's with that spiky ring?
Great pics as always Gail! Love the gecko one especially :)
That's some great randomness Gail! Thanks for sharing. Your posts are always a bleesing.
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