Double D decided early in the week that he wanted to take the ferry from Sunshine, LA to White Castle, LA. Discovering that
Nottoway Plantation is in White Castle we decided it'd be worth a trip.
The ferry let us off in a little town called Plaquemine (Plack-uh-men). There were signs for historic homes, so not being on a schedule, we explored.
Abandoned home |
Front door to above home. What the heck is peeking out the side window?! Yikes! |
Side window from same home. I was thinking if I touched those curtains they'd probably disintegrate in my hand. |
We became bored of the historic home self-tour so off we went to find Nottoway.
Nottoway Plantation--side view. The home boasts 3 floors, 64 rooms, 6 staircases, 3 modern bathrooms, 22 massive square columns, 165 doors, 200 windows, and a bowling alley. |
We ate lunch in the circular dining room. So charming! |
I wish I'd had what Double D ordered: fried catfish topped with crawfish etouffee over mashed potatoes and a side of grilled veggies. Instead, I let the waitress talk me into a boudin po-boy which was NOT good. To make matters worse, they left the casing on the boudin and when I pulled it off it looked like Not appetizing AT ALL. Sorry if that was TMI. |
Side view of Nottoway. See the lower level with the dining tables and chairs? That's where we had our leisurely lunch, gazing out onto the beautiful property. |
Can't resist the fleur de lis! But why do these remind me of an obscene gesture? Sometimes my mind goes places I wish it wouldn't. :( |
One of many huge live oaks on the property. This is one of my favorite trees. The branches dip down so invitingly. |
This is the main gate in front of the mansion. Notice the blue of the sky; that is not Photoshopped, but, confession time: There was a man walking behind the gates, interfering with the beautiful lattice work, so I cloned him out. Buh-bye annoying tourist! |
We walked through the gates, crossed the road and climbed the levee for this photo. I was so happy I brought my 35mm lens on this trip. I forgot how much I love it! |
And back on the ferry we went where Double D got fussed at by the parking attendant coming and going. The guy gave lousy hand gestures and got a little aggravated with us, but we just smiled. |
As we were leaving, I told Double D that Nottoway would be a perfect place to stay for our 25th wedding anniversary. He said, "Unless we decide to return to Italy." Oh, be still my heart!