All week long we looked forward to the State Fair of Texas. As we boarded the train I was all set to read the new book I had downloaded on my Kindle when hubby uncharacteristically morphed into Chatty Charles. Not wanting to ruin the happy mood, I politely responded to the first 12 interruptions. After that I became engrossed in the book so he pulled out his iPhone and began obsessively checking the score of the LSU/Tennessee game. Technology to the rescue!

1986 was the last time I went to the fair, and now I remember why. Crowded places leave me feeling claustrophobic and nervous. And grumpy. Every single time I stood in line to eat some god-awful fried thing, someone got right in front of me as if I was invisible. Hubby encouraged me to be bold and stand my ground. He wanted me to muscle my way in. I angrily complained that I was taught to stand in line and wait my turn - all said loud enough for the offender to hear, I hoped. I'm a rule-follower, what can I say?
In retrospect, maybe God was telling me to stay away from the food. Everything was fried--even the drinks! I kid you not. There was a fried frozen margarita! What the what? Not my beloved margarita! We're a pretty conventional couple so we stuck with the tried and true: corny dogs, frito pie, funnel cake, praline fried sweet potato poppers, and corn on the cob.
Burp! Oh, excuse me, I think my tummy is still rebelling.
Double D drooling over the Camaro. He was wearing his LSU tee shirt and Texas Ranger ball cap. During the parade a clown pointed out that he was mismatched, laughing at him. A clown with abnormally large feet, a flower protruding from his cap, and a red bulb nose thought Double D looked funny. Ha! |
Somehow, horrible food and rides like this seem like risky business.
Am I the only one who worries about being vomited on at the fair?
My neuroses know no bounds. |
The line was unbelievably long for the ferris wheel.
I was too tired and grumpy to wait. |
Pumpkin art by Farmer Mike Valladao - also known as the
The Picasso of Pumpkin Carvers |
Birds of the World Exhibit
Hyacinth Macaw |
Does anyone know what kind of owl this is? |
Trainer: Did you fart?
Owl: Yes. I'm sorry. I guess I shouldn't have had the fried birdseed. |
Golden Eagle |
Small Postman |
Owl Butterfly |
Look at all the people! I think their main objective was to aggravate me. |
Iconic Big Tex |
Overall it was a fun experience despite some of the annoyances. However, if the length of time between visits remains consistent, I will be 75 years old by the time I'm ready to go back. I can't even imagine myself at that age.
Do you enjoy going to the State Fair? I'm very curious to know what you all think about it.
it has been years since i've been to the state fair. for a while there, hubby and i went every year - just to eat corny dogs, caramel apples and funnel cakes. :)
I'm with you! Even this past weekend, there were too many people at the various farms in Hood River for my liking. I detest crowds and lines. We had to wait in line for about 20 minutes just to buy apples! (By the way, I did post my photos.)
Haven't been to a state fair for decades ... too many people for me. But love seeing it through other's eyes like these photos! Love that ferris wheel shot!
Someone was talking about the fair last week & mentioned funnel cakes... you have my mouth watering again, now! LoL! =)
Did the clown look in the mirror when he dressed that morning, I wonder?! heheheee
I've been worried about the vomit thing since I was about 10 & saw a kid do it after riding the 'Tilt-A-Whirl' at Six Flags... that ruined it for me... the ride & my thought of getting out clean in an amusement park! =)
I haven't been to Six Flags in ages, but I think the Ferris Wheel is the one ride I'd thoroughly enjoy... now-a-days... I still like roller coasters, but the Ferris Wheel is so relaxing!
That owl looks so sweet... I wonder what kind of personality he/she had?! And the Eagle, always a favorite
I don't go to fairs in town anymore for that very reason... too crowded... well another reason, too... about 20 or so years ago when my daughter was a baby, we took her to the fair in town & later found out that the same night, a young girl had been kidnapped from the fair & raped... I don't think they ever solved the case, either...
I've never been to a State Fair... only town fairs & amusement parks
There you go with your fabulous images and colors! Full scene to macro---delightful. Love the ferris wheel image (you couldn't pay me to get on one).
That would be too much for me. I really hate crowds, I don't even go to town during the rush hours. I really really can't imaging fried drink but I know Texas is famous of fried everything and dare I say "fat" state!?
Those carved pumpkins are amazing.
As I mentioned before, I went that one time when visiting my friend and was completely blown away by what can actually be fried! That one time was enough for me...the fair is way too big and you're right, way too many people!
I don't like crowds or standing in line. Never been to the state fair but did go to the county fairs. I like the animals.
Anyway, your pictures are great and about as close to the fair as I wanna be!
Is there anything they don't fry!!! Thanks so much for sharing your photos of The fair.. I just love going to the fair it brings back memories of my childhood..
Minnesota has a huge state fair and I, for one, love it. While I'm like you and don't really like crowds, I love to people watch. I also like to partake in my share of the fatty foods. Hello? Cheese curds. Yummy.
You sure managed to capture some great photos. Those pumpkins are amazing.
Haven't been to the State Fair since I was 12. About 40 years ago. I've been to a couple of county fairs, which are totally different and a bit more fun, I think.
Your photos are wonderful -- I'm glad you went just so we can view your amazing photography. :)
A visit to the has been years for me too. I absolutely love fresh made corn dog, my very most favorite.
In February, in Plant City, Florida, we have the Strawberry Festival, I will go the for the corn dogs and strawberry shortcake. I would go for the corn dogs along.
Great visit to the fair, it was fun.
OH WOW! Your photos look so fun - and the ones of the owl and eagle are just stunning! What a great day... Love the pumpkin faces too.
Despite the crowds (which annoy me more and more the older I get) and despite having no intention of eating fried anything (wise decision on the margarita - my son tried it last year and said it was nasty!) I still want to go next year if only to see what you've captured so beautifully in your photos live and in person! Thanks for sharing!!
Your bird photos are just the best Gail!
These are incredible pictures. Love all the brilliant colors. You are one amazing photographer.
Hope your stomach survived!
Food sounded great to me.
people who aggravate. you too ?
i thought that only happened to me !!
love love love that owl and your commentary :)
Great pictures! (and I heard tell of deep fried BUTTER that is then covered in chocolate! OH ICK!!)
Very funny Gail! You gave me a very good chuckle here.
I don't really like crowds at all but sometimes if the event interests me enough I will attend. Most of the time just glad to go home! Great post! You are a hoot!
We have not been to the Texas State Fair in 10 years...Both of our married daughters went with was just the four of us(like old times) and I just knew we would have a blast...Well..daughter #2 was about 4 months pregnant and all the smells of those crazy fried foods was making her SICK...needless to say the time we spent walking to our car was longer than the time we stayed at the fair...probably won't be back....But if we do, I'm going to try to stay away from all those fried twinkies, fried snicker bars and friend drinks...
Blessings Gail...
As a child, my parents would take us to the State Fair every year, and it was wonderful. Then. Not so much now, and I do avoid these things for many of the same reasons you mentioned. I did make some exceptions as my kids were growing up.
I would love a pair of those cowboy boots though!! :-)
We don't have a state fair, but we have a county one. I like to go...but not every year. I totally agree with you about the food, it smells good but it is impossible to find anything that actually tastes good ~ at least to me.
The photos of the pumpkins and the birds are amazing. Great!
Appears to be quite the fair.
Love the owl with the big black eyes.
I haven't been in six years...thanks for sharing yours with me! The pics are awesome. I especially love the second parrot pic...those tones are terrific!
Well, I loved going to the fair with you. I'm a native Texan but left in the 1960s and only returned this past year to help care for my aging mother. I have not been to the fair in Dallas since my college days and your pictures made me want to go so I'm making plans for next year! I can remember Big Tex from my girlhood days of 60 years ago. Unlike me, he hasn't aged a bit! Those bird shots are prize-winners!
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