Tuesday, January 20, 2015

In and Around the Lake

One of these days I will get caught up. I hope you have all been well. Recently, I decided that this will be a year for me to get out and meet more people, which means disengaging from the computer more often. I hate that, but after three years of mourning my mother's death, it's time. Past time.

These are some of the things I've been doing:
 - joined a local photography club;
 - took a photography class on advanced focusing techniques;
 - attended an art exhibit;
 - participated in a night photography workshop;
 - volunteered for the "Paddle Patrol"...kayaking around Lake Martin to protect nesting birds;
 - attended an astrophotography lecture and saw Comet Lovejoy through a massive telescope;
 - this week there is a hummingbird lecture and tour + a field trip with my photography instructor;
 - joined a Photography Meetup hosted by a local photography instructor.

In between all of that I have been taking photos. Before I can post though, I need to get caught up on 2014. Below are some November images I have not yet shared. All of these were taken at LSU Lakes.

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  1. These all sound like fantastic things to do- I want to hear more about the paddle patrol- I would love that, and all your photography classes and workshops. Have FUN!! These are all super shots, Gail- thanks for sharing.

  2. these are great shots! i am glad you're 'out there' more and really glad you're finding photography avenues and ways to stretch your talent (which is already incredible!)

  3. Gail this is an INCREDIBLE series of shots! I especially love the last one :)

  4. Spectacular images!

    Looks like you are busy! Glad to see you participating in and enjoying life!

  5. I've been waiting for your return. You are a very busy and talented lady reaching for more possibilities. I admire your spunk and desire to really live life and share. Kudos!

  6. What a great series of images, Gail.
    Photo 1 and 3 are my favorite, which are sublime.

  7. WOW!! You have been busy. Your photos are really amazing. LOVE all of them.


  8. pass a drool bib please, Gail these are spectacular, just wow! Love the one of the bird skimming the water. Looks like you've been busy, so glad that you are out and about - so much life to see! xo

  9. Perfection Gail. What sort of camera and lens have you got?

  10. I'm impressed with all your activities. In my opinion, you should be teaching the photograph courses!

  11. Wow! Fantastic images Gail,..love the pigeon shot.

    It's great that you are finding new ways to explore photography, although it would be difficult to improve on these captures.
    Warm Regards.

  12. sooo busy perfecting your craft. Kudos

    Love those blue eyes. too cool

  13. Gail, these are all awesome shots! And you do sound busy, doing all the things you enjoy doing I hope. The comet sighting must have been really cool. And kayaking to protect the nesting birds is wonderful.. Have fun and enjoy!

  14. Glad to hear you are adding these new activities...if I lived closer, I would love to join you in some of the classes, very exciting! I stood outside when the windchill was below zero to see comet Lovejoy. After about 10 freezing cold minutes of staring at the sky, I said to myself..."yes, you saw it ", and went inside to warm up...your viewing seems a bit more real than mine! Love that blue eyed bird too!

  15. I'm so glad you're getting out and about Gail!
    These are gorgeous photos, and I love that bright blue eye peeking out of the first photo!

  16. Gorgeous photos. Each picture is vibrant and beautiful.

  17. I remember your LSU Lakes post -- these are just as amazing. Love that owl! Big applause for you for getting out more. I think there's always a hole in one's heart when one loses a parent.

  18. Oh yes it was about time she would have wanted it that way. I like to think my Dad also wanted me to move on and do what I love. I am so glad you came out of your shell and honestly it really shows. What a talent you have. Enjoy your life. HUG B

  19. So good, Gail. The eyes are in perfect focus. Love that one with blue eyes! Glad you are getting involved with lots of new things. Wish I could find a photography group. Don't forget about us completely.

  20. Wonderful photos, Gail!

  21. You go girl.....I'm so proud of you for getting out there and doing the things that you enjoy. You probably could teach some of these folks a thing or two...I don't know how much better your photography could get...it's awesome! Wish I lived closer and I would join you in all these activities....Wouldn't that be fun?

  22. Wow, you've been busy!

    These are wonderful shots.

  23. Sounds as if you've been busy and enjoying life with your camera... These shots are incredible!

  24. Hi Gail, You sure have been a busy gal and all such good things. The classes you've taken sound awesome. These shots are just amazing. I certainly hope you are framing some of them....

  25. Gail, I'm so happy you're doing all of these things. You truly have a gift for photography and a love of nature, and I love that you're merging the two. Best wishes for a wonderful 2015!

  26. AmaZing shots. Sounds like you have been having fun!

  27. Your photography lessons have really been paying off, your photos are so clear and lovely! I like the blue eye of the duck too, and the sense of the water rippling around it as it swims. The gleaming iridescent feathers are great on the pigeon too, and the egrets with the fish. Very inspiring!

  28. Simply amazing! Glad you are getting out and about more. I need to do the same.

  29. Wow, these shots are incredible! I love them all! And I'm so happy for you you get to do all these amazing things around photography! :)

  30. That sounds like a busy schedule! But fun!

    Superb photographs, Gail!

    Thank you for sharing your Nature!

  31. I think you should add to your list...work on a book of your bird photos! Seriously! As for your activities: I am impressed and a bit envious. I think I could find some smaller, similar things to do, so maybe I should just start.

  32. Is it possible to get caught up? I'm way behind in reading and commenting on blogs and have only recently begun to share on the blog again. In the midst of all of that...we are in the middle of a kitchen re-model. Hopefully that will soon be finished & the house can get back in order. Big hugs...always love your photos!

  33. Look at those feet...are they called "feet" on birds?? Anyway, look at those bottoms...no, no, that doesn't sound right either :) Lets stick with feet...the yellow is beautiful! It looks like he jumped into a bucket of yellow paint :)

    Your photos always amaze me, Gail. Thanks for sharing. Hugs!

  34. Good for you, Gail! How funny because I made the same goal this year, but I have to say I haven't been nearly as successful.

  35. Also meant to say, I love that blue-eyed goose!

  36. It is wonderful to disconnect, meet news peeps and join with groups of people that has similar interests. One of the best things I did was to join the knitting class, I just adore my teacher, class mates and the hobby!!

    That first picture, what is that?? I saw and photographed one today, it was with a group of Canadian geese, it sure looked out of place!!

  37. How great is that long-legged thing with the fish!

    I went to a camera club meeting for the first time this week. It wasn't exactly spectacular, but I'll probably try another meeting.

  38. Stunning images Gail.

    I love the color of the pigeon....but all images are just perfect.

    Sorry that I'm slow getting around to paying you a visit since you shared your link at I'd Rather B Birdin'....we've had some family health crisis as I posted on my personal blog [ Here ] and today I'm hoping you'd allow me this belated thank you for participating at the Bird D'Pot!!

  39. Nice photos. I thought you were already a pro.

  40. I've been considering finding a camera group too but there's precious little around here. Gail, you have a way of making a common pigeon look exotic. Beautiful photos.

  41. Gorgeous photos, Gail! You've been very busy. I tend to spend too much time on the computer too. This year I need to go more to the gym and out walking and maybe get more knitting done as well.

  42. That looks quite busy, Gail. I recognize several things, because I have done that too ... the photography club, the workshops. What a fantastic series. I love the images of the Egret with the fish. A stunning moment. And the dove ..... the pearl reflection is fantastic. Have a great weekend. Greetings from the Netherlands, Joke

  43. Gail, your photography is beyond stunning ... all of these are truly magnificent! I loved reading the list of what you've been up to - how inspiring!

  44. Oh my, your photos are also so sharp and clear Gail. Fabulous, all of them! Glad you'r'e getting out and about. Those things you are joining seem very interesting.

  45. Wonderful that you are joining groups you like to be with, Gail! Your photos are great, as usual!

  46. These are absolutely fantastic.

  47. I always adore your photos!!
    GAIL- what do you mean that you're taking a photography class???? You should be teaching that advanced focusing class!! Actually - you should be working for National Geographic and shooting photos of the world - but how I enjoy your local Louisiana shots!!
    A blue eyed goose = delightful :-}} Are they all blue eyed??
    Your egrets with their catch = spectacular!!
    And volunteering to be "Paddle Patrol" - Fun, Fun, Fun!! (just beware of those gators in the spring and summer!!)

  48. You have done wonderful things, but your photos are also fantastic! Love them all!!!

  49. A photography club sounds like a lot of fun. I wish there was something like that near me. The pictures of the bird with the fish in its mouth are fantastic. I'm glad I stopped by.

  50. i love the pigeon. make me think of Bert & Ernie. so cute!! ( :

  51. Love the first bird's blue eyes. Very nice shots of the egret with the fish. Sounds like you will be keeping busy! The photography club sounds like fun.

  52. Hi Gail,

    the translation is not too good but I read that now after 3 years of mourning for the death vabn your mother now going to take more time for the people around you and your photography. You leave here really see a fantastic series with beautiful pictures of birds. Sharp, crisp and full of details. You're a really good photographer.

    Kind regards, Helma

  53. The pictures are wonderful. Especially that crazed-looking raptor! But I applaud your choice of the 'real world'. It is almost too easy to let Blogging take over which isn't good for any of us (unless you are recovering as you have been). Now is the time to get out there; good for you.

    Can't help but note that you've chosen quite a few activities to help you with your photo skills and opportunities (not that you needed much help, since you are already perfect!). So anyway, even if you don't share as often, I look forward to seeing more photos when you can do so.

    But have a good time out there in the big wide wonderful real world! That's the most important thing you can do.

  54. Wow, you have been busy, my friend! Incredible shots, as always. Blessings.

  55. It is always a treat to visit your blog. Lovely photographs. I am expecting equally good night shots. :)

  56. Excellent shots, as always. Looks like you've been quite the busy bee! Enjoy your new endeavors and good luck to you, Gail!

  57. These, as usual, blow me away. I especially liked the two successful feathered fishermen and the way you captured the color in the pigeon feathers.


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