Monday, October 6, 2014

Weekend Update

Howdy folks! The arts and crafts fair put on by St. Luke's Episcopal Church was a great experience. I loved spending the day with Sweet B and her equally sweet son. We met a lot of people, even making some contacts for future work. A lady from St. Amant purchased cards from both of us and asked us to photograph her horses and stables. There were three ladies who wanted photography lessons, and the guy in the booth next to us was interested in buying art for three locations of a business he was expanding. So even though sales were a little lackluster, we made some great contacts! Our minds were swirling with ideas like getting a web site, etc. Not sure where all this will lead, but I feel hopeful.

Some of you asked which notecards sold at the arts and crafts fair. Below are the ones that sold. You've seen them all before here at some point.

I have been a little worn out from the experience, so I promise to catch up with everyone during the week. Oh, and since I have so much extra card stock I am going to host a couple of give-aways in the near future. Y'all be good and have a great week!

Linking with
Please visit the link to see birds around the world!


  1. good for you on the future business and contacts! the titmouse looking straight-on makes me grin. but i think my favorite is the 'bride' egret. wow!

  2. I have seen a few of these but not all. They're gorgeous Gail, and I am happy to hear you got some business over the weekend. Hard work but a lot of fun.

  3. Great contacts!! I see a bright future ahead of you, which doesn't surprise me considering your photography skills. Were these all blank cards on the inside? Congratulations!

  4. This sounds exciting. More possibilities have appeared than you had originally intentioned.

  5. Glad you had a good time at the craft and art show! Many of the photos are incredibly beautiful!

  6. You have a great talent for photography and all those contacts will mean future business.

  7. So glad you had such a wonderful experience! The cards that sold are wonderful...if I were closer I'd want lessons from you!

  8. Fabulous! I LOVE that egret! I'm happy for you....wonderful to have it be so positive, Gail.

  9. Gorgeous cards - how lovely! Hope you get many more sales.

  10. Awesome collection of images..Congrats to you! Have a happy day!

  11. The ones that sold I can so understand why!! They're perfect .... each and everyone. Of course, my favorite is the butterfly and the titmouse. That one, even seeing it again today, is the bestest!!

    Thanks, Gail, for linking up this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  12. ok, how did you get that dog & butterfly to stay put? you know that "Heart" song? that is too perfect. they are both such cuties. (oh, i just re-read your words again, i don't recall the doggie shot before? so fun!!)

    looks like you had a fun weekend. ( :

  13. I knew the snowy egret would get in the collection. One of my favs.

    All such gorgeous shots

  14. Hi Gail,
    Beautiful cards, especially those of the birds.
    I hope you sell a lot.

  15. Great pics as usual. I really like the penultimate photo of the stuff hanging from the trees with the flowers below. And, of course, your previous posts of butterflies and hummers are wonderful.

  16. This is great news. I shopped at Pier One the other day and the first thing I did was look at the pictures...I can't wait to see one of yours there, and to purchase it!! absolutely stunning!!

  17. Good for you, Gail. You deserve it. Those photos are the proof. They are excellent. I love the butterflies. :)

  18. :) That first image is just precious!!

  19. oh gail, that's great news!!! all of these images are outstanding, you are a wonderfully artistic photographer!!!

    i so happy things went well, you deserve it!!

  20. A fantastic collection of photos! Absolutely amazing!

  21. Congrats on making a few contacts, Gail. It may feel lackluster but it sounds like a good beginning to me!

  22. Oh, what amazing photos. I love the dog with a butterfly on her nose !

  23. Oh Gail,

    Each one of these are PERFECTION and I recall the first time I have seen each. Your work blows me away. Sounded to me like a great fair and many potential money ventures. Yay!!!

    I love all of the things you have given me. I still us my scarf often, my diary book and my refresh wipes are always handy.

    Two more weeks of radiation (Oct 22) then back to Dr. Buys to see what she thinks. Rad just makes me tired and the thought of being at the computer turns my tumm-tumm. Bed is calling me is more like it.

    But I have energy today and don't feel half bad. Thanks for your love and prayers and gifts. ♥, Renae

  24. Great cards and wonderful had a great time definitely it seems.

  25. Do ypu have an online shop? I would buy a couple of n otecards if so. I think tge first is my favorite!

  26. They are each in their own right simply gorgeous. Love the bright blue, and the one of the bird watching the butterfly. You are a natural, and I'm so glad you made new contacts. Best wishes!

  27. Glad that you made some good contacts at the fair. The cards are beautiful indeed.

  28. Happy for you that you had a good time and the contacts you made are the best part--to me. The possibilities for your talents are really expanding. It definitely was a successful venture for so many different reasons.

  29. Your photos are always, always, always a joy to look at, Gail. I can see why these pictures sold although I think ALL of your photos would sell because they are amazing!

    I love the picture of your dog with the butterfly on it - it's just too precious.

    Hugs to you, sweet friend!

  30. Sounds promising. Great collection of images. I especially love the birds.

  31. Oh Gail - I think you could notecard any of your photos (or make them for wall hangings) and can't imagine how you can choose -- but these you show are definitely prize winners. Can't wait to hear more as your website plans materialize...a great idea.

  32. Wishing you good luck, Gail, contacts are surely important. Those cards are beautiful, no wonder they sold. I especially like peace, those two captures with the small butterfly and the white bird which seems like visiting from another world. :)

  33. Sounds exciting for the future. These cards are beautiful.

  34. What a pretty array of cards. I really liked a lot of them. Way to go on getting the "contacts."

  35. Wonderful photos! I am so happy you sold them at the fair. (Are you thinking about an etsy shop too or Red Bubble?) I absolutely adored the indigo bunting, the titmouse with the butterfly and that pink dogwood. Wow!

  36. I am so glad for your sales.
    So many proud owners now.

  37. I don't remember the shot with the pup and butterfly!! Boy, talk about being at the right place at the right time!!

  38. Makes me happy to think of a wider audience appreciating your gift. There is so much emotion layered into your photos. I can't understand or articulate how; I just know your photos move me at such a visceral level.

  39. Gail, as a fellow photographer who several years aho also sold photo cards at craft shows, I know firsthand how exhausting and also fun these events can be. My husband also used to sell wood turnings and so we also made this a family puting. Great news on the sales and future contacts.


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