Friday, October 3, 2014

Never Tear Us Apart

These lyrics by INSX immediately came to mind while I was photographing this mating pair of Gulf Fritillaries. Every so often a rival Fritillary came along to try to harass them.

I....I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never tear us apart

Here comes trouble!

Whew! That was close.
He's back!
What can they be discussing? Hurry up and finish?
Get a room? It's my turn already?
Buzz off!

And don't come back!

He's back. Grrrrr
 I told you
That we could fly
'Cause we all have wings
But some of us don't know why
The act was finally over. I missed them coming apart because I got distracted with a Clouded Sulphur.

This short clip shows how windy it was that day.

Saturday, B and I will be manning our arts and crafts booth at St. Luke's church. Part of me is nervous that I won't sell a thing, and the other part is worried about not having enough stock, or enough cash to give change. Pick a worry and it's on my list. At least we're doing it together which will be the fun part. Oh, I'm selling note cards of various sizes and slate tiles with my photos.

Edit: An enormous 'thank you' to Hilary, of The Smitten Image, for choosing this post as a Post of the Week in the Phine Photography category. Please visit Hilary to view her amazing posts and photos.


  1. so cool. you have me curious as to what they are speaking on? i wonder??! ( :

    enjoy your art show. have fun!!

  2. Your macro photography is so beautiful.

  3. You amaze me! Good luck at the crafts booth. I would sure like to see some of your slate tiles. You have so many fabulous photos that I wonder how you pick the ones for the craft projects!

  4. Gorgeous shots, as your usual. Sometimes my stomach twists with envy.

    I have to ask, do you know all the names of these things you tell us about, or do you take the time to look them up.

    So...the trees in my post probably have them in your neck of the woods. So what are they called?


  5. Impressive photos considering how windy it was Gail. Good luck with your arts and crafts booth. I wish you lots and lots of sales :)

  6. A butterfly love story - how gorgeous1

  7. You have your worries.

    The butterflies have theirs.

  8. One of my fave INSX songs! Your stunning photos fit it perfectly. Good luck at the show Gail!

  9. At least with the winds, the humidity isn't quite as bad. At least we can't feel it as much.

    Love YOUR porn too. We had the same idea this time 'round. LOL

  10. Fantastic captures, Gail!

  11. Wonderful series, Gail! And good timing, too!

    Don't worry about selling or not selling your art, just enjoy the fact you're with someone you love and had the courage to put part of yourself on display for the world to enjoy.

  12. Nobody does it better...tell a story with pictures and words!

    My guess is that you'll have enough stock and cash, many customers, and lot of fun!

  13. Just fantastic photos! Are you sure you aren't a professional! Just wonderful! And it was even windy! I can't focus on anything that keeps moving around!

  14. Beautiful photos ... good luck with the sale ...

  15. Your macro images are just amazing. And good choice of songs for these lovebugs. Good luck with the sale and quit worrying.. you'll do great. :)

  16. Oh wow, never have seen an R rated movie starring butterflies...terrific captures!! And good luck on your sales, my bet is that you will do well.

  17. These photos are stunning, Gail! I'm glad I'm back again to see are amazing pictures! Have a great weekend!

  18. Ah yes, a bugs life is never boring! Beautiful captures and I enjoyed your captions too. We have that wild wind here today, and it's trying to blow up a storm!

  19. I am rather blown away by this post (no pun intended) These pictures are so detailed and sharp...then I read that is was do you do it? Now I'm going to look up those butterflies, parts of their wings seem clear or transparent. WOW!

  20. Gorgeous series, Gail! The butterflies are just lovely.. Happy weekend!

  21. Oh my. I gave up soaps a long time ago but this scenario is true reality... nature in the raw. :)

  22. Wish I could be at that fair! I am as usual in awe of your patience and eye and talent and ..... wow. That is amazing you captured that whole series (and I love your captions/sense of humor). Too good.

  23. Great macro shots, Gail! And good luck at your arts & crafts booth. I have a strong suspicion that anything to do with your photos will sell very well!!

  24. Fantastic photos! Really nice detail!

  25. Hi Gail,
    Great macro shots.
    Photo 7 and 8 are my favorite.
    Good luck with the sale.
    I wish you a very good weekend.

  26. Beautiful shots Gail, and the commenting.

  27. a lot of things come to mind as i viewed this and read your words, most of which i cannot share ;)....some peeps offend easily....hehehe

    the images are just gorgeous, they are so difficult to photograph if there is NO wind!!

    have a wonderful weekend!!!

  28. Perfect focus - and such a story these images tell! These butterfly pictures could easily fit into National Geographic!

  29. Oh my gosh such amazing shots and such an intimate moment. I can only wonder what (Debbie) was thinking! - Absolutely loved this series.

  30. Oh, these Gulf Fritillaries look so spectacular♡♡♡ I wish I had the talent to capture the right moments.
    Good Luck with your sale, I can guess your feeling; but I'm sure slate tiles with your photos must be the great work♫♫♫

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  31. Fabulous macro shots especially as it was windy. Love your captions. Good luck with your show.

  32. Fabulous macro shots especially as it was windy. Love your captions. Good luck with your show.

  33. Aren't they cute!!! You did a great job in all that wind. Keep up your good work. I hope you had a great time at the show. I'm sure your things are popular.

  34. Well, it was "small r-rate" I guess. ;-) Funny! Do you ever feel like a voyeur??

    As for your sale..please post some photos of your creations. I know followers would love to see them.

  35. Well, it was "small r-rate" I guess. ;-) Funny! Do you ever feel like a voyeur??

    As for your sale..please post some photos of your creations. I know followers would love to see them.

  36. These are absolutely beautiful!
    I am sure they will sell well! :)

  37. Gorgeous close ups! I love these beautiful butterflies. Good luck with your sales, Gail!

  38. Such a fantastic series of photos! These butterflies are so beautiful! Great!

  39. Amazing photographs. Thanks for sharing these. May the best butterfly win!

  40. WOW…literally that's all i can say….WOW WOW WOW

  41. i think you're title holder for most POTW!

  42. Just came back to say congrats on the POTW!!


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