Thursday, June 5, 2014


Nottoway Plantation is located in White Castle, LA. We visited there two years ago and loved it. Not sure why we haven't been back, but I plan to remedy that soon.

As soon as I saw this gate I couldn't wait to photograph it. Problem was, every time I went to snap a photo, tourists continually walked behind the latticework. Finally, I had to give up. After loading the photos on my computer I picked the best one and proceeded to crop out the annoying tourist. I can't even remember where he was now, but I remember it took a long time and lots of patience. I have not wanted to do much cloning since! :)
Main gate to enter the plantation.

Photo taken from the top of the levee. This is the back of the plantation.
Sharing with TexWisGirl's Good Fences meme. Thank you!!
Please click the link and visit other fences from around the world.


  1. fabulous gate and amazing plantation property Gail

  2. The plantation is beautiful! Lovely fence shots!

  3. That is wonderfully fabulous Gail! So glad you were able to get rid of the tourist.

  4. WOW that place looks huge. I think I would get lost in that house if I lived there lol.

  5. That is a gorgeous gate; what a beautiful place. Lovely photos, Gail!

  6. You did a great job with cloning. One work around is to take two photos. As long as your tourists are in different places in the two pictures, you can simply do a little masking. Say your tourist is on the right in photo 1 but on the left in photo 2. Layer photo 1 on top of photo 2 and then mask him/her out of the top photo to let the bottom show through. You have to keep your camera steady and still let photoshop align the images first for this to work.

  7. The gate is magnificent. The house? OH MY!

  8. in my current manuscript, one of my settings is a run-down plantation...can't quite use this one for visualization as I describe my setting :O)

  9. You are the cloning queen! 'Tis a beautiful gate and plantation mansion.

  10. You are the cloning queen! 'Tis a beautiful gate and plantation mansion.

  11. A fabulous gate, and gosh what a huge house!

  12. my goodness! a grand place! thanks (in advance) for linking in!

  13. What a great house, the fence is beautiful.
    Greetings Irma

  14. Tourists!! They can totally destroy our best efforts! I wish I had a magic wand some days.....

  15. A grand gate to go with that palatial home. Just gorgeous.

  16. geweldig wat een mooi gebouw.

  17. This house is so beautiful. I can see myself walking through that huge garden :) And you got a great pic of that gate - sometimes it can take a long time to get the right moment for a perfect shot, right? Especially when lots of moving people are involved. I don't really want a big house like that, but this ones makes me dream ;)

  18. What a place! I can't imagine living there. Those grand double decker verandas are fantastic.

    I don't know how to get rid of tourists and other annoyances in my photos, but I wish I had a way other than shooing them aside as I take a picture. Must learn how to do that; I guess that means photoshop. ugh.

  19. Oh wow....what a gorgeous place!! And...the grounds are just as beautiful. can you imagine living on a plantation such as this? I'd love to see this and take a tour. Just may have to plan me a trip..

  20. People do get the in the way at times. That is a huge mansion!

  21. I read somewhere that people in a photograph make it interesting. Since then, I don't worry so much about it. Very interesting latticework.

  22. We might have to add this to our list - it's only 8 hours away! What a beautiful place -thanks for sharing, Gail!

  23. That's the back? Can't wait to see the front!

  24. Opulence! Beautiful! I have toured a few plantations in Louisiana, but not this one. Of the ones I've seen, I like The Oaks best but only because of the trees.

  25. hehehe, I know all about those pesky tourists, walking aroun in complete oblivian!!! Don't you just want to shake them and say "don't you see me here, trying to take a picture"!! Yours btw is gorgeous!!!

  26. Wow! That is a fabulous gate and a gorgeous house! Yes, those darn tourists! I can say that because they will be descending on us soon and making illegal left-hand turns every chance they get. Bah!

  27. Darn those tourists:) Love both shots. Hug B

  28. Wow! Talk about a beautiful place!

  29. Wow! I was in Louisiana two months ago and didn't see any plantation near as nice as this. Very nice.

  30. This is on my "list" of places that I'd love to see. I have an old magazine from years ago that featured several Plantations and this was one of them. Your photos are just wonderful.

  31. Beautiful Southern mansion. Those darn tourists!

  32. You certainly did a good job of editing out the tourist.

  33. Ha, now there is a warranted use of Photoshop.

    Well done with the photo, and wow with that mansion.

  34. WHat a gorgeous building!

  35. Wow; what GORGEOUS mansion under the blue sky and gate(^_^)v Makes me think the owner must be rich p;)
    BTY; our usage of 'mansion' means housing complex which is bigger than apartment. We have lots of 'Japanese English' like that p;)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  36. This could so be my house! As for white house, yes it is, and it has to be a cousin to our famous White House! But oh my hire someone for my windows, or I'd be washing forever!

  37. What a beautiful place! (As for the cloning, I know what you mean!)


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