Friday, June 6, 2014

Afternoon at the Swamp

Just some things I observed on a quick afternoon walk on May 13th.
Sparkly dragonfly

House finch right before take-off

It's been a banner year for the Eastern lubbers...or a bad year depending on one's perspective.

Prothonotary warbler with a spider lunch for the chicks.

A pair of broad-headed skinks, male (red head) and female (brown)

Swarms of bugs on the main path. Close mouth, eyes, and nose. Don't breathe if at all possible.


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Double D has offered to drive me Jefferson Island to observe the spoonbills and egrets. There should be little babies by now. Stay tuned and thank you so much for your visits!

Edit: This post was selected by Hilary at The Smitten Image in her Phine Photography section. Hilary is a wonderful and generous blogger. Please visit her site if you have time. You won't regret it!


  1. such a wonderful variety here Gail, and I love that P. Warbler!

  2. You sure see much on your walks. Thanks.

  3. Superb photos of a place that I would enjoy exploring.

  4. The first shot is a work of art. Love the warbler.

  5. Such incredible shots Gail!! Love the House Finch and the Lubbers! I have never seen Lubbers before.

  6. Wow! These shots are fantastic! I love the first one ... these glittering spots on the wings are stunning!

  7. Oh my....I literally had to wipe my face and nose with all those nasty flying bugs. Phewww!!!

    Love the red/orange wildflower.

    Enjoy your weekend trip. Hope to see some baby spoonbills. I've not seen them in the 'wild'.

  8. Oh babies I cannot wait you always make me smile your photos are truly amazing. Have a nice weekend. Hug B

  9. OMG; varieties of GORGEOUS photographs from nature♡♡♡ The Eastern lubber really have bright color, I've never seen grasshopper like that p;) Thanks for the word "banner year", I remember this word used only for business.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  10. Thanks for taking us along, Gail.I hope you have a GREAT weekend!

  11. Your photos are beautiful!
    I wish you a nice weekend.

  12. Love the red flower. Skinks give me the jeebies.

  13. What a wonderful, and beautiful, variety of shots Gail..... 'scuse me whilst I go contemplate the dragonfly some more.
    In all seriousness, thank you so much for your kind comment yesterday.

  14. flippin' amazing shots.

    Particularly loved the capture of the two skinks. So cool.

    I walked through a swarm of skeeters that think in the woods this week...had to take a couple Benadryl and bathe in the gel to survive. No more walks without OFF.

  15. You have found gems in the first picture.

  16. Beautiful shots. The sparkly wings are amazing.

  17. Cool dragonfly. There are some creepy critters in them there swamps!

  18. marvelous! from the bejeweled dragon to the bright warbler and the lizard pair - you even made the midges attractive. :)

  19. (we're gonna have a banner year for hoppers, here. billions of young ones around already. *sigh*)

  20. Beautiful shots. I love the skinks and the dragonfly is magical! Enjoy your weekend.

  21. Such a beautiful array of photos! I love the dragonfly. And you captured the birds at just the right moment. You have such a wonderful eye.

  22. Wow, Gail, so many beautiful things here! Green is my favourite colour, and the green in your last photo takes my breath away. The skinks are so cute, and the birds are gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing all this, you made me smile.

  23. Gail, these are just amazing shots!
    the first one is one of my favorites! Happy weekend!

  24. WOW !!! These shots really pop ~ awesome.
    That first shot is super incredible !

  25. omgoodness, what an amazing set of images!! I will walk with you any day of the week!!

    Impossible to pick a favorite!!

  26. Beautiful pictures. I love the composition on the flower shots!

  27. Such a beautiful swamp -- thanks for sharing it.

    We expect to be off the grid for about a week starting tomorrow evening.... so take care of those spoonbill babies until I can catch back up.

  28. Gorgeous! I love the warbler! Such brilliant yellow.

  29. Nice varied series of photographs, Gail.
    I wish you a very nice weekend.
    Greetings Irma

  30. Wow, you got a wonderful assortment of pictures on your walk!

  31. What a perfectly beautiful collection, Gail. I love that sparkly dragonfly best of all.

  32. All very stunning captures. Love that birdy!

  33. Awesome shots Gail. That dragonfly is almost unreal. Humans will never outdo nature!

  34. Great details in every single photo...the signs of a fabulous photographer!! Enjoy your trip to Jefferson Island...I'm pretty positive that you'll bring back a lot of special photos for us to see next week...have fun!!

  35. Wow, das sind ja geniale Aufnahmen, Gail. Ich bin sehr beeindruckt. Vorallem von dem ersten Foto. Wie lauter kleine Diamanten auf dem Libellenflügel. So etwas habe ich noch nie gesehen, wunderschön.

    Ein lieber Gruß zu dir
    von der Waldameise

  36. I am running out of words to describe your photos...I'll just say ... (o;

  37. These pictures are gem-like. Wonderful, Gail!

  38. Looks good, but the thought of the mosquitoes is a real downer!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: what is the issue with the lubbers?

  39. Amazing photos :) All tell a tale ~ that swarm of bugs shows what a dedicated photographer you are! Skinks made me smile :)

  40. That Dragonfly is incredible, Gail! Do you ever sell your photos? If you don't than you should because you have amazing talent and your photos always leave me in awe.

    Hugs to you!

  41. The pink flower picture just GRABBED me!!

  42. Very enjoyable shots, love the warbler

  43. Thanks for these visual treats and for encouraging comments on my blog.


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