Friday, April 18, 2014

Think Pink

My dear friend, Renae, of Simple Sequins, asked her blogging circle to adorn their blogs with pink today. It was supposed to be her first day of chemotherapy, but it's been postponed. She still wanted us to "Think Pink" in her honor and others! The photo below is special to me because it was taken on my 50th birthday in Portland, OR.

The prayer I found online is beautiful and I offer it to all my friends⎯those in the blogging community and in my own neighborhood⎯who are dealing with this terrible illness. The numbers of those I know struggling with cancer is really quite astounding. Scary even.
Bless, O God,
all who struggle with cancer.
Empower them with hope
for each and every day.
Provide them with loving
and tender care, laughter,
and the support of love.
Grant them
courage when they are afraid,
comfort when they are in pain,
and your blessing
when all else seems hopeless,
that in their fight with illness
they may continue to praise you
and glorify your name.

Happy Easter to all of you! May you be blessed exponentially during this Holy Season. 


  1. Fabulous pinks Gail...and beautiful prayer.

  2. There is something about pink. I just bought a spray of pink tulips yesterday. They are so wonderful.

  3. The prayer is beautiful and the photo is stunning! And yes, far too many people suffering from cancer and other chronic illnesses...too many!

  4. Beautiful photo and prayer, Gail. I am praying for Renae and all others struggling with cancer.
    Happy Easter to you.

  5. Beautiful picture and beautiful prayer.

  6. well wishes for your beautiful friend. i have some pink on my blog today, just a coincidence!!

    happy easter, happy spring to you my dear friend!!

  7. that photo is gorgeous, gail. thank you for sharing the prayer, too. blessings to you and yours.

  8. A sweet post in every way Gail and I also would like to thank you for this beautiful prayer. My best to Renae and a wish for a speedy journey back to good health.

  9. Oh Gail!

    Marvelous! This photo of intense pink and the details of Gods handy-work is simply marvelous!

    This photo brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. Thank you for this supportive post and the attitude behind it. I have book marked the prayer and sent it to a dear one that needs it right now.

    HAPPY EASTER! May you have beautiful weather and sweet ones near you. ♥, Renae

  10. Thank you for the evidence of God's beautiful world and the prayer. I will keep it close as a pray for a dear neighbor.

  11. Thank you Gail for this powerful, inspirational post. I too find so many I know with this terrible disease including my sister. I lost a friend recently to cancer.

  12. Beautiful, Gail. Not only the deep pink in the dogwood blooms, but beauty in each word. Bless her heart...I will be adding her to my prayer list. so much cancer everywhere, and much prayer is needed.
    enjoy this beautiful "Good Friday"

  13. Look at those intricate lines on the petals.

  14. Must be your birthday around now, because the pink dogwood trees are blooming here. Hope your friend will have a very successful treatment!

  15. Oh, my, Gail. So breathtaking - what a lovely tribute to encourage your friend. Have a blessed Easter!

  16. geweldig mooi en ook wij wensen je een goede pasen.

  17. Stunning shot of the Dogwood. You did a wonderful tribute to your friend. Prayers for her healing. Have a blest Easter.

  18. Beautiful picture (Oregon!) and lovely thoughts for your friend. I join in wishing her (and all the many others) the best.

    Happy Easter.

  19. i rarely see pink dogwoods. usually white. so pretty. ( :

    Happy Easter!

  20. Beautiful Poem, Gail! I am sending my prayers and good wishes for Renae..Love the dogwoods! Happy Easter!

  21. I will add my prayers to the many already sent up for your friend.

  22. The photo is absolutely stunning, Gail. Thank you for the prayer, too. I may have to borrow it sometime. Wishing you a blessed Easter.

  23. Thanks, Gail. Beautiful photo and prayer. Have a wonderful Easter.

  24. The picture and the prayer are both wonderful.

  25. Your post is so beautiful in honor of your friend! Thank you for sharing this precious poem.

    Love and hugs to you!

  26. What a beautiful, beautiful prayer and post!! Lovely pink dogwood!! I've been amazed by the glorious dogwoods this spring! Extraordinary shot of your pink dogwood!

  27. What a gorgeous pink! Nice of you to support Renae!

  28. Beautiful, Gail. Blessings to everyone affected.

  29. Gorgeous healing pink colors.
    Your a very caring soul Gail ~
    Thank you and prayers sent .

  30. Touching post ! Beautiful prayer !
    Happy Easter to you too !

  31. Gorgeous pink- and a lovely prayer. Renae has such a wonderful outlook on life and is such a happy person. I send up prayers for her and for all of my friends who are fighting cancer.

  32. prayers to your friend..and all who are fighting this disease.
    May you feel His love as we celebrate Easter.

  33. I am with your friend.

    And Happy Easter to everyone.

  34. Dearest Gail;
    Oh, I'm late for commenting here! I wish to join the prayers with others. Some of my beloved ones passed away and I know the fight for it;
    I really LOVE your beautiful pink flower♡♡♡

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  35. Beautiful poem and flowers, Gail.
    Happy Easter.
    Greetings Irma

  36. ✿⊱°•
    Que Deus abençoe e dê saúde para sua amiga e para todos.


    P░Á░S░C░O░A !!!

  37. Gail, those pink dogwoods are tack sharp! Just beautiful!
    Happy Easter, my sweet friend!

  38. wow , this is just so incredibly beautiful!!

    happy easter to you and yours!

    much love

  39. Simply beautiful!

  40. What a gorgeous photo and beautiful poem to honor those struggling with this disease. Beautiful, Gail!!

  41. Dear Gail,
    I read this now. I had no internet until last Friday. Only my phone to display. Google+ here and there

    How awful that your girlfriend has this terrible disease. Last year, on May 16, I lost my sister at the age of 52 from this disease, so I know what you must be going through. Girlfriend A lot of strength and praise for your tribute and your prayers.

    Kind regards, Helma


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