Monday, April 21, 2014

Northern Parula

The Northern Parula is a small (4-1/2"/11cm) warbler with blue-gray upper parts, yellow throat, white belly, two wing bars, and a yellowish-green "saddle" on its back. It's a summer resident in Louisiana, breeding in swamps, lakes and ponds. They are very dependent on Spanish moss for their nests.

We discussed this bird in our class⎯the first I'd heard of it⎯so it was quickly added to my wish list. Our instructor heard it first, then found it. That's the way we discovered most of the birds, by hearing first. I wish these photos had been better. Besides the bird being small, it flitted around quickly and the lighting was poor. I am no longer striving for photographic perfection since it would limit the variety of birds to post on my blog.


  1. what a delightful little bird it is too Gail

  2. i love the yellow belly. cutie birdie. ( :

  3. Very nice photos! I fear I will miss the warblers when they pass through Ontario going north this year. Nice to see you aren't missing them though!

  4. It's a beautiful bird and a lot better than most of my shots.

  5. What a gorgeous bird - and these are great shots!

  6. Beautiful bird, that is not in the Netherlands.
    Perfect photographed, Gail.
    Greetings Irma

  7. Such a little beauty! Love that yellow color! Great shots!

  8. What a pretty bird, Gail! The yellow is so happy and vibrant :) Have a lovely day!

  9. A beautiful little bird.

  10. It's always exciting to see a new bird! These are great shots Gail, love the grey sky, makes the bird stand out!

  11. Beautiful! Love the deep yellowish coloring under its neck.

  12. Looking him up on my IBird App.

  13. Hij staat er wel heel mooi op.

  14. In spite of all limitations you got good captures!

  15. Yes, birders have to have very sharp ears. Beautiful little bird.

  16. A very sleek, sharp looking bird. Interesting having that yellow patch on its chest. I can see how this bird can easily get lost in spanish moss as long as it doesn't stand up and shows it chest!!

  17. So neat be able to detect the different sounds that birds make. I find this very interesting.
    You get the pleasure of listening for the beautiful sounds and seeing the birds as well. I'm pretty sure that the hunt is fun too...
    Hope you had an amazing Easter weekend..

  18. Funny what we wish for, in our later years of life!! What a pretty little bird, you captured him beautifully!!

  19. Lovely shots of the Northern Parula. It is a beautiful bird. Enjoy your new week!

  20. These are so wonderful and distinct.

  21. Very nicely done, tho, Gail. I am glad you are having so much fun with your birding adventures.

    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, sooooo much. I need every single one, every one of them. ♥, Renae

  22. I wish I could see that little bird around here, you got some great shots Gail. Thanks also for stopping by and sharing your input on my blogging issues. I have only heard from those two blogging friends about their difficulties and I like their blogs so much I didn't want to lose them or any others who might have the same problem. I guess it's just one of those wacky server things. Hopefully there aren't too many people out there who have the same difficulty. Keeping my fingers crossed. Have a great week Gail, and thanks for brightening mine up with these lovely photos :)

  23. what a beauty! i've never seen one in person.

  24. Dearest Gail;
    Good Morning from Japan. Your Northern Parula (warbler) looks SO lovely in your beautiful pictures♡♡♡
    I'm learning a little by little through blogging not only birds but varieties of things; appreciate my friends making me widen my views(^_^)v

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs, xoxo Miyako*

  25. These pictures show this bird as one would likely find it in it's habitat. I like how they look.

  26. It's such a sleek, aerodynamic shaped bird....and beautifully colored. I think you have done a wonderful job capturing it!

  27. What lovely shots! Such a beautiful bird.

  28. I'm not a birder, but it must be quite a thrill to hear and then spot a bird on your "list"! Very cool!!

  29. Hello Gail,
    What agreat shots you've made. Wonderful this special bird between the branches of the tree.
    Well done!!

    Best regards,

  30. Congratulations on the sighting. The photos are fine and sharp.

  31. I think you did a fine job. What a pretty little I've never seen before.

  32. Gorgeous warbler! I've seen one only once or twice.

  33. What bold, beautiful markings on such a little bird! I had never seen one of these before - thanks for sharing him - outstanding shots, Gail!

  34. Even though he was quick, you captued all those identifying markings except the color on his back. I assume he didn't cooperate with a slow upside down fly-by! Impressive documentation of sighting in challenging circumstances.


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