Friday, April 25, 2014

Pink-eyed Rock Star

This snowy egret reminded me of a 1980s rock star from the hair band era. What do you think? Flock of Seagulls? Cinderella? Bon Jovi? I googled "hair bands" and had myself a good laugh.

Renae of Simple Sequins is going through her first chemo treatment today. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. "When someone has cancer, the whole family and everyone who loves them does, too." Terri Clark

Have a great weekend, y'all. Rock on!!


  1. Excellent photography! Cancer is one horrible disease that in one way or another affects us all. I'm wishing Renae all the best.

  2. Oh this made me laugh too. Great shots.
    All my best to Renee it is a horrible disease and Terri Clark was right. hug B

  3. LOL could have been a drummer for Guns N' Roses :)

  4. I actually liked Bon Jovi and Guns n Roses!!! [still do]

    But your egret looks like "Quiet Riot"...the feathers/hair....yes, the feathers are a riot...

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! Wow!

  6. Now I'm going to have to go Google hair bands. lol Beautiful shots here!

  7. Hehe! Thanks for making me smile, Gail!

  8. Wow, these are gorgeous captures, and of the Rod Stewart of birds! C'mon, with those broomstraw legs and wildly spiky hairdo? Definitely Rod I tell ya!

    I'll just go sing 'Maggie May' now...

  9. They are really super spectacular birds aren't they ~ great shots Gail.

  10. Except for the eyes and feet, it looks like a mono. This bird is so attractive and photogenic.

  11. Haha! Exactly! I love to see these guys on your blog.

  12. well, at the very least, a bad hair day!!

    i am sure you are a kind dear find to renae. i will be thinking warm thoughts for her!!

  13. Lovely bird even with the wild hair. Or maybe because of it. :)
    I am thinking of Renae today.

  14. What a gorgeous bird!

  15. Excellent egret photographed, Gail.
    Cancer is a terrible disease, I lost my mother also to cancer.
    I wish Renea all the best.
    Greetings Irma

  16. haha. . .he does look like a Rocker - he's a Superstar :) Thanks for the stunning photos and a good laugh!


  17. My sister-in-law's hair looked just like that in the 80's. Gorgeous shots!

  18. Stunning bird and you have captured it brilliantly!!

  19. Dit is heel mooi wat een heerlijke foto,s
    Natuurlijk houden wij ook Renea in onze gedachten.

  20. What cracks me up is how these big birds stand/balance in those trees - an amazing "feet" to be sure! Praying for your friend.

  21. Stunning shots of the Egret. Love, Love, Love that hair-do!

  22. You always do such an amazing job photographing this bird! I love all those soft feathers. Prayers to you friend :)

  23. That guy is wild and crazy that's for sure! You find them at their best (photographically speaking anyway). Holding good thoughts for your dear blogging friend. That quote is absolutely true.

  24. Pretty rock star! Awesome photos! Have a happy weekend!

  25. Absolutely amazing shots! He is a beauty! A Rock Star indeed!

  26. Prayers for Renea. Such a difficult time, but we just have to Believe that our prayers will bring God's favor on her life.
    Rock and Roll bird huh? He is a cutie!!
    hope you have a wonderful weekend...full of what you want to do.

  27. The "do" looks a lot better on the egret than it does on most humans. Beautiful photos of this handsome guy!

  28. A very noble bird Gail, you have captured him with perfection.

  29. Looks like it just got styled!

  30. Wow! Love the hair style. :)
    Great captures.

  31. Dearest Gail;
    What an elegant egret♡♡♡ Sure look snowy with lovely feather. I must check these musician later :-)

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  32. I think this is the most interesting...most dramatic...maybe the most beautiful...bird I've ever seen. I would LOVE to be able to photograph one. Your images are wonderful.

  33. Amazing bird. Looks so pure!

  34. Oh Gail, what awesome shots! You certainly captured the essence of this beautiful creature! Best to you friend!

  35. 80s hair bands! You crack me up :-) Great capture.

  36. 80s hair bands! You crack me up :-) Great capture.

  37. Oh Gail, he is a rock star for sure. Chemo went well. Nausea pills are wonderful. Just slight waves of it. and the pills pop and I'm ok, I'm ok. lol

    Gorgeous photos of this critter. I love their pink eyes. See ya next week. I hear things get worse before they get better. I can tell "chemo brain" has set in a little bit mushy. Kind a confusing. But ok. Just so you know.

    See ya Monday, ♥,Renae

  38. Positive thoughts for your friend. My sister has gone this route and is a cancer survivor. L I've the snowy egret. I do believe yeahs the wildest hair I've ever seen.

  39. I do not know why but I really think this is a beautiful bird.
    Beautiful white but also graceful in the spring. Really wonderful to see. Very nice pictures Gail

  40. These are stunning photos...what a beautiful face!

  41. Heehee.. To funny.. Awesome snaps my friend.


  42. Nice pictures!

    We have a friend who is 50 today and has two shots of radiotherapy to go - its been a long journey.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  43. You get the most amazing pictures! I wish I had your camera karma!

  44. Awesome bird, beautifully depicted!

  45. Love your egret!! ROD STEWART!!
    Thoughts and prayers for Renae!

  46. Thank you for that snowy white contrasted with the eyes, beak and legs. This comes with a prayer for Renae.


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