Thursday, April 24, 2014


Ever since my daughter moved to Portland I've been lost. After she graduated college and subsequently moved back to Dallas, she and I spent many weekends together. We took up photography at the same time, though she got a Nikon and I went with Canon. We've been on many, many photography outings together, usually with our friend, Jay. One of our more memorable trips was traveling the bluebonnet trails in Ennis, Texas. These are some candid shots of Autumn and Jay trying to capture the perfect bluebonnet shot in April, 2009. As you can see, I still had a lot to learn, but the memories of these photos are the most important thing to me.
Just like her mama. On the ground, not afraid to get dirty.

The sky is blown, but I still like the composition of this photo.
Autumn, if you're reading this, I'm not trying to lay a guilt trip. I know you're happy in Oregon and that makes me happy. But I still miss you so much!!

 Linking to TexWisGirl's Good Fences meme. Thank you Tex!!


  1. I'm sorry you're missing her. I know it must be so hard. I have to register the twins for kindergarten today, and I'm upset about that! College must be bittersweet.
    I love these shots. Beautiful!

  2. In the end, as much as we like to shoot our "arty" shots, it's the family photos that we'll cherish, and photographic quality will not matter very much.

  3. I know how difficult it is to let a daughter go off on her own. I have two daughters. ;)

  4. love these untamed, natural fields!!

    awwwww poor autumn, poor mom. letting go "well"'s not easy!!

  5. First...the indigo bunting....absolutely striking in color!!

    And getting on the ground to get a great angle for a photo is priceless!!!

    Autumn by the way...a beautiful name!!

  6. just awesome! love the texas views and your memories. thanks for linking in! :)

  7. On the bright side, when you visit her in Oregon, the two of you are in some of the most beautiful countryside that exists. What great camera safaris.

  8. Wow, what stunning country, and who doesn't like to play in the dirt! Count me in too!

  9. Hi Gail Memories are so precious and these shots are wonderful. I have 2 daughters and neither of them live in Northern Ireland where I live but we are in contact by phone and SKYPE. It is even more special when they visit or I visit them.

  10. Lovely shots for your memory book Gail. I am lucky to have my daughter live two blocks away.

  11. Great shots of photographers at work! Those bluebonnets are lovely subjects of their snaps.

  12. I know that feeling so well. My son has been too far from home for a few years now. Seeing him only once a year just isn't enough. Lovely pics and sentiments.

  13. Sigh... sorry you are missing your daughter. It sounds like you have one great relationship!

  14. I can live with blown out skies. My trademark!! I do love the composition as well. Just lovely!

  15. We both posted bluebonnets today! I was on the ground for mine, too, and we have fire ants!!!

    Sweet comment to your daughter. I know my mom has trouble living away from my brother, especially since he and his wife had a baby.

    It's beautiful here today - hope it's shooting weather in your part of the world too!

  16. All the priceless memories contained within a picture.I think these are wonderful images.

  17. I understand where you're coming from. My daughter only lives an hour away, but when it has been a long time since we've been able to get together, it seems strange. We love wandering around with our cameras, too. Lovely photos! The bluebonnets are just fabulous.

  18. It's hard to be so far away from each other. Love the photos you shared.

  19. It is hard to be away from our loved ones. Love the gorgeous wildflowers, beautiful photos! Have a happy weekend!

  20. Beautiful field and I'm sure you enjoyed those photo outings!

  21. Awwwww, I hope you can see them real soon. Great photos, would love to go on that drive to see the bluebonnets.

  22. Oh how pretty. Those Blue Bonnets are quite lovely and the white fence in the background shows them off well. I love that your daughter got down on eye level for her shot.

  23. Awww, I'm not ready for the day when the kids move away, sheesh college is all I can handle right now! ;)

    Although, I bet my daughter would be hard pressed to leave Texas!!

    I love these photos, there is story behind them! xo

  24. i have to giggle. that is too funny!! what gorgeous blooms. ( :

  25. Dearest Gail;
    Oh My!!! How great to share the hobby with your daughter; I LOVE the first picture SO much♡♡♡ I wasn't able to be blessed with a child but I got really sentimental remembering my late mother p;) BTW, mine is nikon.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  26. I know exactly where that is. We drive from Houston to Lewisville via Ennis all the time! I have seen the amazing bluebonnets you have there.

  27. Love these photos of the blue bonnets! I wish I could get down on the ground like that.

  28. Aww Gail ~ Thanks for sharing your memories and sweet thoughts about you daughter.

  29. I'm sorry your daughter lives so far away, but how wonderful that you have so many shared memories. And I'm sure you'll make many more precious ones.

  30. The bluebonnets are of my former students now lives on Fort Hood and she posted some photos recently. As for your daughter, she's probably not lying on the ground in Oregon right's been raining cats and dogs! :-)

  31. I know what it's like to miss your 'baby' *hugs. Those photos look pretty darn good to me!

  32. Good pleasing memories!
    My elder daughter will be leaving for college soon and I am already dreading that.

  33. Oh Gail I understand this one. HUGS HUGS B

  34. Oh I love that photo of your daughter! And I can just imagine the shot she got. I was in practically the same position with a similar flower this week :) Wasn't noticing the sky at all until you mentioned it; I think it's a non-issue. Best to get in out of the shot sometimes anyway.

  35. I know what you mean about missing your daughter. Lovely memories (and lovely flowers too). When is the next trip to Oregon?

  36. I so agree with you about the composition of the second shot. I love it!

  37. I'm happy you're happy in Louisiana! Of course, if you wanted to retire in Oregon, I wouldn't be sad about it! :)

  38. Beautiful pictures Gail and I can imagine that it is a great keepsake for you :-)

  39. Wonderful photos. Love how the two of you get down and dirty to get the shot.. Hee hee..


  40. My heart goes out to you Gail!!
    It's difficult when part of your heart is a world away!! The internet and phone just doesn't take the place of hugs and kisses!!


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