Monday, March 10, 2014

Here's lookin' at you, kid

Sometimes the animals have no idea I'm shooting them, but every now and then I get a stare-down. Some of these are repeats and I apologize for that. I desperately need to get out with my camera, but the weather is being really bratty.

Sharing with Saturday's Critters. Thanks, Eileen!


  1. Oh these are incredible, just think if they were the one holding the camera:) Hug B

  2. Love these stare-downs! Especially the blue jay!

  3. A deer in the, umm, camera lens! :) Great shots Gail -- hope your weather brightens up this week.

  4. You never need to apologize for repeats of this caliber. The blue jay tickled me, as did the dragonfly with what appears to be a toothy grin.

  5. I love the dainty little feet on the hummingbird. Stunning shot!

  6. Wonderful shots!! I have not seen dragon fly so close!

  7. all great shots

    I want to reach out and scratch Bambi's nose

  8. Good Monday Morning, Gail....
    once again, I am amazed with the quality of your incredible photography.....Everything from the beautiful white spots on the deer, to the claws of a bird. You are talented my dear friend. Hope the weather clears this week!!! have a happy day...

  9. what a beautiful collection. The weather has definitely been squirrely these days...suppose to have rain tomorrow & the next day.

  10. these are great! several made me chuckle! great expressions.

  11. Great close-ups.

    All are my favourites.

  12. Great stare downs. That hummer is amazing!

  13. Here's to a good stare down. Love these and some of their expressions are just plain awesome!

  14. Wow...those eyes of the first bird are engaging! lovely shots...especially love the "Bambi" photo. Just precious.

  15. The shots of the hummingbird and the deer are dreamy!

  16. you are in their territory ... watch out!! that is too funny. i love it! stare down - who did blink 1st??! ( :

  17. All these photos made me smile Gail. Love that you've caught them staring back at you. Great shots!

  18. I love those in your face looks!! I'm kinda a newbie, I don't think I have ever seen any of those!! Great shots!!

  19. What a great collection!! Hope the weather clears up for you soon, though. I know you must be getting cabin fever, if you're like me!

  20. Great shots. That Blue Jay made me laugh.What a look!

  21. Absolutely Astounding Looking at You shots!! Very up close and personal!!
    BTW- have our spring break all set for NOLA!! Had to extend a day to include more stuff! Sister is from Boozier her daughters - my two nieces went and are at LSU - so had a list that should extend trip for two weeks.:-))

  22. All wonderful photos, Gail, and I know what you mean about the weather being bratty! ;)

  23. All these guys are really either staring you down or just posing beautifully. Love every one.

  24. Wonderful series of images, Gail! I love the looks on their faces, especially the Blue Jay. Thank you for linking up the critter party. Enjoy your week ahead!

  25. Amazing! Love the dragonfly's bug mouth!

  26. That dragonfly is crazy! These are wonderful. When I try to take pics of birds they take one look at me and immediately fly away. It is very disheartening.

  27. My goodness, Gail. Don't apologize for your beautiful photography. When you can pluck images (even previously posted ones) and put them together with a theme like that.. it's pure magic. The hummingbird and dragonfly are incredible.

  28. Been there myself. Great photos! Some animals look funny straight on!

  29. Love all of these close-up, in-your-face portraits! Favorites are the hummingbird, the dragonfly, and the deer with all those fine hairs!

  30. Oh no, the dreaded stare-down! LOL

    I love that deer's eyelashes and or the extra hairs being so sharp in the focus. wow.

    Yes, fun T for the fun purse intro.

    Have a tremendous week my friend, and see ya tomorrow. ♥

  31. What amazing shots!

  32. Wonderful series of images, Gail.
    Photo 3 and 5 are my favorite.
    Greetings Irma

  33. Love the looks you're getting.

  34. This great pictures and I see that you have also photographed. Already a dragonfly Is that already this year?


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