Friday, January 24, 2014


A great egret landed about twenty feet in front of me as I was walking around Capitol Lake the first week of January. He then proceeded to fan out his feathers as though showing off to a potential mate. I did not see any other egrets around, so I don't know if he was confused or what. Maybe he saw my camera and wished to be on the cover of Herongirl Magazine. :)

I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch.
Gilda Radner


  1. He is definitely a looker! (And I so agree with your fashion quote today!)

  2. You must be magical to get an egret to land so close to you! So...what is tour secret? ;))

  3. Herongirl Magazine by Gail Dixon oh yes I can see it. Amazing shots. Hug B

  4. Okay, I now have the tune for 'On The Cover of the Rolling Stone' going through my head with the words 'On the Cover of the Heron Girl...' attached. You know I'm going to end up singing it out loud and getting really strange looks, right?

    It's so worth it for these beautiful shots though!

  5. your quote goes perfectly with his tail feathers. i wonder what they feel like? .. are they soft & fluffy or more tough to the touch? i wonder?!?!? ( :

  6. Love the Gilda Radner quote!!!

    And your egret in the sun is VERY handsome. Those long feathers, I think I read are only there during breeding. I could be wrong on that. I honestly forget. But I do recall they're called aigretes..or aigrettes. Forget how it's spelled. Halfheimerz is setting in.

  7. Superb series. No rEgrets for seeing this post.

  8. He had some two fold actions going on here. For one...he was showing off for the ladies and two, he was modeling his feathered attire in front of the camera. I
    RE-grets in seeing this post! Cute statement from Anvilcloud.
    You're talents are great.

  9. now THAT'S how an egret should be photographed. :)

  10. You got some great close-ups! I love seeing the details of his feathers. He's a beauty!

  11. He's absolutely fabulous! Splendid detail Gail!

  12. I love those long feathers! It is as if he/she is draped in the latest runway fashion!

  13. He's certainly a WOW!! It's like he's wearing a long white overcoat!!

  14. He must have sensed your love of herons :)

  15. A fine series of this pretty Heron and his idea of posing. :-)

  16. Oh I am with Gilda Radner on that one {God rest her soul}. My aunt would give us her cast off and once while I was in 6th grade I got a bunch of 100% wool plaids and solids numbers/outfits from this sweet aunt. By the time I was home from school my chest looked like I had the measles. I hardly have worn any wool ever since. hahahaha.

    Do you think birds are vain? I mean can they sense they are pretty and are they smug about it? LOL Very nice photos, Gail, very nice.

    Thanks for the encouraging words on wanting to hear about this bc! That was so nice to hear. I haven't completely decided on that issue yet, but I don't want to bore those that are just not wanting to hear it either. But, they can go the other way, right? lol ♥ Have a great weekend, girlfriend.

  17. He is a beauteous creature and deserves his own publication. HEROworld

  18. Dit is echt fantastisch mooi om hem zo mooi van dichtbij te kunnen fotograferen.

  19. He looks a bit cocky! Wonder if his date ever showed up.

  20. me too…as i can't wear anything with wool…LOL

  21. The egrets are elegant! Beautiful photos, Gail! Have a happy weekend!

  22. He was showing off for someone, huh? Glad you were there. And, yes, no itching is a must for my clothes. lol

  23. The best I have ever seen!! These are just amazing, bright and beautiful!!

  24. "Herongirl Magazine" You are too funny! Phenomenal photos, Gail. He's a beauty.

  25. Gail - he looks like he was modeling an heirloom fringed shawl!

  26. He looks like he's wearing a fringed cape!

  27. He certainly looks fine! Yep, he belongs on that magazine cover!

  28. Awesome! He appears to be wearing a fine silky gown.

  29. He couldn't resist your charms. ;)

    Beautiful images.. you certainly captured his awesomeness.

  30. I love that Gilda Radner quote and have used it myself before because it is entirely me. Love! those egret photos. I don't think I've ever seen one quite like that.

  31. Lovin' those long fine feathers! I think he's smitten:@)

  32. He sure is a handsome fellow in his bleeding plumage.
    Your images are awesome, Gail.
    Have a Happy weekend :)

  33. Great photos of the Egret Gail. Interesting behavior you described. I'm with Gilda on the quote and thank you for sharing it. Have a great weekend.

  34. Well he definitely deserves to be on the cover .... but maybe of Audobon Magazine! Fab photos.

  35. Gorgeous! It's amazing they can stay so clean!

  36. Incredible bird and amazing images!

  37. Love the series of photos .
    What cool feathering .
    The featherering in the last few remind me a bit of a flappers dress ~ I suppose in a sense they are flappers !

    Love the quote ~ I miss Gilda.
    Oh the days of Rosanna Danna !

  38. He is a handsome fella :) Hope you are having a lovely weekend dear Gail :)

  39. These shots would definitely qualify for any magazine cover! Great work Gail! You are now dubbed the "Bird Whisperer"!

  40. The egret looks so smart and beautiful through your lens.

  41. Gail, you have the most amazing luck on your shooting
    walk-about's. I dont think I could have contained my bladder functions if this happen to me. After shooting this awesome bird, I would have had to sit in the marsh and get all wet, then tell folks I fell in to save face... but I saved the camera!. Goodness, he takes ones breath away!

  42. A white egret is not so easy to photograph his white feathers, but you have a really nice series of made​​. Class

  43. Great job capturing his frill. He's gorgeous!

  44. wow great photos. He was ready for his close up for certain, Hugs!

  45. P.S. your facebook widget isn't working :-(

  46. Beautiful details, he is totally awesome!

  47. Oh my god, that bird is huge!

  48. To paraphrase someone famous (I'm sure): "I may not know much about fashion, but I know what I like!".

    Wonderful images of a really beautiful Egret!

  49. Fabulous photo series Gail.A model egret, and model photographer!:)

  50. Frilly is right! Gorgeous though...Love how he's just standing there posing for you! Beautiful images my friend.


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