Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Baeolophus bicolor

I love these acrobatic, animated birds with their mohawks, big eyes and tiny beaks. They are year-round residents in Louisiana and we're happy to have them. Photos taken January 7, 2014.

Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23


  1. was he crying? i could have swore he had a tear there by the eye? ( :
    love those mohawk hairs on top his head there ... too cute.

  2. Beth's right, it does look as though he has a wee tear by his eye...nevertheless, your shots are always brilliant, especially of this cutie!

  3. Just the sweetest bird ever! Wonderful shots.

  4. Wonderful captures Gail! Lucky you to see this cutie-pie, he's adorable.

  5. I'm laughing, Gail, remembering our earlier conversation about the abbreviated name for this little bird and wondering if that's why you titled your post as you did. Whatever you call him, he's truly beautiful, as are your photos of him.

  6. adorable little impish things! you caught them SO well!


  7. They enchant me every time a troupe makes it to my backyard feeding stations.

  8. Awww... what sweet photos, Gail! This little bird is a cutie pie. Have a great day, friend! Hugs to you

  9. The third photo really allows him to show off his feather-cut hairstyle.
    I do believe he was modeling for you and enjoyed doing so. So pretty! God is amazing and so is HIS creation.
    hugs to ya!!

  10. Hi Gail, your so lucky to have these sweet little tweeters year round.
    Fantastic captures, keep warm.

  11. Stunning images as always. I am always impressed that you know so much about our feathered friends. Hope you are staying's suppose to be 70* on Friday!

  12. I just love these little guys! We don't have them in our area :(

  13. Oh, what a little cutie! Love his spiked hairdo.

  14. Beautiful beautiful and your quote WOW. Hug B

  15. He is the cutest thing....Who says God doesn't have an imagination is soooo wrong....He was having fun when He designed this little fellow....

  16. wat een geweldig mooi klein lief vogeltje,

  17. Little titmouses/titmice? are adorable, with their little beady eyes :-}} Awesome shots!!

  18. He is adorable!! Is it a titmouse?

  19. He's adorable! You caught great photos of him. I love how the patches of blue sky in the background capture the blue in his feathers.

  20. That sweet little face puts me in mind of someone's little tag-along brother with early morning bed head. Too adorable. And wonderful captures as always.

  21. The Titmouse is a sweet bird! Wonderful set of photos! Have a happy day!

  22. I still have never seen a titmouse except in photos! I'm jealous!

  23. I have never seen that bird...what a cute character he is!

  24. So darn cute! I could look at these pics all day and still be entertained. :-)

  25. Wonderful captures of these sweet little birds.

  26. This little guy is so dang cute. I love the things you said you love, too. What a cutie.

    I have a friend I have turned on to your blog. She only does Instagram but you can see her on my Instagram tab.

    I love these photo that are pink she did for me {the flowers} and then this one she did with pink enhancements

    Just wanted to share her with you. She doesn't have a blog just instagram. She is a retired high school english teacher and has time now to work on her photography.

    I love you,Gail!!!♥

  27. You do capture birds that show all of their charming character. I just want to grab this littleone off that limb and kiss that sweet face.

    DID you get any of the snow that came to the south?

  28. These are fantastic photos of the Titmouse, one of my favorite birds :)

  29. Gotta love the titmice! We have them in MA, too. Maybe it's a different variety. They are so cute!

  30. Oh he's just adorable.

  31. Awesome shots! These guys are fun to watch. I've had them get pretty close while I was filling feeders.

  32. How gorgeous! I've never seen one of these, Gail!

  33. And he's quite a poser. I think he's hit all the major fashion spread poses for birds!

  34. they are just so darn cute!! mine are sooooo friendly!!

  35. I think they're my favorite backyard bird!

  36. They are the most adorable at my feeder. Great captures.

  37. Goodness, they sure are cute little things!


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