Monday, April 22, 2013

Bridles, Blooms, Bayous and Birds

Happy Monday! Our weekend was jam packed and fun for a change. It began Friday when I was finally able to see my high school friend for a much-needed girls day. I watched her take a riding lesson on Carson, an American Saddlebred once owned by Carson Kressley (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy). Afterwards we went to lunch, then drove down River Road, stopping along the way for photographs. Saturday was spent at my aunt and uncle's new camp on Bayou Manchac, then later that night we joined my cousin and his wife to listen to their friends' band play at a local establishment. Sunday was spent birding at Bluebonnet swamp where I saw THREE rose-breasted grosbeaks, numerous indigo buntings, and Mississippi kites flying overhead. A wonderful, fabulous three days. Now back to reality and on with the show!
Michelle and Carson, 4/19/13
She is doing so well riding him and looks so sophisticated.

First ever sighting of an Orchard Oriole, female.
The male is deep orange and black, but my pics of him were blurry.
Near State Capitol, 4/19/13

A walking iris (neomarica gracilis) in Michelle's garden, 4/19/13

Gator sculpture that came with my aunt's camp, Bayou Manchac, 4/20/13

To get to the camp we were ferried across on a pontoon boat.
Uncle Bubba was our capable captain. :)

Indigo bunting at Bluebonnet Swamp, 4/21/13

Rose-breasted grosbeak posing nicely on a limb, Bluebonnet Swamp, 4/21/13

Male rose-breasted grosbeaks, Bluebonnet Swamp, 4/21/13 

PARAKEET UPDATE: Thank you ALL for the wonderful advice on the parakeet that found its way into my yard. Before receiving your advice I kept thinking of the line by Shelby in the movie Steel Magnolias: "I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special." However, many of you swayed me with the argument that since "Charlie" was domesticated he was ill-equipped to truly fend for himself. Despite my initial misgivings, I posted his photo on our HOA Facebook page and scoured the internet for "lost parakeet Baton Rouge" and came up empty handed. The parakeet's fate is unknown at this time since he has not returned to my yard. :( I wanted to respond to you all individually since many of you had taken the time to articulate such detailed (and respectful) arguments, but time got away from me and now I feel overwhelmed. So please know how much your comments meant to me.

I will catch up on blogs later today! Wishing you all a wonderful week, praying it's better than last week.


  1. Fabulous crisp clear and gorgeous photos Gail! That little Orchard Oriole reminds me of a male Goldfinch. That Indigo is the sweetest little guy. I am going Bunting hunting on the weekend, there have been numerous reports that there are some in the neighbouring woods! Hope you have a great week!

  2. What a great weekend you had..Loving horses the way I do I love the shot of Carson. He is a handsome fellow..

    We have indigo buntings and they are such a beautiful bird....Always love it when they come to the feeders...

    Gorgeous shots as always....

  3. oh, that horse is gorgeous! your friend looks great riding him! love the grosbeaks and orchard oriole - and i'm thrilled to say i saw my very first indigo bunting here today!!!!

  4. Beautiful colours!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. Glad you had such a wonderful and rewarding weekend. The birds are fabulous! Hopefully, your little visitor returned home.

  6. It does sound like you had yourself a marvelous weekend. There's nothing like a good day spent with good friends. Takes our minds away from all of the overloaded blahs that sometimes sneak up on us. It was a beautiful! Great photos of some beautiful birds. Through my blogging, I have discovered that there are some gorgeous birds out there...

  7. Upon first glance of that iris, I thought of ET! :-)

    I hope the little guy found his owner or visa-versa.

  8. That was sweet of you to try and find the birds home. I thought that gator sculpture was real at first! I thought that one was coming after you again! ;) Beautiful photo's are always! xo

  9. WOW! Those Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and the Indigo are such treasures.

  10. Gail, sounds like you had a great day. Love the Grosbeaks and the beautiful Indigo. Great sighting of the Oriole. Gorgeous photos.

  11. Love the clarity in your pics. The macro of the flower is amazing!

  12. Oh Gail, I love the three rose-hearted grosbeak birds. They are becoming a fast favorite now days. Wow. I loved reading about your fun weekend. Your friend's horse is gorgeous! ! !

    I only wish to inspire. Update your wardrobe as you have time. (thrifty is fast and fun, remember?) ♥

  13. Fabulous photos and my favorite for today is those rose-hearted grosbeak birds -- never seen them before and they looked like they are laughing...m I right - wink!!

  14. Again, stunning captures of the birds. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!

  15. I feel like I just enjoyed a wonderful weekend myself, after reading this post. That iris photo is awesome, as it the single rose-breasted grosbeak on the branch. Just stunning.

  16. Glad you got to spend time with your friend! She looks good on that horse! Love the iris, bunting, and grosbeak! Gorgeous shots! Awesome catch light on the bunting!

  17. Well, I'm ready to visit Bluebonnet Swamp after seeing your photographs!

    Outstanding work! Love the bunting, grosbeaks, oriole, and of course, the 'gator on the porch!

    Thank you for sharing all of this!

  18. I believe the southern states breed much more colorful birds!!! Beautiful, Gail. I really like the photo of your friend on her horse, too.

  19. It sounds like you had such a full and fun weekend! Great photos, as always. I love the one of the oriole. I can't get over the variety of bird species you have down there.

  20. What wonderful shots. Looks like an all-round wonderful weekend.

  21. A wonderful collection of photos Gail. The Indigo Bunting takes my fancy most, quite a stunning colour.

  22. Very nice birds - these American finches are remarkable.

    I tend to think that there is only one person in the world who does the human statue thing - but he just travels around a lot!!

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  23. Oh my goodness....that Rose-breasted Grosbeak [the single individual bird] is magnificent!!

    Hope your week, so far, is going well.

  24. Maybe the parakeet has returned to his home, or has found a new one :-)

    The indigo bunting is very beautiful!

  25. Photography must be much easier than riding a horse.


  26. Wonderful birding! And hooray for girls days out...we all need those!

    But gosh what do you mean by 'now back to reality'? I thought birding and exploring and taking those wonderful pictures WAS your reality!

  27. Nature is so wonderful and beautiful! sandie

  28. Awesome shots- all so colorful and gorgeous.

  29. Gorgeous birds. The iris looks like an alien being!

  30. Sounds like you had a delightful, fun-filled weekend!

    Hmmm. Perhaps the parakeet has found a good home.

  31. Catching up today Gail. I seem to have missed a couple of your posts. The three male Grosbeaks all together make a fantastic shot - all harmony until they get on territory? Those Indigo Buntings are such a beautiful and incredible shade of blue and you captured a great pose and expression on the White-throated Sparrow.

  32. Carson is a beautiful horse! I had to do a double take on that alligator sculpture :)

  33. I just saw my first rose-breasted grosbeak the other day. It was like "pow!" what's that? You have a slew of them.

  34. You do get the most amazing bird shots! But that 'gator gave me a start! :)

  35. Heavens to Betsy I'm so glad you said that was a sculpture of the gator cause at 1st I was thinking oh poor Gail is gonna get eaten for certain. Lovely photos as always...Sending luv & hugs your way...xoxo

  36. Wonderful colors and scenery! The horse is beautiful.


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