Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Birds and a Bloom

This is a scheduled post since I will be in New Orleans while Double D is at a business luncheon. Rain is predicted for the day, so I am leaving my big girl camera (Bertha) at home. I might go to the Aquarium of the Americas or force myself to shop. Most likely I'll manage to work in both. :)

Since I only post 2-3 times a week, I decided to combine two memes.

For Wild Bird Wednesday:
More looks at the indigo bunting, 4/21/13

White-throated sparrow, 4/21/13

Bronzed cowbird mating ritual. Basically, the male strutted around puffing himself up (sound familiar?) while the female
ignored him, continuing on with her foraging. She was all, "I ain't got no time for your foolishness, mister."
Bronzed cowbird photos taken on Bayou Manchac, 4/20/13

When strutting failed to work its magic, the male fluttered straight up in the air and hovered over the female.
The female remained unimpressed. It was really interesting to watch. I apologize for the subpar quality of
these shots. It was a cloudy day and I was too lazy to bring my tripod. 

And now for Creative License Friday!
This week I offered one of my own photos for the meme. This was a photo I took in Magnolia, MS several months ago.
I adored the bokeh and the color of the camelias, but I didn't know what to do with it. You wouldn't know it,
but I spent about 2 hours working on this. I don't excel in editing and feel I'm not as creative as others in this arena.
Besides, I have very little patience for editing which is another reason I don't participate every week.
Sorry, Jill! I'll try to do better.
Please visit the hosts of these wonderful memes and visit the participants if you have time!


  1. So many of us are our own worst critics; what I wouldn't give to have a talent like yours!

    Have a wonderful time 'forcing' yourself to go shopping.

  2. I agree with Jacqueline. I LOVE your bird photos they are incredible. Your edit is very creative I like it. B

  3. I don't know WHAT you're talkin' 'bout, girlfriend, cause that edit is mah-velous! :-) You worked that bokeh in perfectly, as well! L.O.V.E. it!

    As far as that male cowbird goes...give it up already! ;-)

    Have fun in the Big Easy, today!

  4. I love your photos and post. Beautiful captures of the Indigo Buntings. have a great trip!

  5. That indigo against the green leaves is a stunner.

  6. Hoping your day is fun filled! Awesome picture of the fluttering bird. Your talents amaze me...always interesting!

    rain here as well...and the temps?? Oh's a chilly day!

  7. what is it with birds in flight that take my breath away???

  8. I think they're all wonderful. Indigo Buntings aren't common around here, although they do show up now and then. Such brilliant color they have. You make cowbirds look lovely. The hovering shot is so pretty.

  9. I used to bird watch - but I have never ever seen those types of blue birds - but they are so pretty! sandie

  10. The indigo bunting is such a spectacular colour! Even in the rain in New Orleans, I would take Bertha along for company. Just no knowing what she may spot.

  11. Birds are truly spectacular! The colors are just lovely, Gail :)

    Hugs to you!

  12. The bunting is awesome! Love that blue! Nice mid-air shot of the cowbird! Your edit is really nice, too! That's not really my forte so I usually leave that to others.

  13. I now have on my bucket list (if I actually HAD one) to see an Indigo Bunting! LOVE that incredible blue!
    I can only do VERY basic editing of photos so I am very impressed with your bloom where you are planted attempt!!

  14. i don't do textures, filters, washes, edits. i can hardly manage to take a decent pic. :)

    love the indigo! so glad i don't have to be jealous any longer! :)

    enjoy your new orleans time!

  15. A great collection of migraters you have there. Great shots of the indigo!

  16. Love the sparrow shot and the hovering shot!
    I've seen your photo around blogland. I thought the original was lovely but I like what you've done with it - don't sell yourself short.
    Hope you're enjoying your getaway.

  17. Love that bunting. I think your editing is superb! Have fun shopping!

  18. Gail you are incredibly talented! And you have the most wonderful birds in the world. I'd be happy if you'd post the bunting every single day.

  19. What a beautiful group of bird photos!

  20. Such beautiful images! I would love to see an Indigo Bunting.

    Visiting from Wild Bird Wednesday,

  21. Looked like you painted the indigo bunting!!! So beautiful!! Also the flowers! Can't believe you didn't take your camera to New Orleans!! Have FUN!!!

  22. Your bird images are excellent and you commentary and photos of the mating ritual is hilarious. So true. MB

  23. I love it that you captured the mating ritual! Very cool. ;))

    I am eagerly awaiting indigo buntings returning to Ontario. I think they are a luscious shade of blue.

  24. Always love your bird images! The ones of the parakeet are beautiful. I love the indigo bunting too, we actually had one of those at my mom and dad's bird feeder last year - we have never seen one here before, so it was pretty special.
    Hope you are well!

  25. Beautiful edit Gail! Loving the sweet bunting! Such a sweet name too!

  26. beautiful photos!!
    hope you are enjoying yourself !!

  27. Beautiful! That Indigo Bunting is spectacular.

  28. Your bird photos always bring smiles. You seem to capture them at just the right moment. Love the Aquarium of the Americas. Those albino crocs are amazing! I am clueless as to how one would edit a photo. Yours looked great to me!

    Hope you have fun in NO!

  29. I really cabt get over how blue that is!!

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  30. I want to see an Indigo Bunting SO bad, I'm starting to get the shakes. I guess until I do, I will live vicariously through you. :)

  31. I would love to see an indigo bunting...stunning

  32. You need to stop apologizing for what you feel you're not doing and just sit back and enjoy what you do well.. which is just about everything from behind your camera. Love the hovering winged beauty. I SO love your photography.

  33. Oh Gail! You took those without Bertha? My goodness. I love your talent. I so appreciate it and love seeing all of your photographs. (hug)

  34. Your cowbirds are definitely prettier than ours! I did a post on ours last week, and it was not nearly so complimentary to them!

  35. #3 and #4 are awesome captures and you own edit photo that we used from CLF -- is prefect-O.. Thanks again for sharing your photo..

  36. Great photos! I really like the White-throated sparrow, so crisp and sharp.

  37. Hi Gail, thank you for letting us use your beautiful photo in Creative License Friday! Your editing is wonderful - a great idea to fit the ground to the flowers ... Very well executed! The quote underlines your editing, and the film frame brings a sparkling effect!

  38. Wonderland...that's what it is for me when I come by to view your photo work!!

    Enjoy your time in "The Big Easy"

  39. No matter how you edit, your photos always turn out gorgeous!

  40. Yes Gail, my purse now days is cross the body type which is the absolute secures purse, other than a wallet, I guess. Oh and I am so glad you broke your Coach addiction before it broke you. Or, were you too late? Thanks for being such a great blog buddy!!!!

  41. I think Indigo Buntings are the most beautiful bird in the world...especially when the sun hits them just right!

  42. What gorgeous shots - love the colour of the bunting.

  43. Wonderful photos, Gail, and I just love that blue! Have a wonderful weekend!

  44. I think you did a wonderful edit job on the pic- very pretty. Love the blue color on the bunting.

  45. We saw so many birds on our hike up Kennesaw Mountain last weekend - thought about you!

  46. Your bird shots are amazing! I had to giggle at the cowbird courtship!

  47. I think it's harder to edit when it's not you did not take the shot. the edit's not looking so bad. the photo seems sharper, brighter.

    hope you have a sweet day.

  48. just realized, you took that roses shot, oh well, it stil look kind of brighter than the before shot.

    have a sweet day.

  49. Nice work! I love the bird pics too!

  50. Oh my goodness...that bird in flight is absolutely an amazing capture! LOVE it! and the Bloom Where You're Planted...LOVE it! Big hugs, xoxo


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