Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lake Martin

Happy Sunday everyone!! It is a yucky, cloudy, misty day, so not sure what I'm going to do for a photography outing. We've had a breeding American Goldfinch coming to our feeder the last few days. He is a beautiful bright yellow. He has the most beautiful song. Maybe I'll stick around the house to stalk him and try for that perfect shot. What are y'all up to and how is your weather?

This will conclude our day trip from last weekend. All were taken in Lake Martin, Louisiana.
Cypress trees standing in the swampy waters.

iPhone shot

Roseate spoonbill. 

More trees in the swamp. The blue water surrounded by algae is quite lovely.

Juvenile white ibis on the river bank

Juvenile white ibis standing in the tree

One of these days we are going to have to do the swamp tour during a sunset. Who's with me? :)

Thanks, Madge for hosting
Weekly Top Shot #75


  1. i'll go! i'll go! :)

    that iphone shot is awesome, btw! love the cypress trees in the water. that spoonbill is gorgeous! looks like his colors are running in the rain. :)

  2. Oh that spoonbill is quite an awesome looking bird. You captured a great image of him/her. And those swamp pictures are wonderful...but sorry, I am gonna say no to a night-time swamp tour, maybe a sun-set but definitely not night!!

  3. Chilly and gray here in Oregon, but not raining:) Think I better clean up the kitchen floor, which is covered with dog paw prints right now.

    Your birds have an astonishing array of beaks: wow!

    Cool cypress trees, and yeah that iPhone shot is something to be proud of for sure.

  4. Love the cypress trees and the spoonbill! All gorgeous shots! The color in the last photo is fantastic!

  5. Me! Me! Me! What a beautiful place - and beautiful photos of it!

  6. Hi Gail, I hope you had a good trip out today, these photo's are lovely, the spoonbill and sunset are my faves, those amazing colours (I'm colour starved!) x

  7. Wonderful. There's a place near me with hundreds of those trees, but I can't figure a good place to get photos. And, call me when you're going on the sunset tour.

  8. The swamp is so beautiful and unique. You've captured its heart.
    It's col and rainy here; rain and snow forecast for tonight. Luckily it won't be freezing

  9. love these photos!fabulous!
    the cypress trees are amazing too!

    happy day!

  10. All the pictures are beautiful,but the sunset one is perfect.Yes,let's do a sunset tour.

  11. Love those cypress trees with their knees popping out of the green algae- R spoonbills awesome pink feathers.
    And that stunning sunset with the cypress trees silhouetted against the twilight sky.
    Sign me up for that tour.. sigh :)

  12. The spoonbill is a cutie; I love her/his pink feathers....this is a great capture.....

    All the swamp shots are amazing and the IPhone shot is gorgeous...but I do think I will pass on the night swamp ride...I do want to hear all about it when you go.....

  13. Wow! Love the wildlife photography and the boggy swamp ~ Great shots ~ Enjoy ^_^

    PS artmusedog and I walked the park and small beach and stayed out awhile without freezing! amazing ~ huh?

    Thanks for coming by ^_^

  14. Oh, but I'd love to do a swamp tour at sunset. Being caught up in all those colors would be awesome. Gail, your photos are spectacular!

    And I've got a photo of my grandparents I'm thinking of using in an upcoming post. It's creased through the center but I think it'll be okay.

  15. I love the Spoonbill and the Ibis. A swamp tour during sunset sounds cool. Beautiful images, Gail!

  16. Super shots of the cypress trees in the swamp, and that patch of blue water is such a beautiful blue. I'm sorry, but that spoonbill is just odd. Great shot of it, though. I don't think you could get any better sunset photo by going on the cruise. This one is perfect. Looks like the people in the boat were waving at you.

  17. Those cypress trees are awesome!

  18. the swamp photos are exquisite!!
    the spoonbill and ibis photos are gorgeous!!!
    thanks so much for sharing the beauty you enjoyed!!!

  19. What great shots, Gail - I love that sunset, and I'd gladly join you on a swamp tour!!!

  20. Fabulous shots, the spoonbill is awesome, and I'm with you on that tour!

  21. Love the Cypress tree shots. Especially the iPhone one. Gorgeous!!

  22. Amazing shots once again. I love that sunset shot and would love to come along with ya.


  23. That spoonbill is so cool.. and I just love the last image. Beautiful!

  24. What great birds! And the sunset is gorgeous!

  25. I'll come along! The spoonbill is gorgeous; a pity one can't find paint which would match their feathers.

  26. Great photos!
    Interesting to study the details!

  27. That shot of the spoonbill is great.

    I wonder how long "cameras", just as a one function tool will last?

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  28. These are wonderful, Gail, and the last one is pure magic! Beautifully captured. Love that spoonbill!

    I wish you a wonderful beginning to your week.

  29. I haven't seen an American Goldfinch for a long time. I really love the way they fly - how they kind of dip and then fly, dip and then fly. Beautiful birds aren't they?

  30. All so incredibly beautiful. The LA swamps are a favorite part of USA in my opinion. There is nothing quite so unique and beautiful. A favorite of mine is the Bald Cypress. And of course the Spanish moss.

    Wonderful post. That Spoonbill...they're so colorful.

  31. In answer to your last question: Me, me, me!

  32. Gorgeous swampy pictures - they are excellent.

    Our weather? We got 5 inches of snow! At the end of March.

  33. Look at that Spoonbill! I love the colors :) And that last picture is simply breathtaking!

    Have a blessed and joyful Monday.


  34. FABULOUS! Love your shots.

  35. Ooooh, my goodness. Those trees are spoooky. Are they spooky to any one else but me? I love that sunset photo. I will go with you on the tour if there aren't any flying bugs!

    You, Gail and my grandmother would have loved to visit for hours. My grandmother loved birds. She would always tell us what bird was what and if she didn't know she would look it up in a cool book she had from the Audubon Society. When you write the names of the birds below, it reminds me of my sweet Daddy's momma that lived right next door til she passed away when I was 13.

    You have a great day, girlfriend!

  36. Looks like home with better pictures! You know how much I love this kind of place!!

  37. Swamps are SO cool! I have never seen one in real life! I must come down and check Louisiana out. We are only 500 miles from New Orleans. That's not too shabby.


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