Thursday, March 21, 2013

Avery Island Wrap-Up

There are many more photos of Avery Island besides these, but I think I'll put this baby to bed for a while. I still have photos from Lake Martin on the same day to process, and those need to be posted, too. Hope you enjoy. As always, I appreciate the kind comments and visits. Y'all make my day!
There are signs like this all over the island. And yes, they are necessary.

My husband was convinced this wasn't real. Then the gator opened his mouth. Silly man! 

I really became bored with them after a while.
There is nothing beautiful about them, but it is a rush to get close.
If the sun is particularly bright, it makes taking photos of them very challenging.

Great egret with breeding colors and breeding plumage.

I must've looked at this picture twelve times, but only today noticed the eggs.

Observation tower where I took all of the egret photos.

Swallowtail kite. This is a first for me. Not my best photography, but putting it up anyway.

Another live oak with spanish moss. Azaleas are blooming like crazy everywhere.
Feedly has been acting a little strange lately, so if I missed your post, I'm sorry. Some of the feeds show up days later, all at once. I guess Feedly is experiencing growing pains. I'm still mad at Google. :(

Sharing with the wonderful Skywatch Friday.


  1. the wisteria in the first is gorgeous! love the egrets - and great catch on the kite!

    really like the gator camo!

  2. Once again ... so many beautiful images. I can't choose a favourite.

  3. Oh I love these- especially the egret pics- great captures!

  4. the egrets are majestic!!

    I like alligators, they're the closest to still having dinosaurs around
    Anderson Cooper has a special segment about them on this Sunday's 60 minutes. I saw a preview and it looks amazing.

  5. I guess if you've got 'gators, you've got to photograph them, but I'm bowled over by those egret action shots Gail. Fabulous!

    That Swallowtail Kite is a wonderful bird - well captured!!

  6. You know that I am a fan of your work...those Great Egret shots are somewhat funny. One of them looks like they are getting to ready to have a slap fest. "you slap me, I'll slap you" lol I love the last one though...I think it is my fav. The 1st gator shot...yeah, they stay so still creepy little buggers! Big hugs, xoxo

  7. *gasp* look at those gators! You did a great job capturing their picture. I love the last photo with the oak and Spanish moss - so beautiful!

    Hugs to you,

  8. Wonerful, wonerful! I'm partial to the first and last and a few in between.

  9. I certainly enjoyed our trip to Avery Island...lots to see! the colors are just beautiful and I'm guessing this is the perfect time of the year to really see some gorgeous sights...loved seeing he wisteria photos..

  10. I love the gators - I am still mad at google too! sandie

  11. You would never find me taking photos of alligators no matter how strong a zoom lens I would have....zudos to you, Gail!!

  12. I'll take the birds, in all their white glory, above the 'beasts' any day! LoL! But, I'd tolerate my 'scared-y butt' to take in the beauty of those azaleas & those trees! WoW! =)

  13. Oh my goodness, another batch of glorious photos. Wonderful gaters! You know they ALWAYS want you to think they're not real...:)

    Hubby took boy scouts on a several day canoeing/camping trip in the Okefenokee, and at night the gaters sounded really weird. I was so glad when the whole scout troop came home in one piece.

  14. beautiful photos!!!
    i do love alligators and croc's. i think they are magnificent creatures!!!
    i have a phobia of snails!! can you imagine!! i totally freak out ,my heart pounds and i feel physically sick..real or picture of one!
    not wild about spiders!

  15. That last shot is so pretty!
    The gator looks pretty threatening.

  16. Cool shots of the gators! And I love Egrets with the eggs. And the kite in flight is awesome. Wonderful post and photos, Gail!

  17. Cool shots of the gators! And I love Egrets with the eggs. And the kite in flight is awesome. Wonderful post and photos, Gail!

  18. A good look at the bayou, thats what i see it as. Gators I know them well. Very good captures.

    The egrets and doing the spring dance? Not seeing the eggs is something i would do.

  19. I think I would rather photograph birds than alligators.I like the green eye shadow on the Egret.

  20. Great post !
    Best regards from France,


  21. Beautiful!!! I loved the second pic.., the one of the croc.... i wondered if it was real... till i read further!

  22. Great post and photography, Gail! I like the "fake" alligator. Better keep an eye on that husband of yours!

  23. Very cool alligators! There is one at Bass Pro Shop that never budges, we always think it looks fake. :)

    Those egrets are cracking me up, they look like they are about to hug. The flowers and spanish moss, and unbelievably gorgeous!

  24. WOW Gail theses are incredible I love seeing the gators on my computer now that I see the teeth I am OK from a distance. The Egret photos are awesome. I have only seen an Egret once here where I live. B

  25. Oh sweet Gail, I love when you take us to the park! Awesome photos. Gators very plentiful here in Florida. For the most part they just lay around tanning themselves with an occasional dive. Keep them coming!

  26. Some words come to mind...stunning, beautiful, gorgeous, serene, tranquil...all wonderful indeed. Even the alligator images are superb Gail.

    I'm back, catching up on my bloggin' buddies today!!

    Oh, and Love Spanish Moss. And the azaleas in that last photo is so striking against the moss and swamp.

  27. You always get such fabulous shots of the egrets! And the alligator pictures brought an old song to my mind. Battle of New Orleans maybe? "If the skeeters don't getcha then the gators will."

  28. Fantastic wildlife photography ~ just amazing ! ^_^

  29. Wow what a wonderful series of wildlife photography... Beautiful!

  30. These are awesome! What a great place for photo ops!

  31. Alligators sound very scary to me! I can see their shiny hides would be a challenge to photograph well. You did GOOD! And I love your egrets.

  32. I wish I could have seen your husband's face with the "fake" 'gator opened its mouth! It kind of looks like the egrets have just noticed those eggs, too. That viewing platform looks very crowded. You must have had to use your elbows to get some of those shots.

  33. You got some wonderful egret shots there Gail. The gator seems to be having a laugh or maybe saying "Come on then, try me out"?

  34. I am pretty sure I would have a heart attack if I got to close to a gator. But I sure do love seeing your photos of them...


  35. More gorgeous photos - lots of mating activity for the egrets!

  36. Oh Gail, my sweet! You are so fun to hear from. Thank you! I love to see your posts. Alligators are my least fav animal of all time. ickkk. Those are amazing photos tho.

    yes Google is not working well of late. I still don't get why they have made the decision they did. hmmmmm.

    I love the mossy oak trees. You do those well.

    Hoping you have a nice and safe weekend, too. (hug)

  37. Scrolling to the bottom of a very lengthy list of comments..... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the birds! The white is so impressive!

  38. Great set of pictures - the kite is a splendid looking bird.

    There were more birds around me when I took the picture that I think I have ever seen in one place - I could have taken a similar picture in almost any direction.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  39. Crisp, vivid and beautiful photos!

  40. You continue to be amazing Gail with the most vivid - perfect shots!! Love the live oaks with the azaleas in bloom! Surprised that the egrets are not up in the trees nesting? Our spoonbills, egrets, and cranes nest and have their rookeries in the trees above the gators. They help each other. the gators keep the raccoons and opossums away and a few chicks fall into the water for the gators. Also lovely picture of the egrets with eggs!

  41. Great shots as usual. I know you were using a great big zoom lens, but those gators are too close for comfort. Eeek.

  42. Show all you want of this beautiful place -- we loved it there and would love to go back someday. (Sigh.)

    Egrets are my favorite bird really -- almost like a talisman for me; we see them on both coasts, but I never ever tire of them. The kite is wonderful. And the egret nest with eggs is amazing. (What a lovely bonus to find in have such great photographer's karma!)

  43. Alligators generally don't do much, so I imagine they would get boring after awhile! Love the egrets, though. I hate to hear Feedly is having trouble - I haven't had time to even check it in days. ugh.

  44. I've never seen alligators in the wild and first thing I thought of when I began reading your post, Gail, was Tabasco Sauce! -grin-

  45. Beautiful, vibrant photos! And thanks so much for your comment on my quilting blog!

  46. Amazing shots!
    I like the swallowtail bird's capture! It is too good.

  47. I cringed at the gator. I can't stand them, they are vicious.. The picture of the one you have looks to have a smile on his face like he is thinking "Lunch".
    I love seeing the Egrets and my husband does too. You have some very fine shots here.

  48. Gail, your action captures are amazing ~:)


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