Tuesday, May 4, 2010

About To Check Out

One more day of work, then Double D and I will be jettng off to Colorado Springs to celebrate his big birthday. Jetting off sounds so sophisticated, doesn't it? I've always wanted to use that phrase. Anyway, I hope to come back with some amazing mountain photos and perhaps a good story or two.

Until then, here are photos from my trip to the rose garden last Sunday where my daughter and stepdaughter joined me. Sadly, this is probably the last photography excursion with my daughter for a while. She's moving across the country in less than two weeks. :( I'm sure I'll be spilling giant tears on my blog after she leaves.


  1. Lovely pictures and what a nice way to spend the day. Happy jetsetting! :)

  2. Gail, I hope you and Double D have a lovely time in Colorado Springs! You got some beautiful flower pictures there, I just love the setting you used on the camera. Now I'm looking forward to pictures from your trip!

  3. How pretty. Up here (MN) we've decided we're not done with winter so it'll be dropping in this weekend for a brief reprise.

    What the heck, huh? Why not.

    Heavy sigh.


  4. Gail, your rosebud photo is magnificent! You've gotta do something with this photo, what a beautiful wall hanging it would make. Hope you and Double D had a great time. Looking forward to some cool blogs.

  5. Pearl, thanks for visiting! Love your blog! Colorado Springs is supposed to get snow today, so you're not alone.

    Thanks, Kittie. I appreciate the compliment. Colorado was glorious! Can't wait to post the photos and write about it.

  6. Holy Bueno! Great dang pictures.
    May you be blessed knowing that you raised a daughter that is capable of flying on her own...
    As the Lost Dogs once sang, "I'm setting you free/But I'm not letting you go/I'm watching you fly away/but keeping you close/I can't help but cry a little/Heaven knows/I'm setting you free/but I'm not letting you go."

    Be blessed Be a blessing.
    DJ GlenMC

  7. Thanks, DJ. Those lyrics were just what I needed to see. Hope you are blessed, too.

  8. You capture the beauty of God's creation so well with your camera.
    I’ve enjoyed looking over your blog. I came across it through another blog I follow, and I’m glad I did. I am now a follower of yours as well. Feel free to look over my blog and perhaps become one as well.

  9. Thanks, covnitkepri. I followed you back. Happy blogging!


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