Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Music Quiz

1. One song that always takes me back to my youth is Black Water by the Doobie Brothers. I heard this song just the other day and was instantly transported back to the day in 7th grade when I skipped school for the first time. We played Black Water non-stop on a tape player in the woods. I was suspended from school along with the other kids.

2. My first concert ever was Robin Trower - The Bridge of Sighs tour. I was 14 and went with my boyfriend, Randy. I suspect my mother said the rosary the entire time I was gone.

3. If I could create my dream music festival I'd want these bands to be there:
JACK WHITE with The Raconteurs, The Dead Weather, or The White Stripes
Kings of Leon
The Kinks
Patsy Cline
Counting Crows
Pink Floyd
The Doors
Stone Temple Pilots
Led Zeppelin
The Black Keys
Alice in Chains

4. The best make-out/"boot knocking" song ever is Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye. I also like These Arms of Mine by Otis Redding.

5. The best concert I've ever been to was...well, I would have said Led Zeppelin in 1977, but I saw The Dead Weather on Oct 5, 2009 and they were AWESOME!

6. A memorable musical moment for me was Jack White and Alison Mosshart singing together at the House of Blues in Dallas. It was electric!

7. The song on my iPod that's getting the most play these days is Patrick Sweany - Them Shoes. Also, anything by Jack White and the Crazy Heart soundtrack.

Feel free to play along on your own blog!


  1. I'm so glad you wrote about the music you like. It helps me see a more complete picture of you. I got a kick out of your mom saying the rosary the entire time you were gone. :)

  2. Sounds like you and I like the same kind of music! I'm really loving One Ekimo's "Kandi" right now! It's a remake of an old song...but God I love it!

  3. My hub and I met when he asked me to dance to "Come on, baby, light my fire"...and I ain't tellin' you any more than that :))))

  4. Thanks, Teresa! I'm learning to "expose" myself a little more on my blog.

    HCajun - LOVE that song! I'm listening to it this minute. I love finding new music. I never want to get stuck in one musical era.

    Kittie, LOL! You crack me up. :)

  5. I want to be the first to purchase tickets to your music festival!!
    "Everything Zen, I don't think so"

  6. Skitzo, you got a deal! I WORE OUT my Bush cd. For real.

  7. You probably gave your mother gray hairs, you Wilde Childe.

    "Seven Bridges Road" takes me back some years to a happy, "knew-less/enjoyed more" time of my life.

    "Hungry Like The Wolf" was the favorite tune of the girl in my life then. She went by the nickname "Gypsy" at the time then and earned it. And like her name, she drifted away, looking for an illusive dream I hoped she found.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Roland

  8. Roland, thanks for visiting! I was at work when I stumbled on your blog and read a few paragraphs. Your writing really grabbed me. Not wanting to forget, I subscribed to your blog to read it later. I'm hoping to get back to it this weekend. Cheers!

  9. Any lady that likes Pink Floyd (I loves me some Pink Floyd) I will definitely makes sure I become a follower. LOL

    Musical Suggestion. Check out Mute Math's Video Typical...either go to YouTube or check my M is for MuteMath blog in April from Arlee's A to Z challenge...

    Be blessed. Be a blessing. Listen to Floyd, Pink Floyd...
    DJ GlenMC

  10. Thanks for visiting, Glen. I left a comment on your Pink Floyd post. :)


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