Thursday, March 20, 2014

Loud and Proud

Let me say first that I am not a fan of the brown-headed cowbird and their parasitic nesting habits, but I caught this one in some good light and noticed their black feathers are actually midnight blue.

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday.
Please visit Stewart and other birds around the world!


  1. Dang! You can make a cowbird look gorgeous :)

  2. Does parasitic nesting habits mean that they take over other birds' nests?

  3. Gorgeous contrast in colors -- happy Spring Gail!

  4. Cowbirds always hog my bird feeders and scare the other birds off!

  5. I know what you mean about their lifestyle, but your photos of this one are truly stunning. As I scrolled through them, I kept thinking, "Oh, this is my favorite" until I got to the end of the post and realized they were all favorites.

  6. Yes, their habits are bit unsettling.

  7. ...that last image is superior Gail!!!

  8. i think they're beautiful - even the more muted colors of the females. :)

  9. Wow - love the blue of those feathers.

  10. Wow, what incredibly beautiful feathers! The lighting is perfect to pick up their rich blue color.

    Hugs to you!

  11. The midnight blue colour is very pretty.

  12. These guys are handsome. You got great shots Gail. As far as their nesting habits, it's nature's way for these birds.

  13. We forget sometimes that all of the earth, including the "birds of the air" were affected by the Fall. I think Roadrunners are the coolest birds, but it bothers me that they will raid the nests of other birds for food. All that aside, I'm thankful we can enjoy your beautiful photos, Gail! (yes, even your snakes, LOL)

  14. You captured the beautiful side of this bird so well.

  15. this cowbird is one handsome fellow! Nice sharp focus, as always!

  16. Ja die zijn zeker heel duidelijk aanwezig.

  17. aww, must better. no snakes. what a great relief!! i can breathe. nice!! (just kidding. you know that right??! i sure hope so, i am in a silly mood this week.) i love this bird. what a neat coloring. a new one to me. i love how the black & brown are totally separate. neat-o!! ( :

  18. The male is a beautiful bird, lovely captures! It is a shame they have such a bad reputation! Have a happy weekend!

  19. What a handsome bird!

  20. Yes, I agree - not a nice bird but I guess it's just doing what it is programmed to do...

  21. The feathers are quite beautiful and you did a fantastic job capturing this feathered friend.

  22. I have them in my yard a s well. They get a bad rap but the male is gorgeous and I find they enjoy having their picture taken!!

  23. Gorgeous photos! We've only had a couple at the feeders and only for a day.

  24. Wow Gail! These are the best photos I've ever seen of this clever bird.

  25. I guess if I can see beauty in an alligator I should be able to see it in a cowbird! Or a starling. I hate that bird, they steal nests just like the cowbird. But they can be pretty in the right light.

  26. Gorgeous pics, one and all. What gets me is the birds that raise them. Don't they know they don't look like their other babies? It was the strangest thing once.. to see a sparrow feeding a demanding newly-fledged cowbird.

  27. I have never heard of this bird before, but I am loving the color of him..


  28. Hi Gail,
    Great photos of this beautiful bird.
    The colors in the feathers are sublime.
    Perfect photographed.
    Greetings Irma

  29. Great shots - I bird has to nest where I a bird has to nest!

    I like these black/blue birds - was watching Grackles in Az that are like that, and we have Satin Bowerbirds here that have similar colour shifting feathers.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: thanks for the comment about the grumpy email, I was just a bit surprised by the whole thing I think!

  30. Wow, was ist das denn für ein Hübscher? Ich kenne die Art gar nicht. Welch schönes Federkleid, vorallem dieses Blau. Einzigartig. Danke für die Fotos.

    Liebe Grüße
    von der Waldameise

  31. Very nice series of photographs, Gail!
    It's hard to find a truly "ugly" bird.
    Love the iridescence of the feathers!


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