Friday, March 21, 2014

Fluffed Up

This white-throated sparrow was busy pecking underneath the feeders when all of a sudden he fluffed up and nestled into the ground. I have no idea what this behavior signifies, but it was interesting. The more I learn about birds and their behavior, the more fascinating they become. The white-throated sparrow's song sounds like "Oh-sweet-Canada-Canada" or "Old-Sam-Peabody-Peabody."

The last field trip for our birding class is at Lake Martin tomorrow and several of us have rented kayaks after birding. Thank you to sweet Suzzz at Tree Hugger for encouraging me! A rainy weekend is forecast which may put the kibosh on the whole thing. I'm going to remain positive though! Hope everyone has a great weekend. Catch up with you all on Monday, unless I'm rained in.


  1. I know exactly why he fluffed up. It's his way of saying "Get that camera off me honey. Can't you see I'm eating!" :)

  2. Isn't it a pretty thing!!?!!!! Those bright eyes, and the little icing of yellow frosting near the beak.

  3. wow, what a cutie. some how i got to click on your upper bar & had a look around your blog ... funny how things work out. i rather enjoyed my trip. have a lovely day. ( :

  4. Oh kayaks sounds like fun I do hope it does not get cancelled. Awesome shots as usual. Have fun in the boat:) Hug B

  5. Beautiful picture of this beautiful bird.
    Perfectly sharp and full of details, and beautiful eyes.

  6. I'm going to have positive thoughts right along with you!! No Rain!!
    Happy that you are taking this adventure...and I know that the results of your photography time is going to certainly be worth waiting for. Have fun....stay in that kayak!! Enjoy!!

  7. Maybe the fluffing up and settling in is a sign of contentment. This little bird certainly blends in with his surroundings, so maybe it's also a form of camouflage. Your photos are really great. Such detail, especially the eye and that little seed in the beak.

  8. Wonderful images of this sweet bird! I can't wait for their return. We say "dear sweet Canada Canada Canada" :)

  9. Was there a female around? He's showing off! Gorgeous shots Gail!

  10. Beautiful shots of this little cutie!

  11. I love that you got "eye lights" in the eyes and so "tack" sharp. Lovely as always.
    Suzz is a doll,isn't she?

  12. gail wow! what a fantastic series of bird photos! great details, too.

    happy spring! xo

  13. he's very cute. :) good luck with the weekend plans!

  14. Ohhh I hope you don't get rain out! Perhaps he like a chicken as they puff up for warmth and preening?

  15. Maybe he sensed danger and was trying to blend into the ground. Excellent photos, as always! Have fun kayaking.

  16. Lovely pictures. It seems that he is warming up and relaxing. I have seen birds like this and they get into such a state of relaxation,they almost look dead.

  17. Hi Dear,
    wonderful shot and - love sparrows - they are funny guys!
    Thank you so much for your nice visit
    all the best

  18. Splendid images of the Sparrow!

    Hope your kayaking goes well. Just remember the number one rule:

    "Have Fun!"

  19. The details on this little fellow are so vibrant and sharp! Hope the weather cooperates for you and your fellow birders and kayackers (Is that a word?). For us, too, as Hubby and I will be heading to BR for a visit with family and our 6-year-old granddaughter's dance competition.

  20. He's a fluffy sweetie!

  21. I love your photos, such a cute little sparrow. You're right, the more we want to learn, the more we open our eyes and see all kinds of behaviors. I hope the weather doesn't mess your plans up tomorrow. I'll be hoping for good weather for you.

  22. Gorgeous close ups of this sweet little bird!! Have fun on your weekend adventure!!

  23. I have always wanted to go kayaking. Fingers crossed for the weather!

  24. It must be Canada and not Peabody because we all know that Canada is for the birds.

    BTW: I can say that, but you can't. ;)

  25. Lovely shots. I hope you have a fun weekend. Take some pics for us!!

  26. What a little cutie! I hope you don't get rained out! Great photos my friend!


  27. Such a cute little feathery umps lumpaa :)

  28. He's adorable and those are fantastic photos!

  29. That second to last image is just perfect. I wanted to pick the little sweet up and give it a kiss.

  30. He is so precious and your photos truly capture the beautiful details of birds (and nature!)

  31. Please, PLEASE tell me you are submitting your photos to a nature magazine!! Your shots are so crisp and full of detail!!
    Just discovered a hawk (haven't gotten a close enough look to verify what species) is nesting at my kiddo's school. Hoping to get some shots this weekend!!

  32. Whatever his reasons for puffing up, it sure made him a cute subject for your photos...can't wait to hear how you liked kayaking (hope it comes/came off and didn't get rained out.)

  33. How perfectly you have interpreted what it has said.

  34. The WT Sparrow is a pretty bird. Your photos are lovely.. Happy Sunday!

  35. One of my favorite sparrows. We have quite a few at the feeders. Really nice photos!

  36. Such a cutie!! They're ready for spring too :-}}
    Sweet of you for your shout out :-}}


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