Friday, October 11, 2013

Quick Clicks and an Update

My dad and I have logged two fishing trips so far; both of them in the same week. Fun, fun, fun! Although I enjoyed my time fishing, I also wished to wander the beautiful fields with my camera.  Out of the corner of my eye I could see small flying things begging to be photographed. I managed to sneak in one photography session on the second day before my dad could protest or do an eye roll.
I *think* this is a checkered skipper

Look at the long tan antenna on this grasshopper! Is he trying to contact Mars?

Loved the detail of the wings and legs. Nature is fascinating!

Update: At the end of September, I was informed that Cracker Barrel did not choose my photo to sell in their stores. They gave no reason, but my liaison told me that they never give a reason for why or why not, but they buy often. She said eventually we will hit upon the right image at the right time. Although slightly disappointed, I was a bit relieved since the image was not one of my favorites. They were kind enough to send me a 10x15 museum wrapped canvas print.

Just a note to all of you who post photos to a site like Flickr: Be sure to use tags! This is how all of my work has been discovered. Even putting the main color as a tag is helpful since some folks are looking for specific colors. The buyer of Cracker Barrel was looking for coral pieces. Hope this information helps someone else!


  1. The butterfly on the lavender flower looks so pretty! Lovely pictures Gail :)

  2. Beautiful macros as usual! and thank you for the tip about tags!

  3. Oh Gail time with your Dad is wonderful. Your photos blow me away every time. Thanks for the tip about the photos I am sure someone could use advice from someone who has done this. Even if you did not get picked this time I KNOW you will you are too good not too. Canvas print is worth it. Hug B

  4. That skipper is beautiful, haven't seen one of those, although yesterday I spotted a red-lined purple skipper but was too far away with my 40mm macro lens. I got a good chuckle out of your comment, "is he trying to contact Mars." Too funny!

  5. Lovely butterfly pics and I personally LOVE that pic of the beautiful birds.

  6. Wow! I have really been enjoying your butterfly shots.
    So much wonderful detail on that grasshopper. I too chuckled at the Mars comment. :)

  7. oh, i like your shot!!! :)

    and i think the grasshopper is a katydid. they're so leaf-like and cool. :)

  8. Interesting stuff about getting your photos purchased. I didn't know any of that. That's ok.

    Hope you have a nice weekend, Gail.

    That butterfly's details were fabulous! Not so much on the grasshoppers. I hate grasshoppers; unreliable devils if you ask me. Grew up with those suckers jumping on me, yuck! I didn't even like the grasshoppers on "A Bug's Life". ickky.

    Tell your Dad to stop rolling his eyes! LOL

    Thanks for the compliments on my red heels and post. (hug) So glad you are BACK!!!!

  9. Love the bird with the red head. Such great shots!

  10. I beg to differ with the person choosing those photos... Your work is superb.

    OH MY GOODNESS on that grasshopper. Look at those hamhocks!!! Great photo!

  11. The Checkered Skipper is beautiful; I love the teal between his wings...Beautiful shots....

    Cracker Barrel's loss....I can't image they could find any shot that would be better than any of yours....

    I know you and your dad both are loving these fishing adventures you are having...Making great memories...

  12. WoW!Beautiful photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  13. Beautiful macros Gail! I love the blue "fuzz" on the butterfly and the katydid has marvellous detail.

  14. Beautiful shots! I haven't figured out Flickr yet..but I have tried three times to get it started. I wish I could put my photos there and load straight to my blog. I'm sure there is a simple way to do that...but if so...I'm sure I would even mess that up!

  15. Wonderful photographs, Gail!
    That's a pretty Skipper.
    It's always difficult to choose between fishing and ... well, anything else!

  16. I think Tex may be right about your grasshopper being a katydid, but what fantastic detail in the photograph. After it contacts Mars with its antenna, those long legs might just carry it there.

    I don't remember the story about Cracker Barrel being interested in one of your photos. But what can I say? I'm old. :)

    Are tags and file names the same thing, or should we use both?

  17. Oh pooh, your photos are always so spot on I am sorry yours was not chosen....obviously they see things differently than me. In my opinion all of your photos are winners. And thanks for the info icw flickr!!

  18. Loving your captures my friend. So sorry to hear you photo didn't get chosen. They obviously don't know what they are doing..


  19. Your photography skills are amazing.

  20. You and your camera are working together well - more fun than fishing (in my opinion). Interesting abut flickr - is that where they found your image?

  21. Gail, I am glad you are having a great time with your Dad! Love the Skipper and Grasshopper shots. The birds in a row is a great shot. Well done! Have a happy weekend!

  22. I'm with you. Seems like no matter where I am or what I am doing, my eyes are on the next shot. Too bad about Cracker Barrel (what do they know, lol) Next time!

  23. Beautiful shots! It pays to always have a camera even if you don't always have a chance to use it. I really like the grasshopper/katydid/whatever-it-is! Nice detail!

    Sorry about Cracker Barrel not using the photo. Unless you're already established in the business, publication can be so difficult and frustrating, but you just have to keep trying. I always tag my stuff no matter where I post it, but I've had far more feedback at 500px than I've ever had at Flickr. I like Flickr and keep both going, but just haven't had much response there.

  24. Such wonderfully detailed shots!

  25. I noticed the name of your blog while reading a comment. Since I am from Louisiana, I had to see what your blog was about. I am from Metairie/Jefferson, Louisiana and grew up in Gentilly. My husband and I moved in 1986 from LA.

    Your blog and photos are beautiful!
    Sheila - WolfSongBlog.Com

  26. LOVE these images. What a glorious gift you have of photo skills Gail!!

    The trio of birds, of course, is my favorite.

    Oh, and yes, I do recall those 'eye rolls' from my father too. But, hey...I bet he is ecstatic to have you by his side.

  27. How cool Cracker Barrel sent you a canvas print! Your photos are always wonderful, Gail.

  28. How cool Cracker Barrel sent you a canvas print! Your photos are always wonderful, Gail.

  29. Well...Cracker Barrel just does not know what they are missing out on. I love your work and I would have made a special trip to CB, to make a purchase.
    Greater things are to come!!
    Blessing, dear friend..

  30. Splendid set of pictures - I like the sparrows / finches on the fence.

    Tags are vital - cant find a thing without them!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne.

    PS; I almost feel well today - thankfully!

  31. Their loss Gail! Keep taggin'; your work is so good, it's bound to be chosen by those with exquisite taste!

    It would also make a great book cover!

  32. I haven't been fishing in it so. My fav is that grasshopper...incredible detail

  33. Love both the fishing posts..this one and the newer and your dad both look so happy, it's a great hobby! wonderful to share time together in such a beautiful place. But please keep taking pictures too! I bet your dad is as proud of you for that skill as he is for your fishing! And I know your sweet husband is too!

  34. Glad you took some time from fishing to capture these. Beautiful!

  35. More great photos!
    Sorry about Cracker Barrel ...
    they will pick yours someday because they are so extraordinary!

  36. Beautiful. Sorry about your photo. I don't use flkr but am glad to hear it is a good menu.

  37. awesome shots...Beautiful moth...but the detail in that grasshopper...WOW!


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