Tuesday, March 31, 2015


UPDATE: A HUGE thanks to Frank for helping me resolve this irritating situation.

In trying to create a new post last night, I somehow changed my blog to another country that I've never even heard of! That's what I get for trying to post when I'm tired. I've been under my profile and everywhere else that I could think of, and there is no selection for USA in any of drop down menus. Oh my dear. Please help if you can. I don't even know what country I'm in right now!

This is what I'm seeing when I go to my profile:


  1. other than language, i don't see any other place to choose your 'place'.

  2. Time Zone, maybe under Language and formatting?

  3. I hope you find yourself (smile), and bring your blog back home to the USA.

  4. Sorry, I wish I could help! I hope you found the answer!

  5. I think it's under setting---> Language and formatting ---> Language - that's where you change to English(Unites states)

  6. Hi Gail ... You need to open your Dashboard page to change the language.

    I've sent a direct e-mail with instructions that should work.

  7. I so hope that Frank can help you get back to the USA... Sorry this happened and I know how frustrating it can be to end up somewhere else from your original intent. Keeping my fingers all crossed for you.

  8. So glad you got that straightened out! I don't have a passport, so couldn't have visited you. ;-) My friend in New Jersey sent me a panicked message a couple of weeks ago: she had somehow changed the language of her Facebook page to one she didn't even recognize. And when she tried to choose English, she couldn't read any directions. Fortunately, I was able to help "right the ship." Welcome back to the USA!

  9. I hope the problems will be solved for you.

  10. Glad Frank was able to sort it out for you Gail :) Looking forward to reading through your posts..

  11. For some reason, this showed up in my email yesterday. I thought it was a new post and was so excited! lol I'm glad I at least get to see your gorgeous photos on Facebook. Merry Christmas, sweet Gail!!!


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