Friday, November 21, 2014

Good Day, Sunshine!

It's hard to believe that on November 2nd I was sweating while photographing winged things at the arboretum, since most of us are experiencing record-setting cold temperatures this week. As I age, it gets harder and harder for my body to retain heat. Thyroid disease doesn't help matters. It took much effort to get off the couch where I was so comfy with my blankets and heating pad to prepare this post. I'm not complaining, mind you. I much prefer the cold to the sweltering heat. But that's just me.

Before we really get into winter and holiday mode, I thought I should share these images.
Gulf Fritillary

Gulf Fritillary

Checkered Skipper

Unknown bee

Unknown insect

If all goes as planned, Bridget and I are set to photograph horses at a ranch not far from town this morning. I'm so glad the frigid temps are starting to abate. I hope it is for you also. Take care and have a great weekend!


  1. Oh your images are stunning as usual I do hope you feel better and warmer soon. Hug B

  2. Stay warm whilst visiting the horses! I feel you on the cold and thyroid disease, yick!!

  3. Amazing catching that one in flight. These are lovely, and I'm sorry to hear winter has arrived for you too. Ours came two weeks ago. Nothing like Buffalo thank goodness, but we still have lots of snow on the ground.

  4. Beautiful....but that 'unknown bee' looks lethal. I don't like extreme heat, but I don't like extreme cold either...I want a happy medium. Not much to ask for now, is it?

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  5. Beautiful shots of the butterflies and other insects!
    Stay warm!

  6. we're back to 'normals'. it was 60 degrees before 8 a.m. this morning. seems odd after such a long 6 days of COLD! :)

    love your insects! that bee or hoverfly or whatever is amazing!

  7. The first picture is so warm looking - does that make sense? :)

    How fun to be photographing horses! Our neighbors had some horses for a while and I enjoyed taking their pictures - they are such magnificent creatures! I can't wait to see your photos.

    Happy weekend, my friend. Stay warm!

  8. Beautiful pictures of butterflies and other insects.
    Colors are sublime.
    Here in the Netherlands it is not really cold.
    I prefer winter, summer is too hot to me.

  9. I agree with you about the cold versus hot, prefer to layer myself as it gives options. As always your photos are gorgeous and you know I cannot hardly wait to see your ranch images..... have a great weekend Gail

  10. I much prefer winter temperatures and indoor warmth. Dress warm for your next photoshoot! Again, your photographs are wondrous!

  11. So cool

    Really enjoyed these

    I HAVE GOT to start getting out with a macro lens. I have to cut the strings to my zoom. Gotta gotta

  12. I am familiar with the orange-colored Gulf frittilary that sweeps through here in the fall. The light colored one is not familiar to me. The close up detail ypu capture is a delight.

  13. Wonderful photos of the butterflies. It is so cold here I probably won't warm up until next summer. Then when it gets above 75 I'll be too hot. Fine line where I am comfortable.
    Have fun photographing the horses!

  14. I think maybe the insect you call "unknown bee" is a type of wasp. Great photos. The bee-wasp looks scary.

  15. I understand not wanting to go out once you are all cozy. I am trying to force myself out once a day in the cold for fresh is frigid here right now and these images are just what I needed...beautiful.

  16. Such beautiful color and variety of butterflies and other insects. It stands out especially to me because it's so rainy where I live today.

  17. Such amazing photos! So beautiful!

  18. That first image is so incredibly beautiful, Gail. The colours.. the focus.. the composition. All very stunning.

  19. Thanks for braving the heat and cold to capture wonderful images for sharing!

    My Atlanta daughter and her girls (well, hopefully both-one came back sick from a school overnight field trip) will be here tomorrow and we're celebrating Thanksgiving! So excited!

  20. Beautiful images, Gail. They make me feel a little warmer.

  21. All of these photos are wonderful but the color in that first one is stunning! Wow!

  22. Such gorgeous colors! We won't see this for a while now. Have fun with the horses!

  23. These are beautiful - we've had some weird bees around here, too. I can't wait to see your photos of the horses!

  24. What a pleasure to see these gorgeous butterflies and interesting bugs/insects. Your photos always have great detail. Can't wait to see the horses.

  25. Oh Gail, these are absolutely fabulous!
    I prefer the cold, so I love the weather we are having now!

  26. Oh sweating...

    Do these critters sweat too?

  27. I am glad to see a summery sunny post here, Gail. Excellent pictures again. I already miss the summer. The first picture is my favorite. Have a nice, not too cold, weekend. Greetings from the Netherlands, Joke

  28. We are getting some temporary relief this week with temps predicted to rise above 14°C/57°F on Monday. However, we might get some freezing rain today. :(

  29. Beautiful shots, Gail. I hope you feel better soon.

  30. Wow!! Stunning shots and so wonderful to see now that the drab and dreary has set in.

  31. Butterflies and Bees....I'm good with the butterflies, but very skeered of bees. Awesome photography!! I am so amazed at the clarity in each of your pictures... If I just had one shot like this, I'd consider myself a Have a great Sunday..

  32. Lovely to see these warm images - a blizzard is brewing here in the mountains of CO. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  33. Wonderful summery images. I love the second photo.

  34. Hello Gail, gorgeous shots of the butterflies and insects.. The last shot is awesome.. Happy Sunday!

  35. The images are beautiful and so, in such a butterfly garden is often very hot.
    I did not know you were sick and had a condition to your thyroid. Much strength Gail. From these pictures, I enjoyed very much.

  36. Gorgeous photos Gail! And HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  37. Gorgeous photos Gail! And HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  38. Gayle these are so beautiful. You are the most amazing photographer.

    I will take the heat over cold any day, but you probably knew that already.

    In fact, we are getting ready to fly south .. I have one more post and after that will just be visiting other blogs as I have time (waiting in airports?).... but just in case I don't get back to you Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving .

  39. Wow - gorgeous shots. That first one is my favourite.

  40. Hi Gail!! I love the photos of these winged critters! I hope you have a beautiful Monday :)

  41. these are just gorgeous!!! I saw in the previous post that your lens is a lot bigger then mine. I may have to change that ;)


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