Monday, August 4, 2014

Garden Visitor

A couple weeks ago this little turtle found his way into my flower bed. After admiring him for a few minutes I ran inside to grab my camera, then remembered some carrot pieces in the fridge. My mama always taught me to offer food and drinks to any visitors. By the way, I offered a cold glass of water to the plumber and he threw in the camera scope for free; a $300 value. He actually told me that was why he did it. Remember that, kids! Anyway, I said to my visitor, "Look, I'll take your photo and here's some carrots. Deal?" Well, he was not impressed. I read later that these turtles are carnivores. Live and learn!

Focus on the eye

Focus on the scaly arm. Wish I could've gotten focus on the eye, too.

"I'm outta here! Buh-bye! Thanks for nothin' lady."

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  1. What a beautiful turtle! Looks like an Eastern Box Turtle.

  2. Nice pics. He does have pretty eyes. Who knew? Meat? So do you suppose he ate the rabbit after beating him in the race?

  3. Maybe she's like me and likes her carrots soft and roasted. :)

  4. Next time you could offer a choice: grubs or lettuce?
    It looks like he has a wee smile on his face. =)

  5. I love these photos! What beautiful creatures.

  6. a carnivore?


    Go figure. Ya gotta assume carnivores as fleet of foot or wing, or fin, orrrr slither....

  7. How cute is that! You have some great shots there, up close and personal! :)

  8. Awesome macros! Details are incredible!

  9. so very sweet. we used to feed our 2 box turtles raw hamburger, cooked chicken, melon, tomatoes, lettuce - and june bugs, when in season. :)

    such cute photos, gail! and i always offer something cold to drink. :)

  10. Great macro shots, Gail.
    The details are absolutely amazing.
    Beautiful turtle.

  11. i have always been a fan of turtles ... they are so cool. love those eyes. what an awesome creature. i wonder what he/she thought of the carrots? too great.

    have a great week! ( :

  12. Nee dat hoefde hij duidelijk niet.

  13. He is a BEAUTY!
    I thought box turtles were omnivores and remember feeding them parsley and kale when I was a child. Mom used to let us bring them home for about 2 days and they we had to release them. Smart, wasn't she?

  14. Hello Gail!:) The detail in your shots is incredible.I love the design on his shell,best seen side and back view, and love that cute little tail!:)I also didn't know that turtles are carnivores.

  15. Hello Gail!:) The detail in your shots is incredible.I love the design on his shell,best seen side and back view, and love that cute little tail!:)I also didn't know that turtles are carnivores.

  16. Oh turtles are weird. I have a love/hate relationship with them. I think they are kind of ugly yet they are a creation I should be grateful for. But I definitely don't like alligators or crocodiles. I know that.

    Yes, Gail the end is in sight. I cannot wait. I have had bad nausea in the past couple of days and I shouldn't at the length of days. I don't want that at all. I haven't barfed once and I am keeping that my goal now more than ever. Sorry perhaps TMI, but tis truth.

    Thanks for being a fun friend. I love my journal. I use it daily. and the killer NYC polish is definitely a big HIT! Many compliment me on it; that being my fam and the hospital and clinic people (that is the only place I go or they {fam} come to me)

    ♥, Renae

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Your photos are amazing! A beautiful turtle - love to see all the details!

  19. So maybe a nip of your finger would be preferred to the carrots?? ;-)
    Wonderful photos.

  20. How blessed you are! I love turtles and would flip if I saw one in my garden! He is a handsome fellow - I didn't know they were carnivores either. The turtles I've seen at the zoo are always eating lettuce :)

  21. What a little cutie pie! Great photos, sweet Gail :)

    Happy Monday!

  22. What a cute little fellow! Nice shots.

  23. Ha, great shots. His face just looks like he's snubbing the carrots (although I think they look good, and it was awfully hospitable of you to offer them!)

  24. Super photos of this handsome turtle Gail. Love the close ups of him. I am sure he appreciated the kind thought of those carrots :)

  25. Beautiful turtle ... your photos are very beautiful. A great comment.

  26. Fabulous box turtle! Some GREAT photos! I'm sorry he didn't want your carrots. :-) But you can send that plumber our way, any day! :-)

  27. Oh I'd like a box turtle in my garden. Unfortunately, they are mostly not urban types.

  28. WOW! I have never had a turtle visit my garden!

  29. He has such a beautiful shell and that face,it seems to be smiling.

  30. Gail, I love your cute turtle friend! Great shots! Enjoy your evening and the week ahead!

  31. Cute little guy! Too bad he passed up a free meal.

  32. That was odd. I had published two exact comments here. Just wanted to see I my comment was here from earlier or if I had commented on a other post. So I took out the duplicate one. I was fearing it would have taken both but it did. whew.

    Just came back to say thank you for your support and hope for me. Yes, it has been all summer but seasons to go by fast {more and more it seems} but this last month is going to be done and I will be ready to hit the camera head on and pose the life out of my thrifty finds.

    August get behind me. Yes!
    ♥, sure love you Gail,

  33. The photos are amazing.

    They do love worms and bugs but I have caught them eating cantaloupe so they can be persuaded to try something new.

  34. Magnificent photography of this turtle who seems to be very expressive ~ great shots for OWT ~

    artmusedog and carol ( A Creative Harbor

  35. He was a cutie!! I do believe that they'll eat lettuce??

  36. hehehe, oh gail, you did good, miss manners would have been proud. next time spend a second with google....they would have told you his favorite treat!!

    with that said, i thought the orange added a nice "pop" of color to the images (oh i'm so silly this morning)!!!

    the images are really beautiful, lots of nice, up close details!!!

  37. I would love a visitor like that...such a bright happy face! Well, that's how it looks to me!

  38. I had them in our yard in Texas and they would chase cherries all across the patio until they caught them. Maybe they looked like meat to them!

  39. My boys raised a snapper once who loved hamburger. But he also chomped on the veggies...:)

  40. Carnivores! REally, I would never have guessed that about turtles. t Beautiful pics. I always wonder why everybody loves turtles while being repulsed by alligators. (I love both myself!) Although I guess turtles couldn't eat me before I could run away!

  41. How lucky were you!! And you captured him/her so well..beautiful.

  42. You are the greatest host!

    Perhaps it is a good thing that your visitor did not accept the generous gift. He/she may have been back later in the week with friends requesting a menu.

  43. Wow! this aren't just photos, to me they're art! I'm a fan!
    Should have tried giving a lettuce, my turtles love it to death..or maybe your finger Ahah!

  44. What a fabulous face he has...smiling ever so smugly!

  45. I need to show this to my sister, she loves turtles!

  46. We all learn from each other mala here on the blogs Gail:-)
    Prachtge nice and clear pictures of this turtle. Beautifully recorded and so unfortunately he did not have roots.

  47. We get them in our yard from time to time too. Of course, we are near a gully and it always seems like it's after the rain.


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