Monday, August 18, 2014

Cat Island, Part Deux

These are the rest of the images from our Super Fantastic Saturday at Cat Island.
Silverleaf Nightshade

Massive Cypress

Bee on sensitive plant. Touch the fern leaf and it will slowly close.

A toad?

Deep in thought as he surveys the expanse of his kingdom.

Great Egret

Great Egret

Please visit the link above
for other birds around the world.
Thanks to our gracious host, Anni!


  1. Oh my....beautiful...absolutely beautiful. The flowers, the cypress, the country road...and the toad and Egret images.

    All so wonderful Gail.

    Thanks, also, for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this week.

  2. Gail love your egret in flight...superb...and the wonderful cypress too...amazing images

  3. Awesome shots Gail!! Love that cypress (one of my favorite trees) and also that toad.

  4. You just did my research for me. I have a photo of silverleaf nightshade that I've been planning to post but I was too lazy to find its name on the Internet!

  5. Nice shots

    I should send you a picture of a wild flower I shot in Oklahoma last week. Never saw that particular wild flower (weed) in any other state.

    It must love OK.

    Happy Monday to you.

  6. A nice variety of nature. Love the cypress tree. Not something we get to see around here. Love the toad surveying his kingdom!

  7. That was wonderful, seeing the great cypress tree and beautiful egret in flight. I always know your photos will be lovely and you always come through. Thank you.

  8. Loving that cypress tree!!
    Beautiful Egret in flight!

  9. The little froggie is cute! Love the huge old Cypress tree and the Great Egret. Your photos are superb! Have a wonderful day, Gail!

  10. Looks like a beautiful place ... that cypress is super impressive!

  11. love the egret in flight! and i think toads are just so darn CUTE! :) beautiful cypress!

  12. Stunning shots - what a great outing.

  13. Fantastic piece of nature you captures, Gail. I can nearly feel the heat and humidity in your photos. I'm more the kind of guy how enjoys lower temperatures and a fresh wind. That's the reason my sweetheart and I usually spend our leisure time at the German or Danish North Sea coast as often we can afford. But this year we had the hottest July ever - with an average temperature of +20,4° C (69°F) - not more.... ;-)

  14. You fill my Monday night with so many beautiful pictures.

  15. Your photos evoked memories of a quick trip to Cat Island south of Pass Christian, MS, when a colleague and I ferried a USDA ant expert to the island to sample resident ants.

    No opportunity to explore. The closest I have come since is a stop at the new location of Pass Christian Books, a business swept away by Katrina in 2005. Their unique new building also houses Cat Island Coffeehouse.

    Where is your cat island?

  16. Amazing photos! Such beautiful blossoms and critters! And those trees ... absolutely gorgeous!

  17. My mom loved those old cypress trees. Great shots of groggy.

  18. My mom loved those old cypress trees. Great shots of froggy.

  19. Cat Island appears of be full of wonderful nature, beautifully captured!

  20. love that capture of the path! Awesome!

  21. Fabulous place to walk around and your photos are gorgeous Gail. I now know what Silverleaf Nightshade looks like. That bee and the fern that curls, fascinating and exquisite shot.

  22. Your photos are really fantastic.

  23. Gail, I'm so glad you visited this place, and with a photog friend, too! I know you found many other wonderful things to shoot, but it occurs to me as funny that you are looking for birds on Cat Island . . .

  24. Looks like a pretty day. That cypress tree is amazing!!!

  25. Beautiful shots. I love those old tall trees.

  26. Spectacular, Gail. You have a good eye for things both up in the air and down at your feet! Spotting that little toad was a feat in itself. Little cutie.
    Not sure how that bee sat still enough for such a clear shot, but wow!

  27. Beautiful shots! I really like the big cypress. Very impressive!

  28. Your comment about the toad made me smile, Gail :) I have an affection for frogs and toads. Still have the book Frog and Toad from my childhood. That egret in flight? well, you literally took my breath away with that one - wow!

  29. Wonderful series, I love the cypress tree. And the cute frog, the egret shot is wonderful. Great post, enjoy your week!

  30. Beauty, beauty everywhere!!!! My goodness, I just wonder how old that cypress tree is...It is huge!! I'm too big of a wimp to trek the places that you go to find such wonderful things to photograph. Great job!!

  31. Gail, feel free to delete this comment once you've read it. In order to follow my blog, try clicking on the double boxes next to the Join this Site box then go from there. I appreciate your visits to my blog and comments :) Let me know if this link doesn't work.

  32. Hi Gail and Happy Monday! Lovely photos, as always :) Your Great Egret in flight is amazing - its wings look so lacy and delicate.

    Hugs to you!

  33. How well you capture these moments! And I love the way you give words to add more value to the pics.

  34. Wonderful photos! Those trees are massive. I love the cute frog.

  35. Oh, great photographs as always☆☆☆ As I can see egrets here, I wish I could capture them flying p;) Your shot of bee with purple flower is amazing♡♡♡

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  36. Truly a wonderful blog to see. The huge Massive Cypress I find really amazing and also later in your blog with the hole in the trunk. Great egret amar also you know to carefully define your path. Your flowers and you also at the macro is wonderful to see:-)

  37. Fabulous captures! Love the egret in flight.

  38. So many great photos here. Loving that forest path photo and the Cypress, so impressive. Also the Egret in flight.

  39. they are all my favorites, period, end of sentence!!!

    if i was forced to pick a would be the bee but they are all really amazing captures!!!

  40. wow! awesome pictures...amazing blog!

  41. Wonderful photos Gail. The path in the middle of the trees seems to be calling out to be explored. So much of the world to see, if we only take the time to do it. Thanks for showing us the flowers, birds, and bees along the way.

  42. What sweet spindly legs that toad has! The open cypress trunk could house a lot of forest fairies. Your photos are just spectacular!

  43. Cute toad shots! And I always love your photos of the egrets!

  44. Deadly nightshade to beautiful egret in flight! Fabulous focus of that bee's wings, too. I really need to go somewhere with my camera. Somewhere!

  45. Love these pics. What a beautiful place! My favorite is the toad pic, especially the thoughtful toad one :)

  46. I am loving your photos! Do you sell them anywhere, like FOAP, etc.? My step-mother is a huge fan of the Pelican and she would overjoyed with some of your work. Shelley in Denham Springs, again :-)

  47. Shelley, thanks so much for visiting my blog! I am not currently selling my images, but it's on my list to do. Please check back soon. :)


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